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This page highlights some of the recent changes made to the TracCloud platform, and how you can utilize them on your own instance. A list of past changes and a full changelog can be found in the tabs above.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to reach out to us on our helpdesk.

Latest posts

2023-01-19 | Consultant Sort Code for Kiosk Login/Logout

If your Trac System is configured to ask for consultant name during visit login or logout, the list will be sorted alphabetically by last name, then first name. A new option has been added to staff profiles named 'Sort Code' which allows you to override this. Consultants are first sorted by Sort Code, then by Last/First name.

This can be found in Other > Listings > Staff > [Your Staff Account] > Sort Code on KIOSK Login.


In the example below, Dave has a Sort Code of "A" while everyone else is blank (processed as "M"). Similarly, Dave could be given "Z" instead to push them to the bottom of the list. "1", "AAA", "_" are also valid options.


2023-01-07 | Custom Kiosk Course Lists

Course Lists can now be linked to Custom Kiosks to determine what sections students are able to choose on login, which allows more flexibility compared to selecting a single section.

Custom Kiosks can be managed by going to Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Log Listing Message,[...] > Custom Kiosk Options. Within your Custom Kiosk settings, you will see the new Course List field available to utilize. More information on Course Lists can be found here.


Course Lists

Course Lists act as assigned sections or specialties in TracCloud, allowing you to determine which courses each of your consultants can assist with, and which courses are available in each center. Course Lists can additionally be assigned to availabilities as a form of section group, as seen towards the bottom of this article.

Creating & Managing Course Lists

To manage your course lists, go to Other > Listings > Course Lists.

This will bring you to the Course Lists listing.

  • Process Specialties allows you to re-scan for new courses that fall under the criteria of these lists. For example, if a list was created for Math 100 courses, but only sections 01 and 02 existed when it was created, you would need to re-scan to add the new 03 and 04 sections. This step is part of the TracCloud semester changeover process.

  • The Hamburger Icon allows you to show all course lists after a search, print the list, or create a new list. Go ahead and click “New Course List” to begin.

After selecting New Course List, we’re brought to the following page, allowing us to name and customize our new list.

  • Name will be what you’ll select when assigning this course list to your centers or consultants.

  • Lock to SysAdmin will prevent non-sysadmin accounts from modifying this course list.

  • Add New Course Item allows us to add a new subject query. We can be as specific as needed here, specifying up to the Subject, Course Number, Section Number, or Term Number, as well as faculty. For example, this allows us to create a course list of all ACTG250 courses, regardless of section/term, or simply all courses for writing center environments.
Each course list item also has additional options, detailed below.
Share will add this item to other selected course lists. More information on this can be found towards the bottom of this article.
Delete will remove this item from the list.
Toggle allows us to include/exclude the queried course(s). For example, you could create a course list of all MATH courses, and then create another Course Item for MATH 204 and set the toggle icon to off . This would result in the list containing all MATH courses except for 204.

  • Add Other Course List allows us to include/exclude the contents of an entire other course list. Consultant course lists (designated with the sequence number in the name) should not be added to other course lists.

As an example, we’re going to create a course list for one of our consultants. This consultant can assist with all Accounting 100 courses, except for section 386. Here’s how we would write that out.

To start off, we’re including all ACTG 100 courses, ignoring section (wildcard), term, and faculty.

At this point, we can manually add another entry for section 386 and click the toggle icon to exclude the course. Alternatively, we can scroll down to view the sections that will be included in this list, where we can see section 386. We can immediately exclude this course by clicking the remove icon on the right-hand side.

Clicking the icon prompts us to choose how specific we want to be with this exclusion. For our scenario, we would select “Remove ACTG 100 386.”

This will add the new item to the list automatically, excluded by default.

Assigning Course Lists to Centers

Center course lists are used to filter availability searches and affect what section options are available when creating availabilities and booking appointments from the dashboard, in addition to consultant specialties. In your Center entry window, you will see the highlighted options below.

Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Centers > [Your Center]

  • Ignore consultant specialties for this center

During the kiosk login or appointment booking process, students are asked what subject they need assistance with. When you select a consultant, the list of available subjects/reasons is restricted based on what the consultant is assigned to. By checking this box, these specialties are ignored, and a student can choose any subject/reason/consultant combination, only restricted by what’s assigned to the center itself. Typically used for writing centers.

  • Course List for this Center

This option controls the courses assigned to this center. If you have a Math center, you may want to assign a course list containing all MATH courses. A writing center may have all sections assigned, etc.

Assigning Course Lists to Consultants

Managing course lists for consultants is exactly the same as centers, with one exception. Consultants have course lists by default. After you create a new consultant account (Other > Listings > Staff > [Consultant] > Scroll down to "Course List of Specialties"). The consultant's default course list will always be the last option in this drop-down menu, even if you haven't created it manually. After selecting their course list, you can click the Edit button to immediately start modifying it, at which point it's exactly the same as described above.


Sharing Course List Items

Another utility available for Course Lists is the ability to share items to other lists, effectively a way to make bulk changes to your specialties by adding or removing sections as needed. For example, if you recently added a non-enrolled course, this allows you to quickly assign it to everyone without editing every list individually.

First, use the selection buttons on the Course Lists listing to choose which Course Lists you want to share an item with.

Second, open a Course List that contains the item you want to share. Click the arrow button on that item, and you will be shown a confirmation window. Clicking "OK" here will immediately add that item to your selected Course Lists.

Availability Course Lists

Another use for Course Lists is as section groups for availabilities. For example, if you have a tutor who is available for MATH, ACTG, and CHEM, but you want to create an availability for MATH and ACTG exclusively, you would need to use a course list. The ability to link course lists to availabilities must be enabled in global preferences first by going to Other > Other Options > Preferences > Search Availability Options > Additional Settings > Allow Course Lists to be assigned to availabilities.

Once enabled, a new search glass icon will be shown in availabilities. You will be able to choose any course list that is assigned to the same profile that the center of the availability is in. Course lists designated as "All Profiles" will not appear in this list.


Reasons/Services allow your staff and students to provide additional information and reasons for booking an appointment. For example, reasons such as “Counseling,” “Study Plan Help,” or “Exam.” This would let the consultants know what the student needs help with, provide preparation details and information as needed, and gives your staff additional information for reports. Reasons can be managed by going to Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Reasons.


The hamburger icon contains several management options, detailed below.

  • Show Activated
This will display globally activated reasons (left-side checkbox).

  • Activate/Deactivate Found Records
Activate/Deactivate reasons in bulk, based on your last search result.

  • New Reason
Create a new reason.

  • Add Multiple Reasons
Create multiple reasons at once, each on its own line.

Creating Reasons

Click on the hamburger button, then select “New Reason” to be brought to the Reason creation menu.


  • Profile
By default, the profile we started creating this reason in will be selected, however, we can change this value or even choose “Available for All Profiles.”

  • Reason
The name of the reason, this will be what’s selected by students or staff during appointment scheduling and kiosk logins.

  • Category
The category this reason is assigned to. More information on this can be found further into this article.

  • Sort Code
Manually specify how your reasons are sorted during login or appointment search. This can be numeric, or you can simply paste your reason name to sort alphabetically.

  • Log Out Method & Visit Time
There are three Methods available.
  • Auto Logout After Time, which will automatically log the student out of the center when the time specified in Visit Time is reached.
  • Auto Logout Immediately will log the student out immediately after they’re logged in and create a visit record of the length specified in Visit Time.
  • Notify Time Expired, which will send out an email based on the checkboxes used when the time limit is reached. The contents of this email will be determined by your 'Visit Duration Notification' email in your Profile Prefs.

  • Inactive
We never recommend deleting records in TracCloud, as this removes them from reports and related records. In the event that you are no longer utilizing a reason, you’ll want to check the Inactive box instead of deleting it to keep the records available and accurate.

  • Work Reason
Work reasons allow consultants to login to TracCloud and track their work hours. This data will then be available to users with appropriate permissions via payroll reports. For more information on payroll tracking in general, click here.

  • Ignore Section Specialties when Searching Availabilities with this Reason
This functions similarly to the 'Ignore Specialties' options in Centers. If a student is searching for availabilities and selects a Reason with this checkbox enabled, they will see all consultants assigned to this Reason regardless of subject chosen. Typically used for Writing or Coaching-related Reasons.

  • Do NOT SHOW for Students (staff only)
If checked, this Reason will only appear for staff who are booking appointments on behalf of students. Students themselves will not see this Reason.

  • Do NOT SHOW for Appointments
  • Do NOT SHOW for Batch Visits
Don’t show this reason under these specific circumstances.

Assigning Reasons to Centers

There are two ways to assign Reasons to your Centers, first is directly from this tab in your Profile. The checkbox button on the right-side allows you to activate/deactivate reasons for the center selected in the top-left corner, or display all activated reasons for the selected center. This can also be used with “All centers” selected, allowing you to quickly add or remove a reason from all of your centers. 785kj4hg3jk75.png

Reasons can also be assigned from your Center directly. From your Profile, click on the Centers tab followed by the Center you want to update. The very last option on this page is 'Active Reasons,' allowing you to add or Remove reasons for this specific Center.

Reason Categories

Categories allow you to group different reasons together. If you have several reasons available, it can be beneficial to group them into categories that staff and students can select when booking appointments.

These Categories will appear followed by “…”, which when clicked will prompt you to choose a Reason within the category.


As an example, a “Placement Assessment” category that contains different assessment reasons for each course. A “Note-Taker” category, “Make-Up,” etc. If you have multiple reasons that would be better grouped together, putting them in the same category allows for improved organization and an easier appointment booking process for staff and students.

See Also

Custom Lists, Dynamic Lists, & Watch Lists

Lists are used to group an arbitrary selection of students together. These lists can be used for a variety of reasons, from simply viewing a set of students, to sending mass emails, running reports, or even limiting a permission group’s student listing access to only a certain population of students. If you want to make a student stand out on the log listing or student listing, assigning them to a watch list is a great way to accomplish this. There are three types of lists in TracCloud, detailed below.

Static List

Static lists are managed manually. If an individual student or a set of students need to be added or removed from a list, they will need to be added/removed by a user with the appropriate permissions. Max appointment rules can also be configured to add students to lists automatically, more information on these rules here.

Dynamic List

Dynamic lists are updated automatically based on a student search. For example, you can search for all students with a major of X and a class of Y, and a dynamic list created based on that search will keep itself up to date as that search result changes overtime. You can even base a dynamic list on a student search for other custom lists.

Watch Lists

A watch list can be based on any custom list, static or dynamic, and adds an indicator next to the student's name in a few different locations to make them stand out compared to students not on a watch list. These otherwise share the same functionality as the custom list they're linked to.

In order for a user to view or edit a student list, the list must be assigned to their permission group. It's also worth keeping in mind that only SysAdmins are allowed to create lists in the first place.

Creating Static Lists from System Preferences

Within your global preferences, you will find the "Custom Lists" menu. This allows you to view the custom lists that have been created in your Trac System, which can be renamed, deactivated ("!" button), or deleted if needed. Deactivated lists no longer appear on the student list/reports, but can be reactivated later if needed. A new custom list can be created by clicking the + icon, only static lists can be created from this menu. For existing dynamic lists, you can view or edit the query by clicking the button.

Other > Other Options > Preferences > Custom Lists


Creating Static & Dynamic Lists on the Student Listing

Managing lists directly from the student listing is also possible and provides you the ability to create dynamic lists as well, which allow you to have an always-up-to-date list of students for any purpose.

Before creating a list, you will almost always start with a search. This can be any search, from entering a student's name in the search bar, to power searches, and even utilizing the "Show These Students" options using the registrations or visits listing as a source. As an example, the power search in the screenshot below would show all students with a Major of “Mathematics” and a status of “Active."


After you've reached the search results page, click on the hamburger icon > Lists, where you will find the following options.


  • Create New Static List
This will create a new static list and assign all students from your current search to itself. This list will not be updated automatically going forward. You will be prompted to enter a name for the list on selection.

  • Create New Dynamic List
This will create a new dynamic list based on your last search (e.g., Major and Status), and will keep itself up to date going forward based on that search. If a student changes majors, they will be removed, if a new student is imported with this major, they will be added, etc. You will be prompted to enter a name for the list on selection.

  • Add these to...
This allows you to quickly add your current selection of students to an existing static list.

  • Remove these from...
This allows you to quickly remove your current selection of students from an existing static list.

  • Find Not On List...
This will further filter your selection of students by those who are not on another list (static or dynamic).

  • Delete List...
This allows you to quickly delete a list from your system.

Beneath these options you will also see all other lists that you have access to. Clicking a list will immediately display those students.

List Categories

Lists can be grouped into categories for further organization. The name of your list should be in the format of Category::List Name. See example below.

System Preferences:

How it appears on the Student Listing:

Creating Watch Lists

To create a new watch list indicator, head over to your global preferences, select "Watch Lists," and click the + icon. This will add a new watch list, clicking on the name lets you rename it, selecting the colored box lets you change the indicator color, and the box next to that determines which custom list this watch list is assigned to. After you’ve given it a name, color, and list, select the right-arrow to control where these indicators appear. Watch list indicator icons refresh daily at 4am, which can be changed here as well if needed.

Other > Other Options > Preferences > Watch Lists


Watch List Indicator Locations

The watch list indicator can be configured to display in various locations throughout the Trac System. Hovering over the indicator also provides the list name.


  • Display on Log In/Out
Displays in the upper-right corner of the login/logout process on the log listing.

  • Display on Entry
Displays the indicator in the top-right corner of student profiles.

  • Display on Listing
Displays the indicator on the student listing.

  • Display on Appointment
This makes the indicator visible during availability searches as a staff member, within appointment entry windows, and in group rosters.
2570477.png 6948413.png

  • Display on Dashboard
This will allow the list to be visible from the staff dashboard, within the “Watch List Students” box. Requires "Show the Watch Lists on Main Menu" to be enabled in the staff member's linked permission group.

  • Display on KIOSK login/out
Displays in the upper-right corner of the login/logout process on the kiosk.

2022-12-08 | Terms and Conditions Response Listing

You can now view a list of students who have accepted your terms and conditions records, including the date of acceptance, active semester, subject, and initials. This can be viewed from your existing Terms and Conditions records in Other > Listings > Terms and Conditions > [Your Terms] > Responses.


Search Availability badges can be used to add information and indicators to availability slots. Each badge can appear for certain conditions, based on center, availability section/reason, location, skills/accommodations, etc.


Click "New Availability Badge" to begin. This will open a form where you can enter the details for your badge.


Manually Linked

Rather than the badge automatically appearing based on certain conditions, these badges appear in a menu to be manually selected on the availability itself.


Name of the Badge. This will not be displayed for students

Availability Type

Drop In, 1-on-1, or Group availability


Assign a specific Staff


Assign a specific Reason


Assign a specific Center


Assign a specific Subject

Special Needs

Select if applicable (more information)


Availability Type; Online, In Person, or Optional


Location of the availability

Once you've decided where the badge is needed and have made your selections from the options above, you can now determine which icon, colors, and info work best for the badge created.
Color: Color of Icon
Icon: Choose from the list or use a custom icon
Info Text: Enter text that will display when users hover over the icon

In the example screenshot above, this badge will only appear on availabilities of staff who have been assigned the “ASL” accommodation and are available in the Learning Center. Once saved, your badge will appear in the profile preferences if you need to edit/delete it later.


Any fields left blank will not be considered for where this badge appears, you can be as specific or non-specific as needed. You can also create as many badges as you'd like, more than 1 tag can appear for the same availability. When students search for an availability, the badges will display to the right of the screen as shown below.


2022-12-03 | Custom Fields on Q2 Raise Hand Menu

Custom Fields can now be assigned to the Q2 Raise Hand form to ask additional questions to your students when they're raising their hand. This question appears for Q2Remote, or when a hand is raised by staff from the Log Listing. The answers to these questions can be viewed on the Q2 queue page by expanding the relevant entry in the list (second screenshot below).

Instructions on configuring Custom Fields in general can be found here.


2022-11-16 | Custom Consecutive Appointment Limit

You can now choose a custom threshold for when consecutive appointments will be blocked. If "Prevent [user type]" is checked and this box is left blank, the default value is 2, meaning students are not allowed to book consecutive appointments. 3 would allow 2 consecutive and block the third.

This option is found in Other > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Time Restrictions > Prevent # consecutive.


2022-11-16 | Cancellation Grace Period

You can now add a grace period for cancellations. If a student books an appointment, and needs to cancel ~5 minutes later, you may not want that to count towards any maximum cancelled appointment rules. If a student cancels within the number of minutes specified here, the appointment will be deleted instead of set to a cancelled status.

This option can be found in Other > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Time Restrictions > Allow cancellation/deletion of new appointment within x minutes.


2022-11-04 | Set a Custom Auto-Cancellation Threshold

You can now change your threshold of missed/canceled appointments to auto-cancel the remainder of an appointment series. This can be found in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Other Schedule Options. If left blank, TracCloud will use the previous default of '2' for both of these preferences.


2022-11-04 | New Auto Termination Options

Additional options have been added to Auto Termination settings to provide better flexibility in how this feature applies to your visits.

There are now two parts of this process. The first, Terminate all still logged in, will only conclude visits that are still in-progress by your Time for Nightly Termination. The second, Auto terminate visits longer than, also applies to on-going visits that meet this criteria, however, this additionally applies to concluded visits. For example, if a user created a 10-hour visit for one of your students, this process will change it back to your defined time.

Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Log Listing Message[...] > Auto Termination.

  • Terminate all still logged in
If enabled, any on-going visits by Time for Nightly Termination will be concluded and set to your defined duration.

  • Auto set these visits time to (minutes)
If an on-going visit is terminated, this is the duration it will be set to.

  • Open visit terminations applies to Work Visits
Also apply the above logic to consultant Work Visits as well.

  • Auto terminate visits longer than (minutes)
This part of the process will also affect concluded visits as described earlier. This should be set to your maximum possible visit duration to prevent accurate visits from being adjusted. Leave this and Auto set visits time to blank to disable this part of Auto Termination.

  • Auto set visits time to (minutes)
This is the duration visits will be changed to in the above scenario. Leave this and Auto terminate visits longer than blank to disable this part of Auto Termination.

  • Time for Nightly Termination
This is the specific time the Auto Termination process runs each day. This process only applies to visits on the current day, so it should not be set later than 11:59pm.

  • Send Email Notification to Student / Center Admin
Toggling these options will send an email to the student and/or center admin letting them know that the student wasn’t logged out.

  • Delete visits waiting (not started)
If a 'Waiting' status visit reaches the auto-termination window, you can choose if it's terminated normally (unchecked) or deleted (checked).

  • Terminations apply to Work Visits
If you would like to also terminate work visits, you can check this box and define a different threshold and adjusted time.

2022-10-06 | New Options for Late Cancellation Notices

If a student attempts to cancel an appointment within the time limit defined by your profile, it will be counted as a Missed appointment. Two new options have been added to your Profile Settings to further customize the behavior of this feature. Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Appointment Status and Management.


  • Status for late cancellation
If left blank, a late cancellation will be recorded as "CANCEL - MISSED" (or your Profile's version of the "Missed" phrasing). You can use this to change the phrasing of this status entirely, but make sure to include the word "Cancel" somewhere in the status otherwise TracCloud will not send a cancellation email or open the time slot for other students.
  • Additional text message for late cancellation prompt / warning
This is an optional additional message that displays to students when they are cancelling an appointment outside of your time restriction. This appears in addition to the standard "This will be marked as missed" notice.


2022-10-04 | Include labels in selected SAGE Reasons/Recommendations

Two new Twig arrays have been added, ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels, which can be used to include labels in your SAGE emails.

The standard Reasons and Recommendations arrays will look like this when sent over email.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in Reasons %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}

ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels will look like this.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}

if statements can also be used to further format the labels.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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