TracCloud: Student Lists

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(Redirected from TracCloudGuideGlobalLists)

Custom Lists, Dynamic Lists, & Watch Lists

Lists are used to group an arbitrary selection of students together. These lists can be used for a variety of reasons, from simply viewing a set of students, to sending mass emails, running reports, or even limiting a permission group’s student listing access to only a certain population of students. If you want to make a student stand out on the log listing or student listing, assigning them to a watch list is a great way to accomplish this. There are three types of lists in TracCloud, detailed below.

Static List

Static lists are managed manually. If an individual student or a set of students need to be added or removed from a list, they will need to be added/removed by a user with the appropriate permissions. Max appointment rules can also be configured to add students to lists automatically, more information on these rules here.

Dynamic List

Dynamic lists are updated automatically based on a student search. For example, you can search for all students with a major of X and a class of Y, and a dynamic list created based on that search will keep itself up to date as that search result changes overtime. You can even base a dynamic list on a student search for other custom lists.

Watch Lists

A watch list can be based on any custom list, static or dynamic, and adds an indicator next to the student's name in a few different locations to make them stand out compared to students not on a watch list. These otherwise share the same functionality as the custom list they're linked to.

In order for a user to view or edit a student list, the list must be assigned to their permission group. It's also worth keeping in mind that only SysAdmins are allowed to create lists in the first place.

Creating Static Lists from System Preferences

Creating Static & Dynamic Lists on the Student Listing

List Categories

Creating Watch Lists

See Also