From Redrock Wiki
This page highlights some of the recent changes made to the TracCloud platform, and how you can utilize them on your own instance. A list of past changes and a full changelog can be found in the tabs above.
If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to reach out to us on our helpdesk.
2025-02-28 | TracCloud features and changes from February 2025
Section class attendance, more workshop improvements, staff dashboard document uploads, and more in TracCloud for the month of February 2025. Our full changelog can be found here.
Section Class Attendance
This new feature allows you to track class attendance for particular sections. Attendance and absences can be recorded by either a staff member with access to section data or by the faculty/instructor assigned to that section from their dashboard. More information about this feature can be found in its own article here.
Even More Workshop Improvements
On top of all the new workshop features added in previous months, there were a few more additions in February.
- You can now batch enroll students in the roster by providing a list of IDs/emails/etc.
- There's a new "Notification to Student at Self-Enrollment" field to provide custom messages to students on the self-enrollment page. This field also supports Twig and allows you to change the message if the student isn't allowed to enroll, along with the reason why.
- If a non-enrolled course is selected, any student can be added to the roster.
- There's a new 'filter' search bar on the roster to find enrolled students.
- You can now search by student email address to enroll students in the roster.
Other Changes
- Staff can now be given the ability to upload documents to their own account via a dashboard widget. This option can be enabled in the 'Center Access' tab of their permission group.
- Page Break option added to the Payroll report, which becomes available if "Show Daily Payroll Hours" is checked.
- There's a new option in Search Availability Widgets that allows you to randomize the sorting of availabilities that take place at the same time, rather than sorting alphabetically.
2025-02-03 | TracCloud features and changes from January 2025
New ways to control appointment visit login timing, a new date range comparison option, resolution info in outstanding appointment requests, and more in TracCloud for the month of January 2025. Our full changelog can be found here.
Restrict Early/Late Appointment Visit Logins
This pair of preferences now also applies to kiosk and log listing logins, allowing to you to control how early or late a student can login for their appointment. If a student tries to login outside of the allowed window here, the visit will be treated like a drop-in and will not be associated with the appointment. Previously, these preferences were only used when TracCloud updated appointments without statuses at your chosen email time (e.g., to find related quick/batch visits).
If you haven't configured these options already, you'll find them in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Emails > Missed Appointment Emails.
Comparison to Previous Year in Date Comparison reports
In Date Comparison reports (Usage Snapshot, Survey Response Rate Comparison), you can now set the secondary time frame to "Comparison to Previous Year." By selecting this option, it will automatically match the above date range from the prior year. For example, if you set your primary time frame to 2025-01-01 to 2025-03-01, then the secondary date range will automatically be set to 2024-01-01 to 2024-03-01.
Other Changes
- Resolved date & time added to outstanding appointment requests and its report.
- There is a new option in Success Plans to continuously resend step reminders every x days until the step is completed.
- The Student Search Availabilities report will now display the number of availabilities the student found in their search results.
- "Receive SMS Alerts" field added to Student Fields report.
- Student ID column added to the appointments listing.
- The resource photo is now shown when a student is reserving a resource.
- You can now search by recurring type (e.g., "Daily", "Optional Daily", "Optional Weekly Chosen", etc) on the availability blocks listing.
- You can now rename the close button in Student Confirm Bio settings, which is an 'x' button by default.
- You can now search by student flag text in most student reports, as well as add it as an additional field to display.
- HH:MM time format added to total visit time in registration records.
2025-01-08 | TracCloud features and changes from December 2024
More workshop improvements, course families, new group permissions, and more in TracCloud for the month of December 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.
More Workshop Improvements
In addition to the improvements made last month, you'll find even more new features and functionality added this month.
- Generate QR codes / links for workshops to allow students to sign up or cancel their enrollment.
- Workshop enrollments now have a status field. Enrollments can be marked as attended, missed, canceled, or blank/enrolled.
- Workshops can now be assigned a maximum enrollment count to prevent too many students from signing up for the same workshop.
- You can now send batch emails to the workshop's student roster. Emails can be sent to all students, students by status, or only selected students.
- SurveyTrac surveys can now be sent to student rosters.
- Workshops can now be manually locked or scheduled to lock on a specific date to prevent further enrollments.
More information on this feature can be found in its dedicated wiki article here.
Course Families / Related Courses
Courses can now be assigned a Related Courses ID. Courses that are part of the same family are linked together, so that when one course is added to a course list, TracCloud can automatically add the rest. More information on this can be found in our Courses article.
Other Changes
- Permission groups can now be configured so that consultants can only edit their own availabilities and/or their own appointments under the "Scheduling" tab, even if they have editing access to the center. This allows for more fine-tuned schedule permissions compared to the existing "Only access own schedule" option which hides other consultants' schedules entirely.
- "Report Unable to Find Appointment" requests can now show additional details about the student, such as contact information, by using Twig tags in the "Student Info Tags" field.
- The dashboard widget for asynchronous appointments can now be renamed in [[TracCloud:_System_Preferences|system preferences under "General Appointment Settings."
- New group permission to allow non-admin staff to create student records, under the "Student / Visit" tab.
- "Appointment Type" (1 on 1, group, drop-in) field added to additional fields in the SFTP Visits/Appointments export.
- Student timeline item for completed SAGE actions reworded to follow format of other SAGE-related timeline items.
- Change Field Values option added to Course Lists listing (for linked profile and active/inactive only).
2024-12-02 | TracCloud features and changes from November 2024
Workshops, new permission group restrictions, new ways to search for students and staff, and more in TracCloud for the month of November 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.
The Workshops feature has been greatly improved in recent updates, adding automated emails, new reports, and a linked consultant/faculty field.
Workshops offers an easy way to track workshop enrollment and attendance. When a student attends a workshop, that action can additionally create a visit record automatically if configured in your workshop settings.
More information on this feature can be found in its dedicated wiki article here.
New Permission Group Restrictions
Within the "Restrictions" tab of your permission groups, you can now disable the student timeline checkboxes that display records such as emails received from TracCloud, appointment search history, and extra details including missed/canceled appointments and exact log in/out times.
Other Changes
- Multiple reasons can now be chosen with the "|" character in Search Appointment Links.
- Wildcard-supported fields in the students listing "Search" menu now additionally support the "|" character for "or" searches. E.g., visits in "Learning Center|Writing Center" rather than requiring two separate searches.
- The Center Visits widget on the student dashboard now shows the total number of visits based on the date range and center/subject filters chosen.
- Resource collateral can now be added as an additional field in the Resources Listing report.
- You can now search the staff listing for "is BIO Confirmed" and "Do Not Show On Schedule."
- The format of student names on the batch visit batch code screen (SI Log List) can now be changed in System Preferences > Consultant CourseLists, TimeCheck, Aliases.
- The favorite reports list will now indicate if the owner of a group favorite report is assigned to a different group than the report itself (i.e., if the user's group was changed after they created the report).
- Asynchronous appointments on the dashboard are now sorted newest to oldest instead of oldest to newest.
- Kiosk QR codes can now be made clickable with an option in Log In/Out preferences.
2024-10-31 | TracCloud features and changes from October 2024
A new custom field type, common listing searches, new ways to group data in reports, and more in TracCloud for the month of October 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.
New Custom Field Type: Info (non-entry)
There's a new custom field type named "Info (non-entry)" which allows you to display non-entry instructions or information in any custom field location. This field supports text-wrapping and text size is between the existing "label" and "header" field types.
Common Searches in Listings
The search history button on certain listings now contains some commonly performed searches for convenient access. More searches will be added to different listings overtime, but you can see them now in the Outstanding Appointment Requests, Tasks, and Assigned Success Plans listings.
Report Changes
- There are three new reports for workshops: Students Workshops Attendance, Workshops Overview, and Workshops Roster.
- You can now group by meeting type (In-Person, Online, Asynchronous) in the Students Visits/Appointments by ?? report.
- You can now group by month in the Visits by ?? report.
- The Students Visits Summary report has a new option to exclude students without visits, include active students without visits, or include all students without visits.
- There's a new report category for "Scheduling" where you'll find several reports that used to be part of the Management category.
- The favorite reports list will now indicate if a favorite report belongs to an inactive staff account.
Other Changes
- There's a new option in reserve blocks to prevent cancellation of overlapping appointment records.
- Success Plan visit steps can now require students visit with their assigned advisor/consultant.
- Notifications can now be disabled for specific permission groups. This option is found under the "Restrictions" tab.
- There's a new "Brief with Save" student form option in permission groups to restrict a group to the "Brief" view while still allowing those staff to save changes to the student record. The existing "Brief" view continues to block saving by default.
- New Twig tag for Success Plan emails, {{SPAssigned.DashboardStatus}}. This will display the contents of the dashboard widget for the related plan, showing their overall progress.
- The Visits/Appointments SFTP export has a new option to keep the single quote character rather than replacing it with "[SingleQuote]" text.
- The terms and conditions field in resource types now supports HTML.
- When logging in for a visit on the kiosk or log listing using Other ID or Other ID2, it will no longer prompt the user to select the student from a list (i.e., it will skip straight to login like regular IDs do).
2024-10-11 | TracCloud features and changes from September 2024
New ways to search for staff records, quick access to processed referral notes, new conditional survey options, and more in TracCloud for the month of September 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.
Search by Subject and Reason specialty on staff listing
You can now search for staff members based on their specialties from the staff listing. You can quickly select these fields by right clicking the search bar and selecting either "SubjectCourse Specialty" or "Reason Specialty". You can then take make use of the other listing utilities with the resulting staff, such as sending batch emails or assigning tasks.
Processed Notes from Referrals Listing
Processed notes from completed referrals can now be viewed from the SAGE Referral Listing, rather than requiring opening individual records or running a report.
Report Changes
- You can now group visits by week in the Visits by ?? report.
- Section custom fields can now be added as additional fields in the SAGE Referrals by ?? report.
Other Changes
- Conditional questions in SurveyTrac can now reference other questions in the same 'or' line. For example, a condition can be "ABC1:Great|Good|DEF2:Yes" meaning question ABC1 must be "Great" or "Good" OR DEF2 must be "Yes".
- The Sections listing now has a "Search active only" filter, similar to the registrations listing.
- The student timeline now shows displays a message informing the user that events beyond 7 days out will not be displayed unless a date is chosen. Only the instructional text is new, the date range filter has not recently changed.
- There's a new group permission to restrict whether or not users can delete SAGE referrals (none, all, or own).
- New "Is here for an appointment" field available in log listing customization to show if the student logged in for an appointment.
- There's a new preference to restrict how late students can reserve resources in system preferences.
- Collateral is now a searchable field on the resources listing.
- Consultant full name added as an alias choice in System Preferences, to allow staff full names to appear during kiosk login.
2024-08-30 | TracCloud features and changes from August 2024
New staff fields, barcodes scanners in batch codes, and more in TracCloud for the month of August 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.
Staff Title and Supervisor
Staff records now have two new fields, "Title or Position" and "Supervisor." The former is a text field allowing any entry, the latter allows you to search for and select another staff account in TracCloud.
Student Barcodes in Batch Visit QR Codes
Barcodes or other scanned/swiped identifiers can now be used during login on Batch Visit QR codes.
Report Changes
- Student email can now be included as an additional field in the Resources report.
- Students Visits/Appointments by ?? report has a new additional field named "Appointment has document," which will show which appointments have a linked document record.
- Section code can now be added as an additional field in the Visits by ?? report.
- The Work Plans report now has center filtering options, which relates to the linked centers of consultants to filter report results.
- Custom fields for Reasons can now be added in Additional Fields to Show in several reports.
Other Changes
- Work plan supervisors can now be any staff member, rather than just consultants.
- The Availability blocks listing now has an "Export CSV" option.
- It's now possible for prospective students to enter their email address during signup.
- If a staff account without a photo is linked to a student account with a photo, the student photo will automatically appear in the staff record. Uploading a photo to the staff account will override this.
- The checkbox to make a document a "Student Dashboard Document" now appears during upload on student records.
- HTML is now supported in the Subtitle Additions field in Search Appointment Links.
- There's a new option in system preferences to allow flag text to appear when hovering over the flag icon with your mouse, "Allow mouse over the flag to show the flag labeled."
- There is now a "Maximum Minutes Per Day" limit in Grade Groups.
- The student confirm bio email sent from kiosk will now include a hyperlink to TracCloud rather than a long URL.