TracCloudWhatsNew2024-12-02 1

From Redrock Wiki

2024-12-02 | TracCloud features and changes from November 2024

Workshops, new permission group restrictions, new ways to search for students and staff, and more in TracCloud for the month of November 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.


The Workshops feature has been greatly improved in recent updates, adding automated emails, new reports, and a linked consultant/faculty field.

Workshops offers an easy way to track workshop enrollment and attendance. When a student attends a workshop, that action can additionally create a visit record automatically if configured in your workshop settings.

More information on this feature can be found in its dedicated wiki article here.

New Permission Group Restrictions

Within the "Restrictions" tab of your permission groups, you can now disable the student timeline checkboxes that display records such as emails received from TracCloud, appointment search history, and extra details including missed/canceled appointments and exact log in/out times.

Other Changes

  • Wildcard-supported fields in the students listing "Search" menu now additionally support the "|" character for "or" searches. E.g., visits in "Learning Center|Writing Center" rather than requiring two separate searches.
  • The Center Visits widget on the student dashboard now shows the total number of visits based on the date range and center/subject filters chosen.
  • Resource collateral can now be added as an additional field in the Resources Listing report.
  • The favorite reports list will now indicate if the owner of a group favorite report is assigned to a different group than the report itself (i.e., if the user's group was changed after they created the report).