TracCloud Report: Students Visits/Appointments by ??

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Students Visits/Appointments by ??

This report will display the Visits and/or Appointments in your system that match the criteria you search by. This data can be grouped by different fields if needed.


  • Centers
Filter report data by center. You can select all centers or only a specific few to narrow down your results. At least one center must be selected.

  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Show Visit Details
If checked, the Subject, Reason, Consultant, and Center of the visit will be included in the results.

  • Show Appointment Details
If checked, the Subject, Reason, Consultant, and Center of the appointment will be included in the results.

  • Show Canceled Appointments
Include appointments that have been canceled in your report results.

  • Group by Student
This option will group individual records by student name.

  • Show Auto Canceled Appointments
Include appointments that were automatically canceled in the report results. More information.

  • Show Totals Bar Chart
Adds a visual bar chart of totals to your report data.

  • Show Deleted Appointments
Include appointments that have been deleted (i.e., have a status of "Canceled - Deleted") in your report results.

  • Show Summary
Only show data totals, excluding details of individual records.

  • Show online locations specifically
If unchecked, the 'Location' for online Appts/Visits will be displayed as simply 'Online.' If this option is checked, it will display the specific online location (e.g., '').

  • Apply Dates to Appointment Last Modified
Your time frame choice is in reference to the date of the appointment that was booked. By checking this box, you will instead search for appointments that were last modified in the date range you provide.

  • Time Format
This determines the format of duration, a 90-minute session could display as 1.50, 01:30:00, or 01:30.

  • In-Person/Online
Filter the data in this report to only include In-Person or Online records. Defaults to All.

  • Search Appointment Status
Only show results for a specific appointment status.

  • Special Needs / Skills / Accommodations
Only show results for a specific Need/Skill/Accommodation.

  • Group by
Group records by the selected field. Some reports allow you to add secondary and tertiary groupings as well.

  • Search Group
Filter results based on your search in this group. For example, if you're grouping by Student Major, you can put 'Mathematics' in this field to only show students assigned to that Major.

  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.

  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;

  • View by Visits or Appointments
This is one of a few reports in the system that can be generated using different methods. View by Visits will search for Visits first, and can also display information about related Appointments. View by Appointments will do the opposite.
As a real-world example, if Sam Smith has a missed appointment (i.e., no visit record), that information won't display if you View by Visits, but it will if you View by Appointments.

