TracCloudWhatsNew2024-07-31 1

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2024-07-31 | TracCloud features and changes from July 2024

Conditional survey questions, searching availabilities by center and consultant, new report options, and more in TracCloud for the month of July 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.

SurveyTrac Conditional Questions

Set a condition so that this question only appears if a different question was answered in a particular way. Uses the UID of other questions. For example, if the condition was set to "ABC1:Great", this question would only appear if the answer to ABC1 was "Great." Multiple potential answers can be separated by a | character (ABC1:Great|Good) and you can set conditions for multiple fields on separate lines.


Main Topic

Choose center and choose consultant on search availability


Email Consultants via Visits by ??

The Visits by ?? has a new option to send the resulting visit information to each consultant, with only their own visits. This is the consultant equivalent of the Visits by Faculty and Subject report.

Report Changes

  • You can now search for reports and filter out group favorites in the favorite reports menu.

  • An option to only show section specialties for active registrations has been added to the Consultant Specialties report.
  • You can now filter visits by section custom fields in the additional search of most visit reports.
  • .

Other Changes

  • There is now a resource return confirmation email that can be sent to the user who checked out the item upon the item's return. This can be found in your profile email preferences.
  • The Visits/Appointments SFTP Export has a new option to include visits that were last modified in the number of days chosen, rather than strictly visits that took place in that range.
  • "This Week" and "Last Week" date range options added to Status Charts.
  • Student sequence number now appears in the top-right corner of student records in addition to ID number.