TracCloudWhatsNew2024-05-31 1

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2024-05-31 | TracCloud features and changes from May 2024

New custom fields options, stacked availabilities, resource reservations, and more in TracCloud for the month of May 2024. Our full changelog can be found here.

Custom Fields Groups

Custom fields "Groups" can now be created to group other custom fields together. This can help in highlighting certain custom fields or to record multiple values with Repeating group values. More information on custom fields groups can be found here.

Other custom field changes

  • Custom fields have moved to their own listing in Other > Other Options > Custom Fields, making it easier to search for and manage your custom fields.
  • Custom fields can now be assigned to availabilities, which will appear under the 'Notes' tab.
  • Custom fields can now be assigned to documents.
  • Pop-up field custom field type

Stacked Availabilities

You can now create stacked availabilities to easily build schedules across multiple centers. In the top-right corner of your availability, choose "Stacked Availability" and select the centers you want to copy the availability to and which fields should not be shared across all availabilities in the stack.

Resources Reservations

Students can now be given the ability to reserve resources for later checkout. Multiple reservations can exist at once, and TracCloud will automatically prevent reservations from having conflicting dates. Automated emails can also be sent to remind students of their pickup and return times. Details on using resource reservations and resources in general can be found here.

Other Resource Changes

  • The resource checkout menu can now be changed to full screen, allowing the window to remain open between checkouts.
  • Resources have a new length of checkout option for "Arbitrary Due Date." This will prompt the user checking out the item to manually enter a due date.

  • The resource image will now be displayed while checking out a resource to a user.

Custom View Restrictions

Custom views can now be used as default views on listings or exclusive views on listings.

Documents Report

The Documents report, found in Reports > Management, will display a list of uploaded documents with information about the file sorted by file name, assignee, date, document type, or who it was posted by. Click here to learn more about this report.

Other report changes

  • You can now search by student other status in most student reports.

Other Changes

  • SurveyTrac has a new question type that allows a recipient to upload a document as their response.

  • SysAdmins can be given the ability to save records without filling out required fields in the 'Restrictions' tab of the SysAdmin permission group.

  • Faculty can be given the ability to view and assign tasks from the dashboard.

  • Students can be given the ability to upload their own photo via confirm bio (disabled by default).

  • Creating a new center now automatically adds it to your permission group.