TracCloud: System Preferences
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System Preferences
This is the first menu in your "Global Preferences" containing options that affect all profiles. "System Preferences" contains various options like your system theme, withdraw codes, default statuses and schedule views, alias formats, and more. You can find these preferences in Other > Other Options > Preferences > System Preferences
System Preferences
- Center Name
- Center Email
- Effectively a fallback email address. If an email needs to be sent, but the account/profile doesn’t have an email address configured, this will be used instead.
- Effectively a fallback email address. If an email needs to be sent, but the account/profile doesn’t have an email address configured, this will be used instead.
- Name for your Client
- Determines the phrasing of clients in TracCloud, “Student,” “Tutee,” “Client,” etc.
- Determines the phrasing of clients in TracCloud, “Student,” “Tutee,” “Client,” etc.
- Colors
- Image
- Upload your campus logo here. This will display faded into the background of TracCloud.
- Upload your campus logo here. This will display faded into the background of TracCloud.
- Main Login Instructions
- This text appears on the local account login screen for your Trac System. This can be ignored if you don't use local accounts.
Withdraw Codes and Statuses
- Withdraw Codes
- This is where you can specify the withdrawn/dropped statuses for student enrollments. During the import process, if a student’s registration contains one of these codes, the enrollment will be deactivated. Withdraw via Which Field determines where the drop code is stored/imported, grade or registration status.
- This is where you can specify the withdrawn/dropped statuses for student enrollments. During the import process, if a student’s registration contains one of these codes, the enrollment will be deactivated. Withdraw via Which Field determines where the drop code is stored/imported, grade or registration status.
- Keep Enrolled Codes
- This is the opposite of Withdraw Codes. Any values entered here will be set to active during the import process.
- This is the opposite of Withdraw Codes. Any values entered here will be set to active during the import process.
- Deactivate when not imported
- Deactivates registrations in the event that they’re not found in the most recent import file. This overrides "Keep Enrolled Code," a registration with an active code will still be deactivated if it's not being imported.
- Deactivates registrations in the event that they’re not found in the most recent import file. This overrides "Keep Enrolled Code," a registration with an active code will still be deactivated if it's not being imported.
- Deactivate after x Days not Imported
- This is an optional buffer that can be used in combination with Deactivate when not imported. By default, registrations will be deactivated when they were not provided in the current day's files. This preference can be used to add a buffer for when the registration will be set to inactive, e.g., 5 days after it was last imported.
- This is an optional buffer that can be used in combination with Deactivate when not imported. By default, registrations will be deactivated when they were not provided in the current day's files. This preference can be used to add a buffer for when the registration will be set to inactive, e.g., 5 days after it was last imported.
- Appointment Statuses
- These statuses are used when a profile doesn’t already have appointment statuses defined.
- These statuses are used when a profile doesn’t already have appointment statuses defined.
- Cancellation reasons a student can choose from
- Student cancellation reason required
- If checked, a student will not be able to cancel without providing a reason (written or from the preset list above).
- If checked, a student will not be able to cancel without providing a reason (written or from the preset list above).
- Calc Missed Appointments Since
- Calculate total missed appointments since this date, used for blocking students from booking appointments if they’ve excessively missed past appointments. This preference is only used if the profile doesn’t already have a Calc Missed Appointments Since value defined. Automatically Use Term Start can be used if you'd like to use the start date of your semester instead.
- Calculate total missed appointments since this date, used for blocking students from booking appointments if they’ve excessively missed past appointments. This preference is only used if the profile doesn’t already have a Calc Missed Appointments Since value defined. Automatically Use Term Start can be used if you'd like to use the start date of your semester instead.
General Appointment Settings
- Default Online Options
- When an appointment/availability is designated as Online, you’re provided the option of choosing a URL for the appointment to take place in. This would typically be the consultant’s assigned static link (found in their profile), but you can also have a few preset options as defined in this field. This could be used for breakout rooms, or placeholder URLs with example session IDs. This is additionally used for the Whiteboard and Q2 modules, if applicable.
- Text to display when appointment is In Person / Online / Asynchronous
- Keep physical Location for online visits (not recommended)
- If checked, for online optional availabilities, when a student attends an online session, the in-person location will carry through to the visit record rather than the online location. This option is almost always disabled except for very specific use-cases.
- If checked, for online optional availabilities, when a student attends an online session, the in-person location will carry through to the visit record rather than the online location. This option is almost always disabled except for very specific use-cases.
- Default start time on calendar and number of hours to show on calendar
- Default start day to show on calendar
- This determines what day of the week is shown first on the staff schedule view. This can be overridden by individual staff like the above calendar time option.
- This determines what day of the week is shown first on the staff schedule view. This can be overridden by individual staff like the above calendar time option.
- Default sticky drag minutes
- When you click and drag an availability/appointment on the staff schedule, it will snap to 15-minute increments by default. This is so you don't end up with availabilities running from 9:01 to 9:56am, for example. This preference allows you to change those increments. Start time minutes affects your initial click (before you start dragging the time slot), while Duration minutes affects the length of the block that you create. This can always be overridden within the availability options.
- When you click and drag an availability/appointment on the staff schedule, it will snap to 15-minute increments by default. This is so you don't end up with availabilities running from 9:01 to 9:56am, for example. This preference allows you to change those increments. Start time minutes affects your initial click (before you start dragging the time slot), while Duration minutes affects the length of the block that you create. This can always be overridden within the availability options.
- Allow students to see cancelled appointments on dashboard
- Cancelled appointments are not shown to students in their Upcoming Appointments menu by default. Enabling this option changes that, including cancelled appointments in the list. If enabled, you may need to make an adjustment to your Upcoming Appointment Preferences as described, otherwise there will be no visual difference between an upcoming and a cancelled appointment. This is included in the default appointment display out of the box.
- Cancelled appointments are not shown to students in their Upcoming Appointments menu by default. Enabling this option changes that, including cancelled appointments in the list. If enabled, you may need to make an adjustment to your Upcoming Appointment Preferences as described, otherwise there will be no visual difference between an upcoming and a cancelled appointment. This is included in the default appointment display out of the box.
- Default view for students/consultants on dashboard
- Both of these user types can view their upcoming and past appointments on the main menu. This option determines the default setting of this widget, showing the current day's appointments, the week, or list (which allows them to continuously load future appointments). Regardless of which option is chosen, users will still be able to manually choose any of these three options.
- Both of these user types can view their upcoming and past appointments on the main menu. This option determines the default setting of this widget, showing the current day's appointments, the week, or list (which allows them to continuously load future appointments). Regardless of which option is chosen, users will still be able to manually choose any of these three options.
- Allow students to view accepted Terms and Conditions on dashboard
- If checked, students will be able to view any terms and conditions that they've previously accepted.
- If checked, students will be able to view any terms and conditions that they've previously accepted.
- Asynchronous Appointments name override
- Choose your preferred phrasing for asynchronous appointments to display on the student and staff dashboard. If left blank, the default is "Asynchronous Communications".
- Hide student login from class roster list
Consultant CourseLists, TimeCheck, Aliases
- Lock Course Lists to Consultants
- This effectively puts all Course Lists in a "Lock to SysAdmin [or other staff admin]" state, preventing Consultant-type accounts from making further changes.
- This effectively puts all Course Lists in a "Lock to SysAdmin [or other staff admin]" state, preventing Consultant-type accounts from making further changes.
- Allow Consultant Time Check on Dashboard
- Allows staff members to view a Time Check-style menu on their dashboard, showing a quick summary of their recent work visits. If enabled, you can also choose the number of weeks shown in the Time Check window.
- Allows staff members to view a Time Check-style menu on their dashboard, showing a quick summary of their recent work visits. If enabled, you can also choose the number of weeks shown in the Time Check window.
- Activate Consultant Enter Notes on Work Visit Log Out
- If checked, consultants will see a pop-up asking them to enter notes when they log out of their work visits.
- If checked, consultants will see a pop-up asking them to enter notes when they log out of their work visits.
- Prompt for enter work visit notes on conclusion
- If the above option is enabled, this allows you to add custom text above the notes field if additional instructions are needed.
- If the above option is enabled, this allows you to add custom text above the notes field if additional instructions are needed.
- Consultant Alias Format
- If your Profile is set to use Consultant Alias rather than full name, this preference determines the format of that Alias. The default value of 'Use Consultant Alias Field' will use each consultant's personal 'Alias' value, or generic 'Consultant' phrasing if blank. You can also use other automatically generated options, such as First Name Only, First Initial Last Name, etc. This preference also affects the consultant name format during kiosk login regardless of your profile configuration.
- (First Name Last Initial pictured below)
- SI Log List Student Name Format
- This option determines how student names are formatted in the batch visits batch code screen.
- This option determines how student names are formatted in the batch visits batch code screen.
- Activate Location Filtering
- This will display each consultant's assigned location next to their name in parentheses on the staff schedule.
Availability Entry, Listing Custom Fields, Tip of the Week
- Activate Save And Split button for Availabilities
- Adds a new option on Availability Entry allowing you to split your single block (e.g., 9 to 12, 60 minute times slots) into multiple blocks (9 to 10, 10 to 11, 11 to 12). This is typically left disabled unless you specifically need to manage individual time slots after creating your schedules. If this option is enabled, Show warning message regarding this feature not recommend will change the phrasing of the option in availability entry to show that it's not typically recommended.
- Ignore Missed Appointments when using the Move Appointment function
- If checked, availabilities with overlapping missed appointments will be shown in search results when a staff member attempts to move an existing appointment. If this behavior is desired, you may also want to modify "Allow move appointment to earlier time" in Search Availability Options > Additional Settings so that the moved appointment can keep the same start time as the availability even if it's over by a few minutes.
- If checked, availabilities with overlapping missed appointments will be shown in search results when a staff member attempts to move an existing appointment. If this behavior is desired, you may also want to modify "Allow move appointment to earlier time" in Search Availability Options > Additional Settings so that the moved appointment can keep the same start time as the availability even if it's over by a few minutes.
- Registration Listing Custom Fields
- If a Custom Field is selected here, it will be displayed as an additional column on the Registrations Listing and Student Registrations pages. This is typically used for custom fields like midterm grade.
- If a Custom Field is selected here, it will be displayed as an additional column on the Registrations Listing and Student Registrations pages. This is typically used for custom fields like midterm grade.
- Certification Listing Custom Fields
- If a Custom Field is selected here, it will be displayed as an additional column on the consultant certifications page. This is typically used for custom fields like certification course.
- If a Custom Field is selected here, it will be displayed as an additional column on the consultant certifications page. This is typically used for custom fields like certification course.
- Show Tip of the Week
- If enabled, SysAdmins will receive occasional newsletters on the dashboard providing information about various TracCloud features.
Resource Management
- Choose to Block Students on List
- Show resources widget on the student dashboard
- Allow students to reserve a resource via the dashboard
- Expands the above functionality to allow students to reserve resources for themselves.
- Expands the above functionality to allow students to reserve resources for themselves.
- Maximum # outstanding reservations overall
- How many total outstanding reservations can a student hold for your resources?
- How many total outstanding reservations can a student hold for your resources?
- Maximum # outstanding reservations for one resource
- How many total outstanding reservations can a student hold for a single resource?
- How many total outstanding reservations can a student hold for a single resource?
- Maximum # of days for an individual reservation
- How many days can a student reserve a resource for? For example, allowing the student to reserve the resource from the 11th of the month to the 17th, but no longer, would mean this preference needs to be set to 7.
- How many days can a student reserve a resource for? For example, allowing the student to reserve the resource from the 11th of the month to the 17th, but no longer, would mean this preference needs to be set to 7.
- Minimum time needed (days hrs:min) prior to reservation
- Choose the minimum amount of time in advance needed in order to reserve a resource. This is to prevent students from reserving items in the very near future.
- Choose the minimum amount of time in advance needed in order to reserve a resource. This is to prevent students from reserving items in the very near future.