System Prefs

From Redrock Wiki

    The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.

New, easy to use interface
TracCloud features a modern, easy to use, and mobile-friendly interface, allowing you to easily find and manage your data as you need. Students, staff, and faculty will have a much easier time navigating through the system and accessing the data they need. The new dashboard offers many easy to access widgets to view and manage your data.

New Features
Export almost any report into Excel. Static and dynamic QR codes for touchless-kiosk environments. Unlimited custom data fields in student records, visits, appointments, and more. Customizable views of listing pages. Student timelines. Twig and HTML-supported emails and system messages. Customizable log listing and kiosk views. Center descriptions. New reports. Student success plans as a new module, along with work plans for staff. The full list of changes couldn't fit in this article, and more is being added all the time. Relating to the schedule specifically, you'll find a new appointments listing, availability badges, custom search appointment links and QR codes, unlimited customizable max appointment rules, asynchronous appointment support, and more.

With Twig support, you can personalize system messages, upcoming appointment lists, emails, and more based on the users who are viewing/receiving them. From simple changes like greeting the user by name to completely changing an email based on if the related appointment was in-person or online, in a certain center, for a certain reason, even if a certain custom field in the student's profile has a specific value. This extends to the log listing and kiosks as well, where you can add or remove fields, rearrange the data that's displayed, and add custom formatting with HTML and Twig.

Rewritten from the ground up hosted on AWS, using a MySQL database, TracCloud is faster in every way. This performance increase compared to Trac 4.0 can be noticed throughout the entire system, with reports being especially improved. Even the biggest reports in TracCloud load within a few seconds.

Migrate Existing Data
Migrate your existing data from Trac 4.0, allowing you to pick up right where you left off. We'll work with you to plan out your migration, coordinating with your IT, and training your system administrators to get you started in TracCloud.

Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo!

System Prefs
System Prefs contains several global system preferences, including mail server settings, student permissions, document types, and many more specific settings organized by category.

System Prefs

The defaultProfile setting determines what profile view will be displayed for the Default Login Screen, the Students, and the Faculty that use your Trac system. The Default Login Screen is the same for all Center Profiles and Subcenters within your Trac application, so the defaultProfile sets the view for the screen. The Students and Faculty are not created within a profile so they are not related to a specific profile and need this setting to determine what profile view they will see.

KIOSK Mode uses a larger font and hides the announcements area.

Entering KIOSK Mode opens new window.

Mail Settings
The Mail Settings preference contains several important configuration options in regards to email capabilities of your Trac system. The Mail Server Address can be set here, as well as your mail server Email Address. You can choose to send emails for missed appointments as well as emails for Terminated Visits (See Center Profile Prefs: Log in/Out – Auto Terminate).

The MAILSERVER setting enables your Trac application to use your college or university mail server to send emails. This is the preferred method to send emails from your Trac application. Your mail server must be set up to accept anonymous mail relay from the Trac server in order to use the MAILSERVER function. This may be an IP Address or a DNS assigned to your mail server. By default, the connection to the mail server is on port 80. If your mail server requires a different port, then append the port number to the IP or DNS address with a colon (i.e.

Campus Information

The campusColorData allows you to set up the color scheme for your Trac application. The colors of the title bar, the title text, the window background, and the window drop shadow are all set from this setting.

The CampusName appears in the upper-right corner of the Trac system under the school banner. This is a global name for all users across all profiles. Typically the name of your college or university is entered here because it applies to all profiles.

The CurrentTerm is required when importing your student registrations. This setting allows your Trac system to identify which registrations are currently active for your students. The CurrentTerm setting must be entered in a numeric format. Each new term must have a higher numeric value than the previous semester. The Trac application can identify the old registrations because their term codes are less than the CurrentTerm. Future registrations have a term code greater than the CurrentTerm. If your college or university only uses an alphanumeric term code, then you can work with Redrock Software Corporation on a translation for your terms.

The FundDefinitions setting is used to set up a Fund Code report. This is commonly used to establish the definitions of a Perkins report.

The HTML:NoAccessMsg is displayed to users that attempt to log in to your Trac system but are unable to access the system. This might be because they do not have the correct username and password or might be due to incorrect access privileges. The message can be formatted with HTML tags to customize the style, color, or size of your message. You can include links to other pages or an email for assistance.

Login Instructions
The Login Instructions contain settings that control the Log Student window used to sign students in and out of visits. The size of the box, instructions to sign in, and custom sign in procedures can all be setup through the Login Instructions.

The LoginLinkData setting controls a Campus and Redrock info boxes on the Default Login Screen. The boxes can be displayed or hidden and the text of the info boxes can be customized.

The Main Menu for Consultants can contain a custom tab. This setting allows you to enable the tab, name the tab, and provide content for the tab.

The Main Menu for Faculty can contain a custom tab. This setting allows you to enable the tab, name the tab, and provide content for the tab.

The Main Menu for Students can contain a custom tab. This setting allows you to enable the tab, name the tab, and provide content for the tab.

The Main Menu for Users can contain a custom tab. This setting allows you to enable the tab, name the tab, and provide content for the tab.

The MessageTypes setting is used to list the types of messages that can be used to create messages in the student record. The type Student Msg and MESSAGE are default types used by the Trac application and should be included in this list of message types. These message types can then be assigned to groups to specify which types of messages they can create and view in the student message history. (See Chapter 4: Groups > Assigning Subcenter Privileges – Center Access)

The Trac Navigation search be used on the Log Listing.

Order the Reason Listing in the Center Profile by Active and then Inactive reasons

Override the sound file for notification that a student is waiting to see you (leave blank for default sound), expected format: snd/fileName.mp3

The SCRIPT:FacultyMain setting is used to create customizations on the main menu for faculty. This might be a custom message or script that is executed.

The SemesterEnd is the ending date of the current semester. The date is entered in MM/DD/YYYY format. The SemesterEnd date is used to determine the date range for ‘This Semester’ when performing searches or running reports. Choose, or enter, ‘This Semester’ to automatically use the SemesterStart and SemesterEnd dates.

The SemesterStart is the beginning date of the current semester. The date is entered in MM/DD/YYYY format. The SemesterStart date is used to determine the date range for ‘This Semester’ when performing searches or running reports. Choose, or enter, ‘This Semester’ to automatically use the SemesterStart and SemesterEnd dates.

The StatusCrossTabDefault setting is used in conjunction with the Appointment Status CrossTab report. The statuses are just the defaults for the report. When running the report, other statuses can be entered for the report. You can use the @ symbol for the wildcard in the statuses, such as @Cancel@ for any appointment status with the word cancel in it.

Student Data

The BARCODERULE is utilized when a script is required to utilize your barcode scanners or magnetic strip card readers. Most barcodes and magnetic strips contain extra data or characters beyond the Student ID. When the card is scanned or swiped, the extra characters must be stripped from the result of the scan. Most card readers will come with software to customize the scanner so it removes the extra characters and only sends the ID portion of the scan. That is the preferred method to work with card eaders, however, not all readers have software to pull just the ID. In that case, you will need to contact Redrock Software Corporation to work on a script to pull the ID out of the full scan. You will need to provide a text file of a sample scan and identify which portion of the scan is the ID.

The CustomStudentFields contains settings to name and provide choices for each of the 9 custom student fields.

The CustomStudentTabs allows for setup of up to 3 custom tabs that appear on the Student Entry Screen. You may also name up to 3 custom sub-tabs that appear in the General Info tab of the Student Entry Screen. Additionally, you may name up to three sub-tabs that appear on the Student History page. The content is determined by the customized text stored in campus.xml (contact Redrock Software Corporation for customizations) and the security is defined in the group security options.

The CustomStudentTabs allows for setup of up to 3 custom tabs that appear on the Student Entry Screen. You may also name up to 3 custom sub-tabs that appear in the General Info tab of the Student Entry Screen. Additionally, you may name up to three sub-tabs that appear on the Student History page. The content is determined by the customized text stored in campus.xml (contact Redrock Software Corporation for customizations) and the security is defined in the group security options.

The DEGHREEINFO setting is customized for specific installations of the Trac application.

The formatID setting provides a method for setting the number of digits and adding characters to the student ID. If your IDs are a full six digits and there is a student ID of 12345 then enter your preference as 000000. The six zeroes will force all six digits to display, including the preceding zero. This preference should be used carefully, however, because the formatting might not be entered correctly for your IDs and could then display your IDs as >>>>>>> if the IDs and formatting do not match. For example, if we enter the preference with six zeroes, 000000, but one student has an ID of 1234567, then this student ID could not be formatted according to the rule. You can prevent this by entering a # symbol for digits that you would like to allow to display but not force. So, again using our same example, you could enter the preference as #000000. This would force six digits and allow up to seven digits. The ID 12345 would display as 012345, the ID 123456 would display as 123456, and the ID 1234567 would display as 1234567.

If you would like to override standard Male/Female choice, enter choices like M|Male(ret)F|Female(ret)U|Unknown

The SCRIPT:BarCodeSearch is a secondary option to the BARCODERULE that is only used if the barcode cannot be handled with the BARCODERULE setting.

SMS Defaults for Students
The SMS Defaults are used in conjunction with the Text Alerts Module (if purchased and active).

The StandardStudentFields setting provides options to set up the choices for the standard student fields.

The StoreStudentPass setting is required to be YES if students will be logging into your Trac application with a password locally stored in the Trac application.

The StudEditInfo setting provides a method to allow or prevent student access to edit their bio in the Trac application. If set to YES, then a link is available for the students to click on to edit their bio.

The Student Access Preference controls student access to certain functionalities within your Trac system. As the Student group differs significantly from other groups in Group Access, the majority of the access level for the Student group can be handled here within the System Prefs. Functionalities for the student group include the abilities to:

  • Edit Bio from Main Menu
  • Book appointments
  • View own visits
  • View full name of Consultants
  • Browse Resources
  • Post documents
  • Control Access based on Center Status (banned, etc)

The StudentPhotos are set up with three settings: naming, extension, and display. For the Photo naming, there are a couple of basic options. Your photos can be named as the Student ID, Barcode, or internal Sequence number. Any other naming will have to be defined in a custom script that you would need to work out with Redrock Support. For the photo extension, you must include the period in the extension name. .JPG is the default and most common value. For the photo orientation, the options are Tall or Wide in a 3:4 or 4:3 ratio. When using these settings, the Trac application uses the default location for the photos. The default location is a Photos folder in the application installation directory (i.e. C:\*Trac\Photos). Place the student photos in this folder with the correct naming and extension, and they will automatically appear for the students based on your settings. If you need to input more advanced settings, then you will need to work out the details with Redrock Support.

Schedule Prefs

The SubjectCodeLength setting is utilized specifically for subject-based group appointments. This allows you to specify what portion of the SectionTerm code is the subject used for matching the students that join a group session. For example, you may have a MAT200 course with sections 01, 02, 03, and N1 for the term 201008. These could be identified as:

  • MAT200-01 201008
  • MAT200-02 201008
  • MAT200-03 201008
  • MAT200-N1 201008

A group availability for four people could be set up with the # symbol for the subject with a tutor that specializes in the MAT200 sections. Now, when a student books the first slot in the group appointment for MAT200 01 201008, the entire group is now set for the MAT200-01 201008 section. The SubjectCodeLength setting allows you to determine that the groups will match at a subject level by the value entered in the preference. If a number is entered, then your Trac application will match the subject at that specific number of characters. So, following the example, if the SubjectCodeLength was entered as 6, then MAT200 would be the matching Subject. This would allow students enrolled in all sections of MAT200 join the same session. If a character is entered, then your Trac application will match the subject at the location of the specific character. So, following the example, if the SubjectCodeLength was entered with the hyphen (-), then MAT200 would be the matching Subject. This would allow students enrolled in all sections of MAT200 join the same session. If the SubjectCodeLength is not utilized, then students in a group appointment set up with the # symbol will have to be enrolled in the same specific section.

Visit Prefs

When creating visits through the Batch Entry methods, the default duration of the visit is determined by the setting, DefBatchVisitDur. It can be changed from the time entry fields.

When manually creating a visit through the Quick Entry screen, the default duration of the visit is determined by the setting, DefQuickVisitDur. It can be changed from the time entry fields.

Document Posting

The various files extensions that are allowed for uploading.

Document Posts are stored on your server in a PostFiles folder in the Trac installation directory. The DOCPOSTSINSUBDIR setting allows your files to be organized into subdirectories within the PostFiles directory. The subdirectories can be named by student sequence number, ID number, Barcode, or Handle.

The documentPostTypes setting is used to list the types of Document Posts that can be assigned to an electronic file uploaded to a student record. These Document Post types can then be assigned to groups to specify which types of Document Posts they can create and view in the student Document Post history.

Default value for student uploaded documents: Should it be blocked from being overwritten by student?

A document can be posted to a scheduled appointment. The NoStudentUploadApptDoc setting can enable or disable students from uploading a document to the appointment. This setting requires that students are able to view the appointment document post in order to post a document.

A document can be posted to a scheduled appointment. The NoStudentViewApptDoc setting can enable or disable students from viewing a document that has been uploaded to the appointment.

Default value for student uploaded documents: Should it be blocked from being viewed by students?

Host & SurveyTrac Settings
SURVEYHOST (SurveyTrac Module)

When a survey link is emailed to students, the link has to be formatted using three settings: SURVEYHOST, SURVEYPATH, and SURVEYPROT. The SURVEYHOST setting allows you to specify the URL of the host system. It may be an IP Address (default) or it may be a registered domain name, such as

When a survey link is emailed to students, the link has to be formatted using three settings: SURVEYHOST, SURVEYPATH, and SURVEYPROT. The SURVEYPATH setting allows you to specify the path in the URL that directs the user to the correct SurveyTrac files. The default value for this field is /surveys/ and there should be no need to change it.

When a survey link is emailed to students, the link has to be formatted using three settings: SURVEYHOST, SURVEYPATH, and SURVEYPROT. The SURVEYPROT setting is used to specify if the survey link with be a standard HTTP or a secure HTTPS link. The default value for this field is http://. If your Trac application is secured via SSL, then this setting needs to be set to https://.

Starfish Export Module
StarFish Export Settings

These settings control the fields, format, and file location of the export generated by the Starfish Export Module.

Resource Settings

The ResourceTypes setting is used to list the types of resources that can be assigned to a resource record. These resource types are assigned to resources when they are created to group the resources and run reports. Separate each Resource Type with a Return character. Access to resource types cannot be controlled through the Group Access preferences, but Resource Types can be used to classify different resources. (See Chapter 12: Resources)