
From Redrock Wiki

    The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.

New, easy to use interface
TracCloud features a modern, easy to use, and mobile-friendly interface, allowing you to easily find and manage your data as you need. Students, staff, and faculty will have a much easier time navigating through the system and accessing the data they need. The new dashboard offers many easy to access widgets to view and manage your data.

New Features
Export almost any report into Excel. Static and dynamic QR codes for touchless-kiosk environments. Unlimited custom data fields in student records, visits, appointments, and more. Customizable views of listing pages. Student timelines. Twig and HTML-supported emails and system messages. Customizable log listing and kiosk views. Center descriptions. New reports. Student success plans as a new module, along with work plans for staff. The full list of changes couldn't fit in this article, and more is being added all the time. Relating to the schedule specifically, you'll find a new appointments listing, availability badges, custom search appointment links and QR codes, unlimited customizable max appointment rules, asynchronous appointment support, and more.

With Twig support, you can personalize system messages, upcoming appointment lists, emails, and more based on the users who are viewing/receiving them. From simple changes like greeting the user by name to completely changing an email based on if the related appointment was in-person or online, in a certain center, for a certain reason, even if a certain custom field in the student's profile has a specific value. This extends to the log listing and kiosks as well, where you can add or remove fields, rearrange the data that's displayed, and add custom formatting with HTML and Twig.

Rewritten from the ground up hosted on AWS, using a MySQL database, TracCloud is faster in every way. This performance increase compared to Trac 4.0 can be noticed throughout the entire system, with reports being especially improved. Even the biggest reports in TracCloud load within a few seconds.

Migrate Existing Data
Migrate your existing data from Trac 4.0, allowing you to pick up right where you left off. We'll work with you to plan out your migration, coordinating with your IT, and training your system administrators to get you started in TracCloud.

Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo!

The importing of Section data or subject data is essential for a variety of functions within your Trac system. Importing Course enrollment information, registration records, and even grades or progress reports can potentially add meaning to data that is being collected.

Course enrollment can also be highly beneficial in regards to Advising sessions, Tutoring consultations, the Log in / Log out process, Scheduling process, and Reporting capabilities. Course enrollment data can make your login process more efficient by automatically populating students’ current enrollment information as they are logging in. When a student is searching for an Availability to book an Appointment, his/her section data can automatically load into the subject field, streamlining the setup and configuration processes, and ultimately making searches more efficient and timely. Consultants can host sessions based upon subject or section, such as Group workshops or Supplemental Instruction meetings, and conversely, students can find sessions based upon subject. Reports can be generated based on section data. Whether a report aims to organize visits by a specific course, or compare grades of students who have received tutoring to those who have not, adding section data to your Trac system is highly recommended.

Importing Course Enrollment Data
Students’ course information may also be Imported into your Trac system from your Student Information System. Whether your campus uses Banner, Datatel, Peoplesoft, or even a homegrown system, we can extract data from your Student Information System and Import the appropriate data into your Trac system. This process can be run on a manual or automated basis.
Generic Sections
After both student and course enrollment data are entered, it is in some situations beneficial to create what we call a “generic” section. For example, when our student Sam Smith logs in to a center and is selecting a Subject for his visit, a list of courses that Sam is currently enrolled in (typically 4 - 6 courses) can be displayed in the Subject drop down menu, rather than a complete list of all available courses. However, if Sam is looking for general Writing help in preparation for a Graduate School Essay Application, this need cannot be expressed in his current list of courses. In this situation, we have the option of adding a Generic Section, perhaps entitled “Graduate Prep”, that would be available to ALL students (enrollment NOT required), so that Sam can select a more accurate subject for his visit. You might also create sections that are for generic tutoring subjects that you would like to offer as options to all students, such as Other, Personal, Study Skills, Non-Course Related, etc.
Activating Sections
Once your section/course information has been entered either manually or via the import process, we will need to activate Sections for your Subcenters, or in other words, we will need to indicate which courses will be available at which Subcenters.
Changing Semesters
Because import files contain student registrations specific to a term, the timing between changing your Term Code and importing your registrations is crucial. If you import the next semester's data before you change the term code, then all of the previous semester's courses will be marked as Inactive AND all of the next semester's courses will be marked Inactive. Even if your previous term is not over and you have not changed the term code in the preferences, the courses are now Inactive and students will not be able to visit for the courses. Even if your next term has started, the courses will be marked Inactive if you have not changed the term code in the preferences. Make sure to change your Term code FIRST, and then run your Import.
Activating Sections for a New Term
At the end of the semester, there are a few steps to transition to the new semester. Your import files include course registrations for specific terms. Your Trac system identifies the active term to specify which course registrations are active. The tutors' specialties are related to sections from the previous term and need to be converted to sections for the new term.
Consultant Section Specialties
Consultant specialties contains the sections that the consultant specializes in.
Copy Specialties Utility
The Copy Specialties Utility allows you to copy the same sections from one term to another.