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Booking an Appointment (as a Student)
As a Student, we can book Appointments using the Search for Availability Window, which allows users to Search for Time slots that indicate when Consultants are available. By simply searching for Availabilities, students are unable to access any sensitive data such as existing appointments with other students, Consultants, or any irrelevant contact info.

To Search for an Availability, hover your cursor over the Search Glass Icon on the right side of the Trac Navigation. Click Appointments to access the Search for Availability Window. Keep in mind that this path to the Availability Window is from an Administrator’s perspective. Typically, a student will log in with their student credentials and navigate to the Search for Availability page using the process shown through the following screenshots.

When logged into your Trac system as a student, options are significantly more restricted. Access to a variety of Preferences and Navigational Tools are unavailable; rather, the student has access only to the necessary functions that you as an Administrator deem to be appropriate.

Sam Smith, our sample student for example, is allowed to Search for Availabilities, Confirm his BIO, Search for Resources, View his own Visit History, or Post an electronic Document. All of these links are located on the left side under “Student Options”.

Sam Smith can click on the Search Availability button on the left hand side to open the Search for Availability Window.

Next, Sam is prompted to select a Center. When he has chosen a center, additional search criteria will load below.

Sam can narrow his search by Consultant, Section, or Date Range, depending on the type of Availability that he is looking for. Let’s say for example that Sam was looking for tutoring in his English 101 class on either Monday or Wednesday around 10:00 am. Clicking on the blue dropdown arrow next to Section displays a list of Courses that Sam is currently enrolled in (See Chapter 5: Sections - Course Import).

Sam then selects English 101 as his Subject selection. In the time field just below, Sam adjusts the time to 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. In the Days section beneath the Time, Sam deselects TUE, THU, and FRI, to leave only Monday and Wednesday selected.

After modifying the appropriate fields and clicking “Search”, the system returns with any matching Availabilities.

If any of the resulting Available Time Slots fits in with Sam’s schedule, he can simply click one of the Time Slots to begin the process of booking the Appointment. As an example, let’s say our student Sam clicks on the 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Appointment with Jane Doe on Monday.

Here in the Appointments Entry window, Sam can enter any appropriate information regarding the Appointment: Subject, Reason, Location, a Phone number for Contact purposes, as well as any Notes that may describe what the session will involve. After entering the Appointment information, Sam can click SAVE to book the Appointment. When Sam clicks Save, appointment Confirmations can be sent to both Student Sam Smith and Tutor Jane Doe.