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2025-02-28 | TracCloud features and changes from February 2025

Section class attendance, more workshop improvements, staff dashboard document uploads, and more in TracCloud for the month of February 2025. Our full changelog can be found here.

Section Class Attendance



Even More Workshop Improvements

On top of all the new features added in previous months, there were a few more additions in February.

  • You can now batch enroll students in the roster by providing a list of IDs/emails/etc.
  • There's a new "Notification to Student at Self-Enrollment" field to provide custom messages to students on the self-enrollment page. This field also supports Twig and allows you to change the message if the student isn't allowed to enroll for some reason, and why.
  • If a non-enrolled course is selected, any student can be added to the roster.
  • There's a new 'filter' search bar on the roster to find enrolled students.
  • You can now search by student email address to enroll students in the roster.

Other Changes

  • Staff can now be given the ability to upload documents to their own account via a dashboard widget. This option can be enabled in the 'Center Access' tab of their permission group.
  • Page Break option added to the Payroll report, which becomes available if "Show Daily Payroll Hours" is checked.
  • There's a new option in Search Availability Widgets that allows you to randomize the sorting of availabilities that take place at the same time, rather than sorting alphabetically.