- Center, Location, Subject, Reason
- Date from, Date To, Days
- Drop In (Blue Color)
- One-on-One (Green Color)
- Group (Yellow Color)
- Divide into Slots
- Breaks
- Repeating/Recurring
- Multi-Slot Booking
- Availability Blocks
Date range
Use the From and To Date calendars to choose a date range for this availability.
Click and highlight the days of the week to create the availability on the selected days.
Availability Types
A Drop-In Availability is set up by creating an availability with a maximum of zero students.
A Single Person Availability is set up by creating an availability with a maximum of one student.
A Multi-Person Availability is set up by creating an availability with a maximum number of students greater than one. Only the specified number of students will be able to schedule an appointment in this time slot.
Divide into Slots
You can break the full time slot into smaller time slots. Click the time entry field to Divide into Slots (HH:MM) and enter a time slot of 01:00. Press the Enter key or click the X to close the HH:MM entry.
Click Save to save this availability. The schedule will update after the Save.
The Single Person Availability (One-on-One) appears on the schedule with a green color.
The availability has been created from 9:00am to 12:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.
The breaks field can be used to add break periods within an Availability. For example, if a Consultant typically holds 50 minute sessions followed by ten minute break periods, we can set up the Availability by using the Divide into Slots and Break fields. Let’s say we were creating a 5 hour Availability for our Consultant Jane Doe on Monday from 7am to 12pm. From her Schedule, we drag our mouse cursor between the appropriate times.
In the Availability Window that appears, we will set the “Divide into Slots” field to 00:50 hours (50 minutes) by clicking on the Blue Clock to the right of “Divide into Slots”.
We will also set the “Breaks of” field just below to 00:10 hours (10 minutes) by clicking on the Blue Clock to the right of “Breaks of”.
After clicking “Save”, Jane’s Schedule then refreshes to reflect the newly created Drop-in Availability with 50 minute time slots and 10 minute breaks.
A Repeating or Recurring Availability can be created simply by extending the “Date From” field for an Availability. For example, if our Consultant Jane Doe is available Every Monday at 8:00 am for the entire semester, we would change the date from and date to fields to the appropriate semester start and end dates. The availability would then be created Every Monday for the entire semester.
The option for a Student to book a Recurring appointment (i.e. every Monday at 8am for the entire semester) can be enabled through two fields: the “Autobook: (None)” and the “Allow option to book weekly” fields.
The Autobook: (None) field will automatically book either ALL AVAILABLE appointments, WEEKLY appointments, or NONE. For example, let’s say that Jane added Wednesday at 8am to her Recurring Availability. So now she is available Monday and Wednesday at 8am for the entire semester. If this option is then set to ALL AVAILABLE and a student books the appointment for Monday at 8am, the system would automatically book for the student ALL recurring appointments with Jane Doe under this Availability. In other words, the student would be booked both Mondays and Wednesdays at 8am with Jane Doe for the entire semester. If the Autobook: (None) field is set to WEEKLY, the system would ONLY automatically book the Monday appointment at 8am for the entire semester.
The “Allow option to book weekly” field determines whether or not the Student has the OPTION to book Recurring Appointments. In this case, the system would not automatically book the Recurring appointments. If the student selects the option to book a Recurring appointment, the system will book the Recurring Appointments based on your selection in the previous Autobook: (None) field. If the Autobook: (None) field is set to ALL AVAILABLE, then the system will book ALL available Recurring Appointments. If the Autobook: (None) is set to Weekly, then the system will book a Recurring appointment, but only on the day specified by the Student.
The “default” field determines whether or not the “Option” to book weekly initially appears Checked or Not Checked. We typically recommend setting this default field to “Not Checked”, so that if a Student wants to book a recurring appointment, the Student has to manually check the box. This also prevents students who do NOT want to book recurring appointments from accidentally or unintentionally doing so.
Multi-Slot Booking
The Multi-Slot booking field allows a Student to book multiple time slots in a convenient manner. If Consultant Jane Doe’s five hour Availability is divided into one hour slots, a Student, when booking an appointment with Jane, has the option of booking a single one hour time slot or multiple one hour time slots. In order to activate the Multi-slot option, we need to enter Time Slot intervals in the “Activate multi-slot booking” field. If Consultant Jane Doe divided her Availability into 01:00 hour slots, we can “Activate multi-slot booking” by entering, for example, “60;120” into the “Activate multi-slot booking” field. This will allow students to then be able to book either one hour time slots or two hour time slots.
Availability Blocks
An Availability Block is simply a restriction users can place on their schedules that indicates times when Consultants are NOT available for appointments. These are typically used for Holidays, Lunch Breaks, Meetings, Emergencies, or last-minute Cancellations.
In the Availability Entry Window, simply uncheck the “is Availability” field in the upper right corner to create an Availability Block.
You can modify the date range, duration, days, and Reason appropriately, and add a brief description. Click “Save” to save the Availability Block.
Center Availability Blocks
To add an Availability block for an entire Center, we will need to navigate to the Center Profile page. Hover over the Search Glass on the right side of the Trac Navigation Bar (top left corner of Main Menu) and select Center Profiles. Click on your Center Profile and navigate to the Centers Tab. Find the Subcenter that you would like to create an Availability block for and click on this Subcenter. In the bottom half of the Center Profile window that appears, the system will list any Availability blocks that currently exist for the Subcenter in selection.
You can click on the date under the “date from” field that acts as a hyperlink to the Availability block to access and edit the existing Availability block. If none exist, click on the blue “new” button to create a new Availability block for the subcenter you’ve selected.
Here in the Availability Block window, users can modify the details of the Availability block. Customize your date range through the “Date from” and Date To” fields. Edit the time through the “From” and “to” fields. Select the appropriate days which apply, and add a description in the “description” field if necessary.