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    The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.

New, easy to use interface
TracCloud features a modern, easy to use, and mobile-friendly interface, allowing you to easily find and manage your data as you need. Students, staff, and faculty will have a much easier time navigating through the system and accessing the data they need. The new dashboard offers many easy to access widgets to view and manage your data.

New Features
Export almost any report into Excel. Static and dynamic QR codes for touchless-kiosk environments. Unlimited custom data fields in student records, visits, appointments, and more. Customizable views of listing pages. Student timelines. Twig and HTML-supported emails and system messages. Customizable log listing and kiosk views. Center descriptions. New reports. Student success plans as a new module, along with work plans for staff. The full list of changes couldn't fit in this article, and more is being added all the time. Relating to the schedule specifically, you'll find a new appointments listing, availability badges, custom search appointment links and QR codes, unlimited customizable max appointment rules, asynchronous appointment support, and more.

With Twig support, you can personalize system messages, upcoming appointment lists, emails, and more based on the users who are viewing/receiving them. From simple changes like greeting the user by name to completely changing an email based on if the related appointment was in-person or online, in a certain center, for a certain reason, even if a certain custom field in the student's profile has a specific value. This extends to the log listing and kiosks as well, where you can add or remove fields, rearrange the data that's displayed, and add custom formatting with HTML and Twig.

Rewritten from the ground up hosted on AWS, using a MySQL database, TracCloud is faster in every way. This performance increase compared to Trac 4.0 can be noticed throughout the entire system, with reports being especially improved. Even the biggest reports in TracCloud load within a few seconds.

Migrate Existing Data
Migrate your existing data from Trac 4.0, allowing you to pick up right where you left off. We'll work with you to plan out your migration, coordinating with your IT, and training your system administrators to get you started in TracCloud.

Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo!

Consultant Profiles, unlike Student Profiles or Faculty Profiles, are not contained in a List or Listing. Consultants are uniquely organized within the Center Profile. There are a few steps we will need to take to begin to setup Consultant Profiles.
Term for “Consultants”

Consultants represent an essential Group of Users for all Trac systems. Consultants are typically Tutors and Advisors, but a Consultant can represent any Group that meets or consults with Students. Consultants, like Students, must be assigned Profiles within your Trac System in order to fully utilize certain functions; for example, access to the Schedule. The only group that is required to have a Schedule is the Consultant Group, or in other words, in order for a User to have their own Schedule, they must be a part of the Consultant Group.

Consultants are able to be referred to with the phrasing of your choice. As examples, typically with TutorTrac profiles, Consultants are named Tutors, and for AdvisorTrac profiles, Consultants are named Advisors. To define this classification we will need to navigate to your Center Profile. Go to Trac Navigation > Search Glass > Center Profiles > [Your Profile] > General > Name for Consultants..

Underneath the "Name for Consultants" field is the “Default Group for Consultants” preference. Here we must define the default Group which Consultants are assigned to.

Creating Consultant Profiles

Consultants may now be linked to multiple Centers and can be shared across multiple profiles. Consultant records are owned by the profile in which they were originally created. While the consultants can be assigned to multiple profiles and have separate privileges within each profile, the consultants can only be removed/deleted from the profile that owns the record. It is not recommended to remove/delete consultants, but to simply mark them as Inactive. This will allow you to continue to run reports identifying which appointments and visits were related to that consultant.

A common question with tutors is: If we know tutors aren't coming back, do we delete them or make them inactive? It's best if you do not delete the Tutors right away and that you set those accounts to inactive. Deleting the Tutor can lead to incomplete visit records, missing Appointment records, etc. This type of information is still available in reports if setting the Tutors to “Inactive”.

Now that we’ve defined the Term and Group for your Consultants, we are able to create individual Consultant Profiles. To do so, we must navigate to the Consultants Tab of your Center Profile.

To get to the Consultants Tab of your Center Profile, hover over the Search Glass on the right side of your Trac Navigation bar (upper left corner of Main Menu). Select Center Profiles and click on your Center Profile. Navigate to the Consultants Tab three tabs to the right of the General Tab selected by default. Keep in mind that the name of this Tab will change if you have changed the Name for Consultants preference previously mentioned (i.e. Tutors, Advisors)

Click on List Options, then select Create New.

The first tab selected in the new Consultant Record is the General Info Tab. Here we can enter information regarding Contact info, Section Specialties, Certifications, or any relevant information for our Consultants. First, let’s enter a First Name and Last Name.

From the Group Privileges drop down menu, select the Group your Consultant will be assigned to. The Group you select will define the set of Privileges assigned to your Consultant.

If your Consultant needs to be further classified, you can use the Classification field to further Group your Consultants (i.e. Assigned Advisor, Professional Tutor).

The location field can designate a sort of “home” location or a common meeting area for your Consultant. Both Location and Classification can be displayed on your Consultant Schedule for users’ reference as they book appointments.

After you have filled out all relevant information, click “Save Consultant” to Create the Consultant Record.

Click on the Contact Info Tab. Here we can enter some basic contact information for your Consultant.

The “Student ID” field towards the bottom of the Contact Info Tab allows a Consultant Profile to be linked to a Student Profile. This is useful for several reasons. First, a Consultant who is both Consultant and Student can consolidate their accounts and only login using one username and one password. Second, a Consultant who is both a Consultant and a Student can differentiate the roles of each account and access unique functions of each role. Third, for a Consultant to login for a Work Reason they must have a linked Student Account to be able to record a Visit. To link a Consultant Profile to a Student profile simply type in a Name or ID to begin a Live search (last, first for names), and click on the Student’s Profile when found.

Subcenter Assignment
Click on the Subcenters Tab. Assign Subcenters for your Consultants by clicking the blue dropdown arrow and selecting the appropriate subcenter(s).

Assigning Subcenters to a Consultant is essential in providing them the access that they need. Select a Subcenter from the List by to assign this Consultant to a Subcenter.

Click on the Certifications Tab. Any type of Certification can be created and recorded here for reference purposes. Click “Create New” to create a New Certification.

Section Specialties
TutorTrac Profile: Click on the Section Specialties Tab. Assign Sections as Specialties for this Consultant by checking the checkbox for the appropriate sections.

You can use the Search field to narrow your search. Clicking on the ALL button will load ALL sections. Clicking on the FIND SEL button will only display the sections the Consultant currently specializes in. If, as an example, you are looking to assign all English sections to a Consultant as specialties, enter “ENG@” in the Search field to include all courses that begin with “ENG”. After performing the search and finding your selection of English courses, click on the SELECT button to assign these courses to the Consultant as specialties.

Let’s say that we search for the term “20112”. The system returns with 180 results, showing 180 sections found. If we click on the SELECT button, the system will assign these 180 sections found to our selected Consultant as Section Specialties. If we click on the DESELECT button, the system will deactivate the selection of courses as section specialties.

To assign ALL available sections as Specialties, type “@” into the Search field and hit enter or return to perform the search. Now click the SELECT button to assign ALL courses as section specialties.

Reason Specialties
AdvisorTrac Profile: Click on the Reason Specialties Tab. Assign Reasons as Specialties for this Consultant by checking the checkbox for the appropriate sections.

You can use the Search field to narrow your search. Clicking on the ALL button will load ALL Reasons.

Click Save Consultant to save the additional settings for this Consultant Record. Click “Return to List” to return to the list of Consultant Records under this Center Profile.

Copy Specialties Utility
The Copy Specialties Utility allows you to copy the same sections from one term to another.

The Copy Specialties option is found in the Utilities and Preferences. Select the Custom Utility Tab and click on Copy Specialties.

The Copy Specialties Utility allows you to specify some options. Specify which term the specialties are copied from and to which term they are copied. Choose whether the previous tutor specialties are removed or are left as tutor specialties. Select if the Copy Specialties Utility will be run for all tutors from all centers, for all tutors from a specific center, or for just a specific tutor. Click Execute to run the Utility.