2022-10-04 | Include labels in selected SAGE Reasons/Recommendations
Two new Twig arrays have been added, ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels, which can be used to include labels in your SAGE emails.
The standard Reasons and Recommendations arrays will look like this when sent over email.
Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in Reasons %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}
ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels will look like this.
Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}
if statements can also be used to further format the labels.
Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}