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Maximizing Trac Systems Kiosk Functions
In this Newsletter we will take a closer look at Kiosk and how you can use the different options within the Kiosk settings to create a log in station Kiosks, or student sign in stations, can be setup at your Centers to facilitate an efficient login / logout process. If having Front Desk Staff sign students in is not a feasible option, Kiosks can be an effective alternative to recording accurate Visit data.

The Kiosk Station does not have to be staffed in the conventional sense and does not need to be actively overseen by a staff member. Since a Kiosk account is primarily used by Students, access is very restricted. Students can sign into a Kiosk station when arriving and departing their visit.

The Kiosk is not used for any other activity and as a result students cannot access any confidential information from the KIOSK mode.

Kiosk: Group Access Preferences

Kiosks are created within the Group Access Preferences. Any User assigned to the same Group as a Kiosk can switch to Kiosk mode. A User (this might be an administrator, coordinator, supervisor, front desk staff, student worker, etc.) can log into the student sign-in station with their own account, and then switch to Kiosk mode from the Trac Navigation Menu by clicking on the TracMan icon.

Before we create a Kiosk, we must first make sure that the Group we are creating the Kiosk for has the appropriate preferences activated. Navigate to your Trac Navigation > Search Glass > Center Profile > click on your Profile > Group Access Tab.


Make sure that the first checkbox (Log Visits To) is activated for the Group in Selection (for this example, Front Desk Staff). This checkbox must first be activated in order for the preferences that we need to activate in the future to be functional. Now select the Group of your choice. Click on your Group’s name to open the preferences for that group. The first tab selected will be the Center Access Tab. Here we will need to add the appropriate subcenter(s) to the Log Visits To category.


In the Log Visits To category, click on the blue dropdown arrow next to the all and clear buttons. Select the appropriate subcenter for your Kiosk, and save.

Creating the Kiosk

Now that we’ve set the necessary preferences, we can create a Kiosk account. To do this, within your Group Entry Preferences, navigate to the Kiosk List tab for your selected Group. Here we can click on Create New to begin the process of creating a Kiosk.


First type a name for your Kiosk in the KIOSK Name field.

Once you've named your Kiosk, we will need to click Save KIOSK before we further modify its settings. After saving your KIOSK, click on your KIOSK name.


At this point, you have the option of Assigning the Kiosk to a specific Center through the Linked subcenter function. You can do this by clicking on the dropdown arrow next to the Linked subcenter field, and indicating the Center in the Assigned Center preference. Now Students that sign in through the Kiosk will always be signed in to the Assigned Center.


Opening the Kiosks

Users that are assigned to the Group containing the Kiosk will then be able to log in to the designated computer using their credentials. Once they do, they can click on the Trac Man icon, and select Enter Kiosk. Once they have designated which Kiosk to Enter, the system will log the application in to that Kiosk account.

