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==Success Plans==
The Success Plan module allows you to track students' progress in their Success Plans. Each Success Plan contains Steps for students to complete. Each Step represents a type of task, such as visiting a center, responding to a survey, uploading a document, and more. Success Plans can additionally be chained together, prompting a new Plan to be created when one Plan is completed.
This article will go into detail on what options are available for managing your Success Plans, including how to create them, assigning Plans to students, and reporting on that data.
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==<b>Creating Success Plans</b>==

To create your first Success Plan, go to <i>Other > Success Plans</i>, which will take you to the Success Plans listing, then continue to the <i>Hamburger menu {{#fas:bars}} > New Success Plan</i>. Give your Success Plan a name and save, then review the following options.
! <h2 id="um-toc-hdr" style="margin:3px; font-size:120%; text-align:left; color:#000000; ">Success Plan Contents</h2>

| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Creating a Success Plan|Creating a Success Plan]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Steps|Setup: Steps]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Dashboard Display|Setup: Dashboard Display]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Emails|Setup: Emails]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Options|Setup: Options]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Chain a Sub Plan|Setup: Chain a Sub Plan]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Assigning and Managing Success Plans for Students|Managing Student Plans]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Group Permissions|Group Permissions]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Staff and Faculty Dashboard|Staff & Faculty Dashboard]]
| | [[TracCloudSuccessPlans#Reports|Reports]]

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<div style='text-align: center;'>
Success Plans
The Success Plan module allows you to track students' progress in their Success Plans. Each Success Plan contains Steps for students to complete. Each Step represents a type of task, such as visiting a center, responding to a survey, uploading a document, and more.
==<b>Creating a Success Plan</b>==
<!-------------------------------------- Steps -------------------------------------->
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Steps</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">

To create a Success Plan, go to <i>Other > Success Plans > Hamburger menu ([[File:Hamburger.png|17px]]) > New Success Plan</i>. Once you save your Success Plan with a name, the following options will be available.

* <b>Plan Name</b>
::This is the name of the Success Plan that you will be assigning to students. This is also visible to students on the dashboard when viewing progress.<br><br>

* <b>Plan Name</b>
* <b>Duplicate and edit this plan</b>
::This is the name of the Success Plan that you will be assigning to students. This is also visible to students on the dashboard when viewing progress<br><br>
::This will allow you to create a copy of this plan. For example, if you create new plans on a yearly basis, you can copy last year's plan as a starting point to edit this year.<br><br>

* <b>Date Mode</b>
* <b>Date Mode</b>
::This option determines how the <i>Due in Days</i> options of your steps is calculated. <b>Relative to Plan Start</b> is the most common option, meaning the student would have 5 days to complete the first step in the screenshot above, starting when they were first assigned the plan. <b>Relative to Term Start</b> is based on the semester start date instead. If your term started on Jan 1st, and the student was assigned the Success Plan on the 3rd, they still need to complete the first Step by Jan 5th. <b>Fixed</b> allows you to specify a deadline for each Step.<br><br>
::This option determines how the <i>Due in Days</i> field of your steps is calculated. <b>Relative to Plan Start</b> is the most common option, meaning the student would have 3 days to complete the first step in the screenshot above starting when they were first assigned the plan. <b>Relative to Term Start</b> is based on the semester start date instead. If your term started on Jan 1st and the student was assigned the Success Plan on the 2nd, they still need to complete the first Step by Jan 3rd. <b>Fixed</b> allows you to specify a static deadline for each Step.<br><br>
* <b>Inactive</b>
::If this is checked, the Plan will be deactivated and won't be available to select going forward until it is reactivated. No data is deleted by checking this box, so this is preferred instead of deleting the entire Plan.<br><br>
* <b>Recompute all related plans' progress</b>
::Clicking this will refresh all plans to ensure they are up-to-date. This is unlikely to be needed outside of specific use-cases, such as importing visits.


Click on the <b>New Step</b> button to create your first Step. Based on which <b>Step Type</b> you choose, the rest of the options on this page can differ.
Click on the <b>New Step</b> button to create your first step. Based on which <b>Step Type</b> you choose, the rest of the options on this page can differ.


* <b>Days from Plan Start</b> or <b>Date</b>
* <b>Days from Plan Start</b> or <b>Date</b>
::This allows you to specify when this Step needs to be completed. You will specify the number of days if one of the <i>relative</i> Date Modes is used, or specify a date if the <i>fixed</i> Date Mode is chosen.<br><br>
::This allows you to specify when this step needs to be completed. You will specify the number of days if one of the <i>relative</i> Date Modes is used, or specify a due date date if the <i>fixed</i> Date Mode is chosen.<br><br>

* <b>Step Type</b>
* <b>Step Type</b>
::This determines the criteria that must be met for this task. Each Step Type has its own set of options for setting the completion criteria. Most of these options are self-explanatory, so we will just go over the Types here.
::This option is where you define what criteria must be met for the Step to be marked as completed. Depending on which option you choose, additional options will be made available to further specify what the student must complete. E.g., if you select <i>Visit</i> as the type, you can set which Center the student needs to visit.
:::<b>Visit</b> - Based on the student's visit. You can choose which Center, Reason, Consultant, and Section/Course List must be selected for the visit to count towards Plan completion. If these fields are left blank, they are not considered when the Step is completed.
:::<b>Visit</b> - Based on the student's visit. You can choose which Center(s), Reason, Consultant, and Section/Course List must be selected for the visit to count towards Plan completion. "Required" and "Count" can be used to mark the step as completed when a student visits a certain number of times or for a total duration. It's also possible to set a minimum duration to count towards step completion. Any fields that are left blank will not be used when determining if a visit counts towards the completion of the step. "Start # Days from Plan Start"/"Start Date" can be used to prevent the student from completing a step too early. "Assigned Consultant for Profile" can be used to require the student meet with their personal assigned advisor/consultant, based on the [[TracCloudGuideProfileGeneral|linking configuration in the chosen profile]].
:::<b>Survey</b> - This is based on the student responding to a specified survey. [[TracCloudST|Click here for more information on SurveyTrac.]]
:::<b>Survey</b> - This is based on the student responding to a specified survey. [[TracCloudST|Click here for more information on SurveyTrac.]]
:::<b>Document</b> - The student will need to upload a document of the specified type to an appointment for this to be marked as completed. [[TracCloudGuideGlobalDocs|Click here for more information on Documents.]]
:::<b>Document</b> - The student will need to upload a document of the specified type to an appointment for this to be marked as completed. [[TracCloudGuideGlobalDocs|Click here for more information on Documents.]]
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:::<b>Checkout</b> - Based on student's resource usage. A Step of this type is completed when the student checks out a resource matching the name and category entered here. [[TracCloudGuideBasicsResources|Click here for more information on Resources.]]
:::<b>Checkout</b> - Based on student's resource usage. A Step of this type is completed when the student checks out a resource matching the name and category entered here. [[TracCloudGuideBasicsResources|Click here for more information on Resources.]]
:::<b>Notification</b> - This is based on the student's acknowledgement of a notification. [[TracCloudGuideGlobalNotifications|Click here for more information on Notification Types.]]
:::<b>Notification</b> - This is based on the student's acknowledgement of a notification. [[TracCloudGuideGlobalNotifications|Click here for more information on Notification Types.]]
:::<b>Prompt</b> - This appears as a highlighted question on the student's dashboard. You can choose the question and the confirm button title, as well as allow the student to enter notes.<br><br>
:::<b>Prompt</b> - This appears as a highlighted question on the student, staff, or faculty dashboard. You can choose the question and the confirm button title, as well as allow the user to enter notes.<br><br>

* <b>Prompt / Confirmation Directed To</b>
* <b>Prompt / Confirmation Directed To</b>
:: If Step Type <b>Prompt</b> is chosen, this option determines who will see this confirmation. The Student, the Plan/Step Consultant, or the Plan/Step Faculty.<br><br>

* <b>Override Step Description</b>
::By default, a description for the step will be generated based on the fields entered on the previous tab. This field can be used to override this description if you want to enter something else.<br><br>

* <b>Override Confirmation for this Step</b>
* <b>Override Confirmation for this Step</b>
::By default, your steps will follow the Plan's Staff Confirmation preference. This option allows you to override that for a specific step, requiring or not requiring that a staff member must confirm the completion of this step. (DOUBLE-CHECK THIS)<br><br>
::By default, your steps will follow the Plan's <i>Steps are Confirmed</i> preference. This option allows you to override that for a specific step, requiring or not requiring that a staff member must confirm the completion of this step.<br><br>

* <b>Is an Optional Step</b>
* <b>Is an Optional Step</b>
::If checked, the completion of this Step does not contribute to overall completion of the Plan.<br><br>
::If checked, the completion of this Step does not contribute to overall completion of the Plan. These Steps can still be used to initiate emails.<br><br>
* <b>Do not allow auto completion after due date</b>
::By default, steps can still be completed after the due date has passed (both the due date and completion date remain available to view or report on separately). If you want to prevent automatic completion of steps after the due date, this box can be checked.<br><br>

* <b>Do not send completion/reminder emails</b>
* <b>Do not send completion/reminder emails</b>
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::This will show a reminder to the student in the form of an announcement on the dashboard. The text here can also be customized if you want to provide more specific instructions.
::This will show a reminder to the student in the form of an announcement on the dashboard. The text here can also be customized if you want to provide more specific instructions.
==<b>Dashboard Display</b>==
<!-------------------------------------- Dashboard Display -------------------------------------->
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Dashboard Display</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">

Students can be shown information about their success plans on their dashboard. The information and formatting contained here can be customized to better suit your requirements. The screenshot below is the student dashboard with the default display configuration.
Students can be shown information about their Success Plans on their dashboard. The information and formatting contained here can be customized to more clearly inform students of their Plan and show the current status of each Step. The screenshot below is the student dashboard with the default display configuration.


This is customized from the Dashboard Display tab of your Success Plan Type. This is the default value, which can be loaded by clicking the clipboard icon in the top-left corner of this menu. Both [[TracCloudGuideProfilePrefsTwig|Twig]] and HTML can be used to personalize this. <b>Header</b> displays once at the top of this form, and is expected to contain instructions or details on their Success Plan. <b>Line Display</b> repeats for each Step the student has been assigned, using Twig to determine if the formatting needs to change for each entry. <b>Footer Display</b> is the final block of text in this menu. If these fields are left blank, the Success Plan widget will not be shown on the student dashboard at all.
The default value for this tab can be loaded by clicking the clipboard icon in the top-left corner of this menu. Both [[TracCloud:_Twig|Twig]] and HTML can be used to personalize this. <b>Header</b> displays once at the top of this form, and is expected to contain instructions or details on their Success Plan. <b>Line Display</b> repeats for each Step the student has been assigned, using Twig to determine if the formatting needs to change for each entry. <b>Footer Display</b> is the final block of text in this menu. If these fields are left blank, the Success Plan widget will not be shown on the student dashboard at all.

<!-------------------------------------- Emails -------------------------------------->
Emails can be sent to users upon assignment and completion of a Plan, and to act as reminders for individual steps if the due date is approaching. These emails can utilize Twig tags to display additional information and add logic to the contents of the email itself. [[TracCloudGuideProfilePrefsTwig|More information on Twig can be found here.]]
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Emails</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Emails can be sent to users upon assignment and completion of a Plan, and to act as reminders for individual steps if the due date is approaching. These emails can utilize Twig to display additional information and add logic to the contents of the email itself. [[TracCloud:_Twig|More information on Twig can be found here.]]

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The second tab within each email is <b>Options</b>, this can be used to determine under what context this email should send.
The second tab within each email is <b>Options</b>, this can be used to determine the context that should prompt this email to send.

<b>Manually Initiate Emails</b> can be used to send reminder emails right now, rather than automatically overnight (05:00am).<br><br>

<big>Available Twig Tags:</big>
<big>Available Twig Tags:</big>
<!-------------------------------------- Options -------------------------------------->
The final tab in your Success Plan Type is <i>Options</i>. This contains various options to fine-tune the functionality of this Success Plan.
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Options</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
The second to last tab in your Success Plan Type is <i>Options</i>. This contains various options to fine-tune the functionality of this Success Plan.


* <b>Allow Notes Per Steps</b>
* <b>Allow Notes Per Steps</b>
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* <b>Plan / Step Reminder Options</b>
* <b>Plan / Step Reminder Options</b>
::Multiple reminder emails can be sent as the due date of a Step/Plan approaches. Use these options to determine when those reminders are sent relative to the due date of each Step/Plan.
::Multiple reminder emails can be sent as the due date of a Step/Plan approaches. Use these options to determine when those reminders are sent relative to the due date of each Step/Plan. Students will only receive reminders for their current incomplete step. If they do not complete the step, they will not receive reminders for the next step until the previous step is marked as completed. You can also continuously send reminder step reminders using <b>Step Reminder email again num days repeating</b>.
==<b>Chain a Sub Plan</b>==
<!-------------------------------------- Subplans-------------------------------------->
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Chain a Sub Plan</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Additional plans can be initiated based on the completion of the current plan. There are two options on this tab, <b>Specific Sub Plan</b>, which allows a simple selection of a follow-up plan to be chosen, and <b>Conditional Sub Plan</b>. The latter provides additional flexibility for determining if a Plan should be assigned, and what plan that should be.
Additional plans can be initiated based on the completion of the current plan. There are two options on this tab, <b>Specific Sub Plan</b>, which allows a simple selection of a follow-up plan to be chosen, and <b>Conditional Sub Plan</b>. The latter provides additional flexibility for determining if a Plan should be assigned, and what plan that should be.


<b><nowiki>{{ setResultActions('NextPlanID', '#') }}</nowiki></b> is used to assign a follow-up Success Plan. # should be replaced with the sequence number of the Plan you want to assign. This should be wrapped in Twig logic to determine your criteria for whether or not a new Plan should be assigned. [[TracCloudGuideProfilePrefsTwig|More information on how you can utilize Twig can be found here.]]
<b><nowiki>{{ setResultActions('NextPlanID', '#') }}</nowiki></b> is used to assign a follow-up Success Plan. # should be replaced with the sequence number of the Plan you want to assign. This should be wrapped in Twig logic to determine your criteria for what new Plan should be assigned. [[TracCloud:_Twig|More information on how you can utilize Twig can be found here.]]
==<b>Using Success Plans</b>==
Assigning plans to students, providing access to your staff, and running reports.

==<b>Assigning and Managing Success Plans for Students</b>==
<!-------------------------------------- Assigning plans -------------------------------------->
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Assigning and Managing Success Plans for Students</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">

Plans can be assigned to individual students from the <i>Success Plans</i> tab of their profile. Click on <b>Assign Plan to Student</b> and choose the Plan type that you want to use. This page also lists the current and past Plans for this student, including assigned and due date, completion status, term, and more. Clicking the pencil icon on the left provides quick access to that Plan's options.
Plans can be assigned to individual students from the <i>Success Plans</i> tab of their profile. Click on <b>Assign Plan to Student</b> and choose the Plan type that you want to use. This page also lists the current and past Plans for this student, including assigned/due date, completion status, term, and more. Clicking the pencil icon on the left provides quick access to that Plan's options.

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The options available within each Step can differ based on your Plan options. <b>Override Completion</b> allows you to specify if and when a Step was completed, bypassing TracCloud's automated tracking. <b>Completion Confirmed</b> is used to confirm that this Step has been concluded, allowing it to count towards Plan completion percentage. <b>Notes</b> can be used for any purpose to record additional information regarding each Step.
The options available within each Step can differ based on your Plan options. <b>Override Completion</b> allows you to specify if and when a Step was completed, bypassing TracCloud's automated tracking. <b>Completion Confirmed</b> is used to confirm that this Step has been concluded, allowing it to count towards Plan completion percentage. <b>Notes</b> can be used for any purpose to record additional information regarding each Step.

<b>Clear</b> can be used to unlink the step from a related record, such as a visit. For example, if a visit was accidentally created for the student causing a step to be marked as completed, you would need to delete the visit, clear the sequence number, and change the completed date to blank (mm/dd/yyyy). If the visit is not deleted (or modified in a way that no longer counts towards the step), it will be re-linked to the step upon saving.

Success Plans can also be assigned to multiple students at once from the Student Listing. Go to <i>Students > Search for your selection of students > Hamburger menu ([[File:Hamburger.png|17px]]) > Assign Success Plan</i>.
Success Plans can also be assigned to multiple students at once from the Student Listing. Go to <i>Students > Search for your selection of students > Hamburger menu {{#fas:bars}} > Assign Success Plan</i>.

<!-------------------------------------- Group Permissions -------------------------------------->
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Group Permissions</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
In order to give staff the ability to manage Success Plans, they must be given access to the Success Plans table. Go to <i>Other > Other Options > Groups > [The group you want to modify] > Admin / Modules > Table Access > Add "Success Plans" > Save</i>.
If the user in this group is set to [[TracCloudNewsUserLevel|user level]] "Staff", the only access this will provide is to students' assigned success plans.
If the user in this group is set to user level "Profile Admin" or higher, providing table access will also provide access to the Success Plan types found in <i>Other > Success Plans</i>. This would allow these users to view and edit the success plan types that would eventually be assigned to students (if edit access is provided).

==<b>Group Permissions</b>==
<!-------------------------------------- Staff and Faculty Dashboard -------------------------------------->
In order to give a staff member the ability to manage Success Plan types, they must be given access to the Success Plan Table. Go to <i>Other > Other Options > Groups > [The group you want to modify] > Admin / Modules > Table Access > Add "Success Plans" > Save</i>. You can use the colored icon to determine what level of access is provided, as with other tables.
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Staff and Faculty Dashboard</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">

If a success plan has been assigned to a Consultant or Faculty (and that user has access to the success plans table as detailed above), a new widget will be visible on the dashboard allowing quick access to student Plans. This can be filtered by Status, Date, and Type. Each entry can be clicked on to view the full success plan entry page for further management.
==<b>Staff and Faculty Dashboard</b>==
This is being implemented later.
<!-------------------------------------- Reports -------------------------------------->
This is being implemented later.
<div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>Success Plans Report</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
For information on purchasing the Success Plans Module, reach out to []<br>
For information on purchasing the Success Plans Module, reach out to []<br>
For Success Plans functionality questions, reach out to []
For Success Plans functionality questions, reach out to []

[[Category:TracCloud Manual]]

Latest revision as of 20:41, 13 March 2025

Success Plans

The Success Plan module allows you to track students' progress in their Success Plans. Each Success Plan contains Steps for students to complete. Each Step represents a type of task, such as visiting a center, responding to a survey, uploading a document, and more. Success Plans can additionally be chained together, prompting a new Plan to be created when one Plan is completed.

This article will go into detail on what options are available for managing your Success Plans, including how to create them, assigning Plans to students, and reporting on that data.

Creating Success Plans

To create your first Success Plan, go to Other > Success Plans, which will take you to the Success Plans listing, then continue to the Hamburger menu > New Success Plan. Give your Success Plan a name and save, then review the following options.


Dashboard Display



Chain a Sub Plan

Using Success Plans

Assigning plans to students, providing access to your staff, and running reports.

Assigning and Managing Success Plans for Students

Group Permissions

Staff and Faculty Dashboard

Success Plans Report

For information on purchasing the Success Plans Module, reach out to
For Success Plans functionality questions, reach out to