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<hr><b> [1.0.10] 2022-03-31
<div class="tcWidgetPage">
<br> - Added preview for Staff BIO (#917)
<div class="categoryWide">
<br> - Added system preferece to change term of Group, 1 on 1, and Drop In on search availability
<br> - Surveys can now differentiate between online and in person visits (#833)
<br> - Searching staff listing can include group name in criteria (#930)
<br> - Details button to staff time check (#931)
==TracCloud Reports==
description placeholder

<br> - Welcome messages use WYSIWYG interface (#921)
<br> - Added preference to profile to require consultant on batch visits (#919)
<br> - Changed referral follow up date on sage listing on dashboard (#924)
<br> - Increased ttl for import job time
<br> - Batch Vists previous attended list of students show full name with middle initial (#928)
<br> - Added Student ID back to search students on Quick Visits (#933)

Click on one column first, then hold down the shift key and click on another column. You'll notice that the items are sorted based on first and then second.
<br> - Fixed ability for phones to upload documents (#897)
<br> - Fixed potential issue with generated links and campus code (#895)
<br> - Fixed Hide Reasons and Recommendations from Faculty on Full View of Referrals (#935)

<hr><b> [1.0.9] 2022-03-21
<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold">Visit Reports</div>
<div style="width:70em; overflow-x:auto;">
<br> - Added ability for staff to see students currently logged in to an SI Batch QR Code
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; table-layout: fixed; width: 170%"
<br> - Added ability to send a group email to all visited students for an SI Batch QR Code
! Report !! Charts !! Can include data on individual visits !! Time of day reporting !! Can include payroll data || example a || example b || example c || example d || example e || example f
<br> - Added ability to adjust Term Code sequence
<br> - Added computation of Student Last Date In for Attended appointments
| style="font-weight:bold" | Visits by ?? || ● || ● ||  || ● || ● || ● ||  || ● || ● || 
<br> - Added Ad Hoc QR Code for In Person Dropin to scheduler
<br> - Added new menu to Students Listing to allow copy sequences and ID to clipboard
| style="font-weight:bold" | Average Wait Time || ● ||  ||  ||  || ● || ● ||  || ● || ● ||  ●
<br> - Full caching adding to import procedures
<br> - Added activate registrations by term button to system prefs
| style="font-weight:bold" | SI Session Listing || ● ||  ||  ||  ||  || ● || ● ||  || ● ||  
| style="font-weight:bold" | Students Visits Center Grid || ● ||  ||  ||  || ● || ● ||  || ● || ● || 
<br> - Resource Types and Resources listing modified with new Resource Type editing capabilities.
<br> - Changed label for Staff Reason Quit / Terminated (#914)
| style="font-weight:bold" |Students Visits Cleanup Data ||  || ● ||  ||  ||  || ● || ● || ● || ● || 
<br> - Cancelled appt show as dimmed always on schedule (#910)
<br> - Merge records can identify up to 5 fields (used to be 4)
| style="font-weight:bold" |Students Visits Summary || ● ||  ||  ||  || ● || ● ||  || ● || ● ||  
<br> - New Ad hoc appointments can now be set to online (#916)
<br> - Do not allow broswer to resubmit appointnment save from student (#903)
<br> - Allow custom locatioins on batch viists (#918)
|Faculty Student Visits  
<br> - Fixed last date in field for students when batch visits created (#901)
<br> - Consultant can no longer have two work visits at same time
|Initial Visit
<hr><b> [1.0.8] 2022-03-08
|Usage Snapshot
<br> - Added ability to remove multi slot times from the availability (#844)
|Visits by Assigned Advisor and Student
<br> - Added Process Specialties for Course List items to batch operations options (#847)
<br> - Added system pref for calendar start time and duration (#856)
|Visits by Faculty and Subject
<br> - Added new Student Action menu to Register student in a course (#849)
<br> - SurveyTrac Instructions can now have HTML text (#848)
|Visits by Week by Center
<br> - Added Confirmation email for Resource checkouts (#859)
<br> - Added Checkouts options to Student search modal (#860)
|Consultant Non-Duplicated Visit Time
<br> - Added ability to limit who can check out a resource via a master block list and individual allow list for each resource type
|Attendance by Hour
<br> - Group roster now updates when an appointment in roster is updated (#852)
|Logins by Hour by Day of Week
<br> - Mark all attended now only marks the appointments with No Status as Attended, skipping Cancels and Misses (#850)
<br> - Student searching for quick visits and batch visits now limits the student list results to 30 records at a time (#876)
<br> - Removed Required field for Section ID in batch visits (#875)
<br> - Removed some field choices for Student Listing -> Create Chart (#863)
|SI Comparison
<br> - Increased length of custom question's answer size (#868)
<br> - Time format of Batch Visit entry changed to am/pm (#864)
<br> - Roster mark all attended can now be used repeatedly (#851)
<br> - Register In from Student listing worked but displayed an error (#855)
<br> - Student signin via QR code, Time Check data was too large for portrait orientation, time check reformatted to display properly (#854)
<br> - Printing a Time check from KIOSK would display extraneous information, that information has been removed (#853)
<br> - Fixed an issue with QR SI codes not working (#877)
<br> - Added additional security to student document downloads (#878)
<br> - Prevent student from clicking on center visit lines (#879)
<br> - Fixed report Registrations by ?? when student id added (#872)
<br> - Prevent same student from being added to group roster multiple times (#867)
<br> - Fixed issue with search availability instructions not being shown (#869)
<br> - Fixed 'Batch Visit > Batch Scan' <br> - If an incorrect ID is entered, no visits are created for anyone in the list (#885)
<br> - Fixed Multi-Person Availability Locks apply to all availabilities in the series, not possible to unlock any but the first (#884)
<br> - Quick and Batch Visit duration not counting towards Registration Total Visit Time (#883)
<br> - 'Section' field no longer appears when creating Quick Visits, only appears after saving (#882)
<br> - 'The location for this appointment is here' text allows students to join an online session before booking the appointment (#881)
<br> - 'Send notes' button on visit entry not displaying consistently (#886)
<br> - 'Preview' button doesn't work for Resource Emails (#888)
<br> - SurveyTrac 'Link to Centers' list displays inactive subcenters as options (#892)
<hr><b> [1.0.7] 2022-03-03
<br> - Added Visit notes field to be shown on new record entry (#806)
<br> - Added visit information to survey responses report (#790)
<br> - Added isTerminated to Visits By report (#812)
<br> - Added ability to open up Visit and Appointment records from Staff timeline (#822)
<br> - Added Center Info Preview button to center entry (#820)
<br> - Added Consultant payroll Time Check button to dasboard of consultants (#817)
<br> - Added additional options for Status charts (#404)
<br> - Added ability to send batch emails to Staff and Faculty (#232)
<br> - Added ability to enter Follow Up notes to Outstanding Appointment Requests (#832)
<br> - Added ability to add Consultant and Wait Status to KIOSK listing and prevent student from clicking to change (#842)
<br> - Added ability to lock a group availability's time slot from further booking by student via search availability (#811)
<br> - Allow set work type group disposition to '1+' (#801)
<br> - Increase character length of Location field (#821)
<br> - Document Types that are not usable for students are now hidden on new document entry (#836)
<br> - Fixed issue where certain fields were being shown even if preference for those fields to be hidden was selected (#799, #800)
<br> - Fixed an isse witb search availability not loading results when dynamic lists utilized data from SAGE referrals (#802)
<br> - Fixed an issue with Schedule and Appointment widget showing reasons from another profile grouping (#803)
<br> - Fixed group roster email attachments issue (#805)
<br> - Fixed wording of 'Dropin Appointment' to 'Dropin Availability' (#786)
<br> - Fixed various lists sort by column (#808)
<br> - Fixed additional wording of drop in availabilities (#810)
<br> - Fixed title of the Send Visit notes button for individual visits (#809)
<br> - Fixed watch list indicators issue for a malformed query (#813)
<br> - Fixed 'Last Month' for navSearch on Visit Listing (#819)
<br> - Fixed an invisible reserve block on schedule (#829)
<br> - Fixed deactivations for Student in List not automatically running (#831)
<br> - Fixed an issue where Sending an Email to a single student had problems (#834)
<hr><b> [1.0.6] 2022-02-18
<br> - Added Other_ID and Other_ID2 fields added to Student SAML login options
<br> - Added per tutor MaxHours field
<br> - Added new tag called 'Auto Cancelled' (#795)
<br> - Added subject identifier in group rosters when same subject/instructor/section chosen (#426)
<br> - MaxHours field to staff record and a MaxHours tag to the max appointment rules functionality (#785)
<br> -
<br> - Changed: enter online session button is hidden when clicked
<br> - Missed appointment email process only changes student status to Student Missed
<br> - Fixed work button content from wrapping
<br> - Fixed location of appointment not overridden when opened
<br> - Fixed New Student visit summary report (#776)
<br> - Fixed Outstanding Appointment request report (#787)
<br> - Fixed Dropin Availability wording
<br> - Fixed an issue regarding scheduling appointment problems with clicking on the availability time on the schedule (#789)
<br> - Fixed automated emails adding extra lines breaks (#791)
<br> - Prevent student from entering online session early (#794)
<br> - Fixed issue preventing certain user from being able to select a student from the search student prompt (#793)
<br> - Fixed an issue with Appointnents Visit Utilization report (#782)
<br> - Fixed an issue with display of upcoming appointments on dashboard (#797)
<br> - Fixed an issue with certain users unable to open group roster on scheduler (#798)
<hr><b> [1.0.5] 2022-02-09
<br> - Added student ID to sort for Students by report (#752)
<br> - Added ability to attach an upload document to a Visit record (#739)
<br> - Added ability to create a Quick Visit from the Student Record (#740)
<br> - Added ability to specify the online versus in-person location of availability (#438)
<br> - Added ability to hide certain sectiosn from Student course list options (#770)
<br> - Added ability to search registrations by sequence in assignment grid (#764)
<br> - Added Multi-part consultant group appointment reminder prefs
<br> - Added ability for SysAdmin to lock a CourseList
<br> - Added ability for Staf to opt out of SMS messages.
<br> - Added ability to resend survey to students (#783)
<br> - Change wording of 'Online Optional' to 'Online or In-Person' (#756)
<br> - Center status on dashboard no longer displays inactive centers (#753)
<br> - Staff reasons no longer display inactive reasons (#751)
<br> - Changed wording of Log in button to Log In / Out on KIOSK (#746)
<br> - Changed format of visit duration to xh Ym instead of 0:00 (#741)
<br> - Overridden ID format applied to all reports (#738)
<br> - Prevent utilization editing vist from opening more than 1 visit popup at a time (#772)
<br> - Changed look of processed checkbox on listing for outstanding requests (#769)
<br> - Hide Sign up for SMS Reminder button when school does not have Text Alerts module (#762)
<br> - Appointments from other centers now display for scheduler when showing all staff (#780)
<br> - Overriding Student ID fixed (#738)
<br> - Fixed an issue with import header protection when schools send extra characters prior to first quote (#754)
<br> - Fixed find student button for ad hoc appointment creation (#755)
<br> - Fixed a hwiteboard send image issue with some browser (#398)
<br> - Fixed issue with appointment duration when profile proference duration increments is 00:00 (#744)
<br> - Fixed issue with Previous Visits tab on Visit entry, honors consultant security settings (#748)
<br> - Fixed issue with SAGE triggers and certain emails (#749)
<br> - Fixed issue with double clicking the join session button creating multiple visits (#750)
<br> - Fixed issue with deactivated custom fields still showing in visit entry (#743)
<br> - Fixed issue with editing visit link not working on page 2 of the utilization (#745)
<br> - SI Comparison report <br> - Percentages not adding up correctly (#747)
<br> - Fixed permissions issue with booking appointnents by staff on group availability (#742)
<br> - Fixed export of grade assignments to CSV from registrations listing (#767)
<br> - Fixed selecting a section on Quick Visit when section title contains apostrophe (#771)
<br> - Fixed issue with certain visits not computed in total visits shown for registration (#765)
<br> - Fixed issues with recurring appointments being block when block is for all centera or all staff (#766)
<br> - Fixed sort options for outstanding appointment requests (#768)
<br> - Fixed an issue with Terms and Conditions acdeptance when Staff is seeing conditions for a student (#763)
<br> - Fixed navigation bar display for faulty entry (#775)
<br> - Selecting consultant on KIOSK login rechecks whther continue button should be enabled (#779)
<br> - Delay for KIOSK welcome message is reset when the KIOSK modal is closed (#781)
<br> - Fixed an issue in SI comparison report (#747)
<hr><b> [1.0.4] 2022-02-01
<br> - Drag and drop student photo files now convert file names from old format to new.
<br> - Added preference to control display of numeric ID of student on student listing and entry and in search list
<br> - Added Students currently being seen to center status area of dashboard
<br> - Added new functionality during SAGE Email processing to assign referral to a consultant
<br> - Added availabilities for other centers will now appear on schedule for all persons in a center
<br> - Added last modified by and scheduled by to bottom of appointment display (#728)
<br> - Preference to allow future appointments to be auto cancelled is student cancels 2 consecutive appoitments
<br> - Added ability to send visit notes from the Group appointment roster
<br> - Fixed issue with confirm student bio not showing on dashboard for some students (#724)
<br> - Fixed issue with Quick Visits not showing in utlization tab if no Entered Date Time (#732)
<br> - Fixed issue with some reserver time blocks not appearing on schedule for all persons in a center (#731)
<br> - Fixed students unable to upload a document to an appointment (#719)
<br> - Fixed a display issue with attendance listing in student entry not display until a search is performed (#726)
<br> - Hide reasons and recommendations from faculty on a roster referral now works (#722)
<br> - Changed the display of lists assigned in student entry with searchable option (#706)
<br> - When SAGE recipient removed, automated emails will display the recipient with a line through (#721)
<br> - Notifications for outstanding appointment requests now can be shown to any group with privileges (#730)
<hr><b> [1.0.3] 2022-01-27
<br> - Added Visit Notes to attendance listing in student entry.
<br> - Added Send Quiz option for Surveys
<br> - Added Lab Staff as another Consultant descriptor (#700)
<br> - Payroll summary export now contains work reasons
<br> - Added ability to mute notification bell sounds (#710)
<br> - Upcoming group appointments are shown as a single item on consultant dashboard
<br> - Added Staff.FirstLast name search to Visit search (#712)
<br> - Change student status to missed in group roster will now send missed appointment email (#703)
<br> - Only show active sections on registrations entry (#709)
<hr><b> [1.0.2] 2022-01-24
<br> - Fixed issue when custom missed status was not being used to calculate 2 consecutive missed appointments. (#696)
<br> - Fixed Reasons sort order on Search Availability reasons menu (#694)
<br> - Fixed issue with editimg groups not showing profile menu for certain user groups
<br> - Fixed Registration activation for certain conditions when registration record not imported
<br> - Special Needs added to reports for Appointments
<br> - Added ability to link a max appointment rule to student on (or not on) a particular list
<br> - Added display of time when hand was raised to the Q2 Queue (#689)
<br> - Dashboard for Consultants now has week and day view for appointments
<br> - Resources listing now uses barcode for searching in nav search field.
<br> - Added ability to specify section, with wildcard, when adding an item to a course list.
<br> - Added Semester Dates to Time Line choices for time period.
<br> - Change Field Value for Visits / Appointments: other fields adjusted automatically when duration adjusted (#693)
<br> - SysAdmins now see outstanding appointment requests as notifications items (#678)
<br> - Adjusted the time display on dashboard visits to show 1h 23m format.
<br> - Quick Visits Date Entered is no longer required
<hr><b> [1.0.1] 2022-01-21
<br> - Consultant main menu shows appointment view options for Day, Week, and List
<br> - Updating Duration field will now auto update the End Time (for Visits Change field Value) (#693)
<br> - Show Accomodations in Reports (#423)
<br> - Outstanding Appointment Requests will notify SysAdmins (#678)
<br> - Max Appointment Rules now have the ability to link to Lists (#686)
<br> - Added start time for hand raised in Q2 list (#689)
<br> - Schedule reserved blocks now shown proper;ly on Center Schedule report (#685)
<br> - Work Visits do not require a student when saving on entry screen (#682)
<br> - Work Visits Reasons are now scrollable in the work visit menu.
<br> - Adjusted the entry screen to hide the save button for those withoutout access via the table access preference.
<hr><b> [1.0.0] 2022-01-15
<br> - Code running on AWS
<hr><b> [0.11.9] 2022-01-13
<br> - Create batch Work Visits from the Staff listing
<br> - New preference to Hide Drop In availabilities from Students
<br> - Upload URL as document record
<hr><b> [0.11.8] 2022-01-06
<br> - KIOSK Name search allows for Middle Initial and displays middle initial in results
<br> - Dropins allow student to receive an SMS reminder (#661)
<br> - Ability to add an import process to deactivate students not imported (#658)
<br> - Search avail widget title pref now used in search dialog title as well (#662)
<br> - Roster send emails to All send to all except cancelled appointments (#652)
<br> - Twig tag Appointment.isCancelled now ignores missed and added new tag isMissed (#657)
<br> - Keep multi-check custom fields from wrapping between checkbox and label (#656)
<br> - Changing status of appointments to custom missed status was not sending missed email (#655)
<br> - Fixed issue with dynamic list using related data not showing page entry (#659)
<br> - Do not auto choose Student ID field for import field matching (#660)
<hr><b> [0.11.7] 2021-12-28
<br> - Potential assignments is now a choosable menu
<br> - Recompute Specialties runs as a job behind the scenes (#646)
<br> - Appointment reasons now allows for grouped reasons (#643)
<br> - Added more preferences for title text for Schedule and Appointment widget (#650)
<br> - Minor bug fixes (#649)
<br> - Availabilities for a staff is based on linkages to centers and the current user's privileges (#631)
<br> - Search availability choosing student no longer shows inactive students (#648)
<br> - Fixed issue for reason required to be chosen on schedule an appointment (#651)
<hr><b> [0.11.6] 2021-12-21
<br> - Added Queue view to KIOSKs and Log Listings
<br> - Added minimum visit time in grade calculations
<br> - Added twig rendering to Confirm BIO text
<br> - Added center filtering to centers menu on the scheduler and sorted the centers
<br> - Sections listing on Quick Visits
<br> - Fixed sorting Registrations on Student Entry
<br> - Sections on search availability
<hr><b> [0.11.5] 2021-12-19
<br> - Added Terms and Conditions for Student Main Menu, KIOSK Login, and Booking Appointments. (#484)
<br> - Remove Course list from the listing for Deactivated Staff members. (#619)
<br> - Fixed: Staff have access to create availabilities in centers they don't have access to. (#616)
<br> - Fixed: Student group uses the View Schedule group preference for determine the centers shown when searching availabilities. (#617)
<br> - Fixed: AVailabilities created with choosing the DAYS (defaults to null), where being hidden when choosing Hide Unavailable on the scheduler. (#618)
<br> - Fixed: Batch Visits <br> - Batch Scans and Selected do not record subject when using the wildcard (#620).
<hr><b> [0.11.4] 2021-12-09
<br> - Fixed Attendance and KIOSK menus, only show Profiles for Centers the user has logging access to
<br> - Fixed adjust computed end time of appointment when Duration changed (#612)
<br> - Fixed SAGE Referrals Listing timeframe for Today and Yesterday (#613)
<br> - Added Live time of Q2 visit updated and expected duration shows warning if over time (#526)
<br> - Added Profile Preference to prevent consecutive appointments wirth same student / consultant (#29)
<hr><b> [0.11.3] 2021-12-07
<br> - KIOSK Menus will sub group by Profile if more than 5 profiles
<br> - Added more fields to be used as staff -> student linkages
<br> - Added special needs / skills to outstanding appointment requests
<br> - Added grouping by Profile for Schedule Center / Consultant menu for more than 5 profiles
<br> - Honor missed appointment status for Group Rosters
<br> - Fixed Order profiles by Name
<br> - Fixed export students to CSV removed non-breaking space characters from email text
<br> - Fixed search in select after a listing searched
<hr><b> [0.11.1 2] 2021-12-02
<br> - Added ability to drop a large number of student photos onto the student photo folder for batch upload
<br> - Added Subject Daculty display option to subject listing on student main menu for search availability
<br> - Added requirement for Student to be chosen for a Quick Visit to be saved
<br> - Added inactive surveys to the surveys list for access preferences
<br> - Added Assignments to the search Students form
<br> - Fixed Whiteboard issue with blank or single pixel images
<br> - Boosted the speed of the search student form
<br> - Search students by Visits will only search active registrations
<hr><b> [0.11.0] 2021-12-02
<br> - Fixed faculty email report
<br> - Added more logging for send SMS for future debugging
<hr><b> [0.10.59] 2021-11-27
<br> - Fixed dynamic dates for status charts (#571)
<br> - KIOSK Login, updtae consultaht list when subject chosen
<br> - Fixed charts issue (#574)
<br> - Fixed issue with custom tab1
<br> - Fixed Sort Groups by Name
<br> - Fixed Batch Visits for selected students
<br> - Assignment Grid now available in Sections Enrollment Entry and Registration Listing
<br> - Added Group Preference to hide student photos
<hr><b> [0.10.58] 2021-11-22
<br> - Unable to delete list from Student Listing if the name contains an apostrophe (#559)
<br> - For a certain campus, Unable to create new Max Appointment Blocks (#560)
<br> - Fixed Sorting profile listing by email doesn't sort alphabetically (#561)
<br> - Fixed Saving a large phone number causes blank screen (#562)
<br> - Fixed select student names in quick visit if the student's name contains an apostrophe (Fixed #565)
<br> - Fixed Staff members are unable to update their Staff Bio (#566)
<br> - Added ability to apply location to SI Batch visit and Quick Visit (#563)
<hr><b> [0.10.57] 2021-11-16
<br> - Sort groups menu on staff entry alphabetically
<br> - Allow sysAdmins to access public and admin docs in System Preferances
<br> - Removed preference fo staff confirmation BIO that was not needed
<br> - Cancelling appointments via a block will send cancellation emails if needed
<br> - Student search form now allows the ability to search for the students via existence or non-existence of a linked record (Appointments, Visits, Registraion, Document, Survey, SAGE Referral)
<hr><b> [0.10.56] 2021-11-12
<br> - Fixed issue with custom views not saving all the fields for power search
<br> - Dropped Appointment OnlineURL custom tag
<br> - Fixed issue with opening profile reasons
<br> - Added auto navigate to last KIOSK if dashboard is loaded with logging in
<hr><b> [0.10.55] 2021-11-09
<br> - Update link class
<br> - If the center of a multi-person availability is changed, also change the center of the related appointments (#510)
<br> - Redirect kiosk accounts back to the kiosk view if dashboard is accessed without logging in (#507)
<br> - Profile Admins Cannot Save Profile PREFS Settings (#506)
<br> - Fixed unable to open groups from Profle Entry (#505)
<br> - Fixed wildcard search in vist location (#504)
<br> - Fixed Creating a new student from the log listing doesn't follow the "next ID value" preference (#503)
<br> - Fixed Custom Registration Listing Views <br> - Student custom field data doesn't display (#498)
<br> - Fixed Appt Missed calculations when covered by a block (#518)
<br> - Covering an appointment with a block will now cancel the appointment (#519)
<br> - Fixed Appointments for subjects where subjects no longer active still show as choice (#522)
<br> - Fixed open term entry issue (#523)
<br> - Prevent arbitrary center ids from being entered with batch visit entry (#516)
<br> - Add location drop down to Visit Record (#502)
<br> - Moving appointment from one consultant to another, change location (if using staff location) (#525)
<hr><b> [0.10.53-54] 2021-11-09
<br> - Fixed Custom URL issues
<hr><b> [0.10.52] 2021-11-04
<br> - Added confirmed datetime and notified datetime to notification entry
<br> - Added number of students selected during SI Batch student selection (#495)
<br> - Notification types that don't require confirmation now display on KIOSK login (#480)
<br> - Q2 Report menu is available to staff
<br> - Group by referral related data (#442)
<br> - Roster emails sending to all (#485)
<br> - Work visit button display weirdness when resizing the screen on KIOSKs (#481)
<br> - Fixed issue with a blank watch list query causing save on student to show a blank screen (#482)
<br> - Utilization and Center Visits Widget on Dashboard <br> - Sorting by Name or Center hides all visits (#483)
<br> - Fixed issue where staff privileged prevent editing students still were able to edit a column in custom view (#487)
<br> - Fixed with unable to search in nav search area with text that included an apostrophe (#488)
<br> - Fixed issue with appointment saving, when clicking save and a field is required, save button was not ren-enabled (#490)
<br> - Fixed issue with new student record showing timeline and registration records, now hidden until save (#492)
<br> - Fixed marking an appointment as Missed doesn't trigger the Missed Email to be sent (#493)
<br> - Fixed clicking the X icon to close the "this appointment is part of a series" window soft-locks the dashboard (#494)
<br> - If a recurring appointment lands on a day with an Availability Block, it still books the appointment, overlapping the blocked time (#489)
<br> - Added Save button to the Student Custom1 tab (#499)
<hr><b> [0.10.51] 2021-11-01
<br> - Added ability to specify current term when creating max appt rules
<br> - Added ability to specify a course list linked to an availability
<br> - Added a new twig tag for "Last Modified By" in appointment records (#475)
<br> - Added RedrockOnly announcements to identify to Redrock staff regarding any special conditions that should be taken into account when adjusting system parameters (ie, activating students is specially performed)
<br> - Custom views have a default search of all records now
<br> - Center utilization uses the dates of the active terms but ignores null dates in terms
<br> - Fixes 'Last Modified By' in appointment records doesn't update when a student cancels an appointment (#474)
<br> - Fixed an issue caused by new max appointment rules: current term preventing appointment save
<br> - Fixed appointment documents being deleted not refreshing the document listing in appointment
<hr><b> [0.10.50] 2021-10-29
<br> - Added listing editing capability to certain columns when designated (listings and custom views)
<br> - When staff cancels appointment, message was stating student cancelled (#473)
<hr><b> [0.10.49] 2021-10-28
<br> - Added sorting capability to faculty referrals list: sort by first or last (#467)
<br> - Time check after choosing the student from the list didnt show the continue button (#469)
<br> - Clicking next on utilization listing doesnt hide the navsrch field (#468)
<br> - Changing availability location was not saving new location in appointments (#458 AGAIN)
<br> - navSearch previous query shows html for &lt; and &gt; (#471)
<hr><b> [0.10.48] 2021-10-27
<br> - Added new profile preferences for Student Time Check
<hr><b> [0.10.47] 2021-10-26
<br> - Added student ID, Other_ID and Other_ID2 to field picker for Custom Views (#465)
<br> - Added view student record button from Outstanding Appointment Request screen (#464)
<br> - Fixed document type toggle buttons appearing over top nav bar (#459)
<br> - Fixed uploading attachment files to Email templates (#461)
<br> - Fixed backup link to enter online appointment now passes reason and section to log the visit
<hr><b> [0.10.46] 2021-10-25
<br> - Fixed Outstanding appointment request reason bnot showing/saving on entry screen (#463)
<br> - Fixed batch emails for group roster emailing issue (#460)
<br> - Fixed availability location change not applying to group appointments when appointment is not online (#458)
<br> - Fixed issue with new document type button causing a click event for doc type toggle buttons (#457)
<br> - Fixed issue on appointment entry where editing a custom field value wasnt causing appointment save button to appear
<br> - Fixed minor positioning issue on whiteboard chat history when page is resized
<hr><b> [0.10.45] 2021-10-23
<br> - Added support for the various date time formats on KIOSK and Log listings
<br> - Added sys pref to display Accum Hours on Student/Campus tab
<br> - Date time conversion for Timezones on KIOSK and Log Listings
<br> - Added Profile Pref for Timezone different from Campus Timezone
<br> - Dragging an appointment past the midnight hour fixed (#448)
<br> - Fixed whiteboard issue with draw sending multiple times on multiple send clicks (#451)
<br> - After sending, undo options cleared (#462)
<br> - Clicking the delete button on newly created watch/custom list fixed (#447)
<br> - Preview for "Warning message to display on early logout" shows a preview of Notice on KIOSK instead (#445)
<br> - Creating a new document type expands all existing document settings, and inverts whatever they were set to (#444)
<br> - After creating and deleting a Custom List, it becomes impossible to rename existing lists until a refresh (#443)
<br> - Changing locations in appointment entry doesn't prompt the save button to appear (#440)
<br> - Fixed Next staff and previous staff buttons, clicking too fast shows wrong staff (#449)
<hr><b> [0.10.44] 2021-10-21
<br> - Added change log list (View Latest Changes menu added for SysAdmins)
<br> - Added change location on group availability affects appointments (#435)
<br> - When creating new document, auto expand the file browser area (#434)
<br> - Typo in sectioon search for availabilty block sections (#431)
<br> - Typo in outstanding appointment request title text (#432)
<br> - Email survey after visit via Join button (#428)
<br> - Fixed display of student appointment after booking an appointment (#433)
<hr><b> [0.10.43] 2021-10-20
<br> - Improvements to navSrch previous search menu (for Students & Registrations)
<br> - Added color ribbons to search availability results (#427)
<br> - Announcements for students may be for dash or kiosk of both, also fixed an issue with login dialog disappearing prematurely (#425)
<br> - Choosing consultant on logout was not working properly (issue #424)
<br> - Fixed custom views for very complicated table traversal (ie Registrations needs data from Courses and Students) also allow Generated fields to be chosen
<hr><b> [0.10.42] 2021-10-19
<br> - Fixed registration views to show Student fields.
<br> - Found an issue with visits not logged out that aren't getting terminated (#417)
<br> - Moved KIOSK choices for all centers that profile and Log listings to last item in list (#416)
<hr><b> [0.10.41] 2021-10-18
<br> - Subjects chosen for availabilities are shown in the slots (#260)
<br> - Appt Visit Utilization report, add csv output option
<br> - Availability recurring (optional & selected) interface changed to be more simplified (#335)
<br> - Less stern warning regarding date and time of appointment when not matching expected values (#414)
<br> - Fixed issue when deleting a multi availability, remove from calendar display
<br> - Prevent double clicking on appointment save (#413, #412)
<br> - Fixed certain submenu choices for windows surface table (#401)
<hr><b> [0.10.39] 2021-10-15
<br> - Export Registrations to csv (#410)
<br> - Added ability to re-search previous searches using menu on nav search (#372)
<br> - Added new feature / system preference: Dash chart choices are now customizable
<br> - Add option to show summary report for Appt Visit Utilization
<br> - CC center on send email to students listing
<br> - Switch format of full name on user searches
<hr><b> [0.10.38] 2021-10-14
<br> - Update SMS validator to support api key
<hr><b> [0.10.37] 2021-10-14
<br> - Saved searches are editable by sysAdmins (#406)
<br> - Add icon to automated reports in favorites submenu
<br> - Fixed privileges issue when switching to Staff that is Profile Admin from Faculty
<hr><b> [0.10.36] 2021-10-13
<br> - Fixed typo in search availabilities
<hr><b> [0.10.35] 2021-10-08
<br> - Added scheduler cookie prefs to the user preferences (#373)
<br> - Allow SI Batch codes to work for non enrolled sections (#397)
<br> - Added options parameter to sendConfirmation, when online changed on availability from No to Yes or Yes to No, adjust all future appointments (#394)
<br> - Moving appointments, set avail id and force confirmation immediate. Recompute duration
<br> - Fixed typo in search availabilities
<br> - Online location display option fixed (#396)
<br> - CC Center on Roster batch emails fixed (#380)
<br> - Moving appointment from one consultant to another fixed email issue (#393)
<br> - Fixed a bug with courselist sql when blank data in search criteria
<br> - Your online session is available needs to be removed if appointment is canceled or deleted (#395)
<br> - Prevent double clicks to enter online appointment (#392)
<hr><b> [0.10.34] 2021-10-07
<br> - Trap double clicks on links on scheduler
<br> - Outstanding appointment requests are now accessed via Table Access preference (#389)
<br> - Roster buttons became unresponsive after clicking (#384)
<br> - Fixed formatting of move and edit availability buttons in appt entry (#385)
<br> - Choose a different date on move appt (or search availabilities)... format to look like a button, fixed bug with not choosing last date chosen (#388, #387)
<br> - Fixed datetime format on mailqueue display (#386)
<hr><b> [0.10.33] 2021-10-06
<br> - New integration functionality for merging multiple campus licenses into one
<br> - Faculty email report allowed for Admin (#377)
<br> - Fixed Views became broken from previous adjustment (#383)
<br> - Fixed drawing availabilities with DAYS = null
<br> - Scanning SI batch codes other than Student Sequence is fixed (#383)
<br> - Fixed OFF/ON CAMPUS/ZONE calculation (#379)
<br> - Fix missing csv header (#371)
<hr><b> [0.10.32] 2021-10-01
<br> - Minor documentation, latest trac
<br> - Group pref override scheduling prefs allows search Avail find any availability during move process (#370)
<hr><b> [0.10.31] 2021-09-30
<br> - Process SI and Batch fixed online checkbox option (#369)
<br> - Fixed the CourseList course item issue when expanding an item, search didnt account for text values (#367)
<br> - Update PinStatus during imports, remove old pins automatically, allow user to remove a status pin if they dont need to see it any longer (Gears turn during long processes)
<br> - Added a KIOSK option for All Profiles (#365)
<br> - Added a few more power search phrases for the visits listing (#366)
<br> - Nightly terminate removes any unstarted visits
<hr><b> [0.10.30] 2021-09-29
<br> - Fixed a typo in student nav search choices: Birthdate
<br> - Batch visits create for non-online batches properly (#361)
<br> - Prevent appointments with duration <= 0 from being booked
<br> - Addition appointment security checks added to prevent user from hacking the appointment values
<br> - Auto cancel future appointments when 2 consecutive missed in a recurring series
<br> - Add survey instructions to the survey link email
<br> - Add watch list indicators to referral list to faculty (#352)
<br> - Profile admins can create student records in the student listing screen
<br> - Referrals Assigned, student name is now clickable to view student entry (#363)
<hr><b> [0.10.29] 2021-09-28
<br> - Latest trac for menu slider fix (#354)
<br> - Don't allow students to override a conflict with a blocked time (#355)
<br> - Fixed appointment layout issues when viewing from a phone (#349)
<br> - Referrals listing on dashboard, add student name and added ability to filter
<br> - Added search active only to registrations listing (#356)
<hr><b> [0.10.28] 2021-09-24
<br> - Fixed appointment layout issues when viewing from a phone (#349)
<br> - Fixed issue with choosing a section for an availability (#348)
<br> - Moved get student bio to a helper proc. Fixed issue when showing students before opening batch visits (#350)
<br> - Another fix (#329) <br> - applied to group appointments
<br> - Fix for issues (#322, #339) <br> - appt scheduled by and modified by
<hr><b> [0.10.27] 2021-09-23
<br> - Click continue multiple times creates multiple logins, hide button to prevent (#347)
<br> - Date format for search availability problem (#342)
<br> - Fixed an issue with Static lists being non-editable (#338)
<br> - Converting seconds to HH:MM format, rounding fix
<br> - Add a message to top of appointment when appointment is saved (#)
<br> - Add logging to survey and report email attempts
<br> - Allow required fields that are toggle fields to be hilited when not chosen (during validation process) (#344)
<br> - Added ability to test an IP address to understand if IP is in block range or not.
<br> - Add SchedModBy field to Appointments table
<br> - Error logging on appointment email send
<br> - Faculty email report <br> - add reply-to email address
<br> - Email: Only allow From override if not using mail.cordernet.com or office365
<br> - Adjusted wording of Reason Not Required override (#341)
<br> - Differentiate between visit location and appt location for student visit/appt report (#336)
<hr><b> [0.10.26] 2021-09-21
<br> - Add a RegStatus field to Registrations allowing a different field to be used for deactivating a registration record (#334)
<br> - Additional Logging on calc_Missed
<br> - add ability to process additional merges, cleanup, after a merge operation has been performed using an optional function 'app_processAfterMerge'
<hr><b> [0.10.25] 2021-09-20
<br> - Fixed a bad SQL statement having to do with blocked availabilities
<hr><b> [0.10.24] 2021-09-20
<br> - Added ability to collapse the filter text on KIOSKs (#328)
<br> - Add document uploaded Notifications that appear under alarm bell (#180)
<br> - Preference for work button now control consultants logged in button
<br> - Obscured placeholder will now use a label is text to be displayed
<br> - Fixed a bad SQL statement
<br> - All uses of count check for countable
<br> - Cancelling an appointment might mark status as undefined (#326)
<br> - Fix for automated reports <br> - even if bad email address, update favorite as processed
<br> - Fix import batch item process to not automatically have a batch file name, so the user has to enter it.
<hr><b> [0.10.23] 2021-09-20
<br> - Adjusted cleanup report <br> - use record class so changes are auto logged
<hr><b> [0.10.22] 2021-09-18
<br> - Added ability to pull linked student data into staff record when viewing/updating (#146)
<br> - Allow max appointment rules for blank status (#317)
<br> - Added Bi-Weekly to repeating appointment
<br> - Group multi slot booking should not use time intervals (#323)
<br> - Don't notify Staff when their own work visit appears (#321)
<br> - Show FTP versus School Imports Test file name
<br> - Query student subjects is faster now on search availability
<br> - New Custom fields had an issue with saving before extra clicks (#250)
<br> - Latest trac and fixed dashboard links on entry forms
<br> - Cancel <br> - missed status wasnt being applied properly (#324)
<br> - Fixed Show These students from the Visits listing after having found visits for this week (#320)
<br> - Prevent student double booking re-fixed (#318)
<br> - Set appointment status as attended when online session entered (#319)
<hr><b> [0.10.21] 2021-09-17
</b><hr><b> [0.10.20] 2021-09-17
<br> - Batch assign UUID for faculty if not already assigned.
<br> - Added php Uuid::uuid4() assignment to import process for any record that has a UUID field
<br> - Students can use the multi-slot booking now
<hr><b> [0.10.19] 2021-09-16
<br> - Added ability to remove calendar iCal attachments (#279)
<br> - TotalTime in Visits Export (#307)
<br> - Log out consultants button added to list of consultants logged in (#306)
<br> - Latest trac
<br> - Ability to override max merge records found limit
<br> - Conclude work visits from visit listing (#303)
<br> - Reports are now run as job on the job server
<br> - Added ability to Log visit to only staff who are logged in to work (302)
<br> - Added Section CRN to various reports (#298)
<br> - New profile pref to require reason and section on save appt only
<br> - When logging in at KIOSK for an appointment, the Subject and Reason and Time are displayed
<br> - Allow section to be specified in a Custom KIOSK (#280)
<br> - Allow uses to remove a list even if linked to student records
<br> - Show only staff in a center if there is a linkage for that staf in that center
<br> - Custom KIOSK assigning a Reason, removed any duplicate choices
<br> - Hide work visits from KIOSK (#308)
<br> - Writing centers don't use specialties for subject list for consultant (#304)
<br> - Roster status updates are now done using record object for logging purposes
<br> - Changing online for an appointment in a series now applies the value to all in the series (#254)
<br> - Last import status with mismatched columns or column data has better error display
<br> - Only output headers right before json output (for the API)
<br> - Fixed issue with blocks not completely obscuring availabilities
<br> - Multi-slot booking fixed when hour start increments is 0 (#310, 309)
<br> - Don't show inactive registrations on search availabilities subject choices (#313)
<br> - Wait time reports: if WaitTime is null, use 0 (#305)
<br> - Fix resource images load/uploadto
<br> - Fixed bug with login to appointment text showing subject reason and time.
<br> - RecurID of undefined is not a real recurID
<br> - Max Appt Rules for Subject needs to query for same CourseID
<hr><b> [0.10.18] 2021-09-14
<br> - Added #id of conflicting subject section appointment for debugging purposes
<br> - Added go to dashboard icon to some of the entry screens
<br> - Use NIL UUID for default User, check for null user before loading groups
<br> - Group appointments with slot prefs (same subject, same faculty, same section), now do a check before saving a new appointment (#246)
<br> - Split automated_reports into two scripts <br> - reports and exports
<br> - Adjust z-index of nav so magnifying glass isn't on top of menu above (#248)
<br> - Fixed typo, report calculation (#296, #301, #300)
<br> - Students cant override adding more to a multiperson slot (#296)
<br> - Don't show work visits (or visits with null for student id in loglist or kiosk)
<br> - Removed duplicated appointments based on related table search
<br> - Fix, in case a later-deleted customData field is in use in a saved favorite report
<br> - SchedCheck bug fixed
<br> - Move To dialog now appears over existing appointment dialog
<br> - Get proper campus code for sso logins
<hr><b> [0.10.17] 2021-09-13
<br> - Referrals widget default open/close via cookie
<br> - Added CRN to Student's Registrations List
<br> - Added CRN field to various reports (#287)
<br> - Removed 'Email' from User Login prompt
<br> - Removed PHP Mailer
<br> - Automated reports use new CRON and jobs system
<br> - Appt SectionID and ReasonID properly copied to group roster visit when attended
<br> - View these Students from Registrations listing (#293)
<br> - Roster attended was duplicating visits, fixed
<br> - Also attended now sets the enteredDT to same as TimeIn for roster visits
<br> - Latest trac with str_toHours fixed
<br> - Fix link in email for emailed reports
<br> - Work visits menu needed a unique id to differentiate from nav menu work visit menu
<br> - Fixed issue with faculty courses not showing students enrolled
<hr><b> [0.10.16] 2021-09-10
<br> - Added Section CRN to main Registration listing
<br> - Make sure appointment's section and reason override availability
<br> - Availabilities dropsearch for sections show only active sections, minor cleanup of count of selected records
<br> - Mark a group appointment item as attended applies sectionID to the visit record (#283)
<br> - Fixed issue where TimeOut wasnt being computed on an SI Login.  Fixed issue when number of students in current selection filled up memory (#281)
<hr><b> [0.10.15] 2021-09-10
<br> - Added Redrock Pref, to set how many days of data for reports to run as a job
<br> - Use new Redrock IP detection
<br> - Update import status when file not found or FTP Path is nonexistent
<br> - Update automated_reports.php <br> - added logging, and better null checking
<br> - Hide availabilities fixed when availability was for DAYS not shown
<hr><b> [0.10.14] 2021-09-10
<br> - Added display for import file location (test or FTP)
<br> - Added ability to use caching for certain record types during the import process to increase speed of imports by 300%
<br> - Add limitation message for Office 365 email (#38)
<br> - Import now allows for Student record caching, adjusted to track memory usage
<br> - Import status while importing, show latest record count
<br> - Importing: switched the default cache setting from no to yes
<hr><b> [0.10.13] 2021-09-09
<br> - Added more clarification notices/descriptions to all system preferences
<br> - Added handling of SSO de-auths
<br> - Add SAML/CAS settings for de-auth
<hr><b> [0.10.11] 2021-09-09
<br> - New system pref to control format of subject when searching availabilities (#215)
<br> - Hover over loglisting images makes them enlarge
<br> - New appointment group pref added (#262)
<br> - Photo image sizes can be controlled on the log listing (#268)
<br> - Student Touchless signin in using phone: auto select first subject to help fix iOS issue (#276)
<br> - Faculty view: related courses now default to active only (#275)
<br> - After a staff record merge operation we remove any duplicate entries in the CenterStaff table (#270)
<br> - Adjustment to the interface for the merge records functionality
<br> - Sections: find duplicate records fixed
<br> - Consultant Schedule Summary Emails is now working (#263)
<br> - Fixed import status issue
<br> - Don't try to delete a non existent document (#274)
<br> - Subject courses on search availability sorted properly (#249)
<br> - Resolve issues with cookie settings not being honored (#259)
<br> - Fixed custom KIOSK reasons and consultants (#253)
<br> - Don't send terminate message to student if preference is not checked (#241)
<br> - Blank announcement bodies fixed (#261)
<br> - Cleanup appointment code, save user who modified it and date and time modified
<br> - Dont allow adhoc creation of avail when no center / staff chosen on pulldowns
<br> - Hide availabilities when not linked to staff on search availablilty
<hr><b> [0.10.10] 2021-09-08
<br> - Get default timezone of America/Phoenix when Prefs doesn't exist yet
<br> - Update manual cron runner with modern code, specifically changeCampus
<br> - Add cleanup script for emails with massive attachment lists
<br> - Check if email can be tried before trying
<br> - Smaller email batch sizes when sending plain emails
<br> - Email updates: a bit more reply-to implementation
<br> - Adjust SAGE referral emails recipients display
<br> - Fix issue with email attachments growing to absurd levels
<br> - Fix twig rendering error logging
<hr><b> [0.10.9] 2021-09-08
<br> - New not Online pref to display when Online checkbox is NOT checked
<br> - Additional options for SAGE date filter
<br> - Dashboard widget: SAGE Referrals uses filters and also use cookies for defauilt open/close display
<br> - More LDAP validation preferences for functionality
<br> - Adjust handling of sender reply tos
<br> - SAGE automated emails listng formatting issue
<hr><b> [0.10.8] 2021-09-03
<br> - Provide user feedback after duplicating a survey
<br> - Set UUID for all students without a UUID during process activations script
<br> - Hide term sequence: its confusing
<hr><b> [0.10.7] 2021-09-02
<br> - Staff listing on profiles now has a search active only option
<br> - Option for new time format that is not military time (for log listings)
<br> - Send Survey to students in current student listing
<br> - Import jobs allowed to take longer amount of time to finish (for now)
<br> - Consultant save own record will only load self as choice on new recs
<br> - Fixed Wildcard subjects now appear in Center Schedule report (#239)
<hr><b> [0.10.6] 2021-09-01
<br> - For reports being emailed (by auto-favorites, job, manual, etc.) implement reply-to for schools using our mail server
<br> - Next and Previous scheduler buttons can use enter key to activate
<br> - For TracCloud schools using our Redrock mail server, for emailed reports, set reply-to
<br> - Consultants default to their own schedule for their default center when they click the Scheduler link
<br> - Show only active reasons to choose from for visits cleanup report
<br> - QR kiosk code not allowing students to login (#238)
<br> - Prevent multiple appointments for a single student in same multi-person group (#235)
<br> - Prevent double click on update specialties (#236)
<br> - Referral custom questions need to be handled differently when applying annoted referral values to selected referrals (fixed issue where all custom questions were being updated)
<br> - Fixes privileges: SysAdmin group overrides Admin, Staff or Consultant privs
<br> - Visits by FTE report fix
<br> - Access own schedule should only show own consultant info (#216)
<hr><b> [0.10.5] 2021-08-31
<br> - Record when visit notes sent, show an indicator (#226)
<br> - Appointment location on calendar is obfuscated (#230)
<br> - Center staff list uses own setsuffix to utilize own search filters (#224)
<br> - When barcode lookup occurs and only 1 student found, auto select
<br> - Fixed a display issue with Cancelled or Missed appointments (#229)
<br> - When document not yet saved, but new doc ready to be uploaded:  fixed issue with it showing are you sure you want to upload with no doc (#225)
<hr><b> [0.10.4] 2021-08-30
<br> - Added expired time to display of sessions that no longer are available
<br> - Added 2 new names for consultants (Educators & Academic Coaches) (#218)
<br> - Show current time bar on schedule as blue and server time when server time does not match local time on scheduler
<br> - Block non-redrock sysAdmins from editing import batches
<br> - Added more functionality to merge faculty. Fixed issues (#210, #212, #213, #151)
<br> - Visit / Appt Export refinements
<br> - Set the initial check value for items with isNewOnly checked for assignment field list
<hr><b> [0.10.2] 2021-08-27
<br> - Log json apptcenters when no records found
<br> - Added error message to apptcenters when returns blank json
<br> - HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR as the user's IP address
<br> - Visits report FTE improvement
<br> - Change logging to info level and do it every time apptcenters json is called
<br> - Fix issue with appointment centers json call failing
<hr><b> [0.10.1] 2021-08-26
<br> - Added new removeDuplicateFaculty job and associated menus
<br> - LDAP Tweaks, fallback to local accounts when ldap fails
<br> - Simplified notification code for URL link copy
<br> - Prevent entry in online dropin session before it's time
<br> - Fix some issues with LDAP settings not making sense
<br> - Online URLs from the search availability maybe copied to the clipboard now
<br> - Fixed online copy URL for older params
<hr><b> [0.10.0] 2021-08-26
<br> - Added Appointment.OnlineLink tag to retrieve a URL that can be emailed for an online session appointment
<br> - Return to original url when doing SSO redirect logins
<br> - Cleaned up and standardized online session link to go through a single form that rejects or redirects based on whether or not the session is available
<br> - Fix retrieval of staffPhotos directory
<br> - Fix issue with retrieving empty url overrides
<br> - Use proper job return types

Latest revision as of 14:49, 16 July 2024

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TracCloud Reports

description placeholder

Click on one column first, then hold down the shift key and click on another column. You'll notice that the items are sorted based on first and then second.

Visit Reports
Report Charts Can include data on individual visits Time of day reporting Can include payroll data example a example b example c example d example e example f
Visits by ??
Average Wait Time
SI Session Listing
Students Visits Center Grid
Students Visits Cleanup Data
Students Visits Summary