From Redrock Wiki
Importing Additional Data into TracCloud
TracCloud can import more than just student and registration data, but other record types require very specific formatting to prevent inaccurate or duplicated data from being created. We generally recommend against importing the records below if possible, as if anything in the import file is entered incorrectly, it can create more work cleaning up the records compared to manually creating them in TracCloud in the first place.
- Import files must be in a flat-text format (.csv or .txt), comma or tab delimited.
- UTF-8 is preferred.
- The file must have quotes surrounding every field.
- A header row is required.
- Custom fields must be coordinated with Redrock Software to ensure assignment to the correct data field.
- File names must be static, with each import upload overwriting the previous copy of the file(s).
There are no restrictions on column order, and optional columns can safely be excluded from your file.
Type | Description |
A## | Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length |
Text | Text fields with a maximum length of over 60,000 characters. |
#B | Big Integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value |
DateTime | Date and time, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Duration | A duration stored in number of minutes, e.g., 90 |
For information on recording visits within the Trac System, click here. Click the button below to download a sample import file.
Name | Type | Required | Field Description | Example |
Student.ID | #B | Yes | The unique numeric ID of the student, OtherID can be used instead if preferred. | 19310045 |
Center.Name | A80 | Yes | The name of the center that the visits will be saved to, must already exist in TracCloud and be spelled correctly. | Learning Center |
Visit.TimeIn | datetime | Yes | The start time of the visit, must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:00. | 2023-05-01 13:00:00 |
Visit.EnteredDT | datetime | The time that the student entered the center (i.e., for wait time tracking), must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:00. | 2023-05-01 12:59:34 | |
Visit.TimeOut | datetime | Yes | The end time of the visit, must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:00. | 2023-05-01 14:00:00 |
Visit.Duration | duration | Yes | The duration of the visit in minutes. | 60 |
Course.Subject | A40 | Maybe | The subject of the visit, only required if section data is being imported. | CHEM |
Course.Course | A20 | Maybe | The course number of the visit, only required if section data is being imported. | 100 |
Section.Code | A80 | Maybe | The section number of the visit, only required if section data is being imported. CRN may be needed instead depending on your existing import configuration. | A01 |
Term.TermCode | A80 | Maybe | The term code of the visit, only required if section data is being imported. | 2023SP |
Reason.Reason | A80 | The reason for this visit, must already exist in TracCloud and be spelled correctly. | Writing Help | |
Consultant.Username | A80 | Yes | The consultant that the student met with, must already exist in TracCloud and be spelled correctly. Another unique identifier such as email or other ID can be used instead if preferred. | dsmith1234 |
Visit.CtrNotes | text | The consultant notes for this session. | "Worked on this and that, etc" |
For information on creating resources within the Trac System, click here. Click the button below to download a sample import file.
Name | Type | Required | Field Description | Example |
Title | A80 | Yes | The name of the resource, non-unique titles are allowed. | TI-84 Calculator |
Barcode | A20 | Yes | The unique identifier for this resource. | A12345 |
Description | Text | The description of this resource. | This is an item that does XYZ | |
Keywords | A80 | Keywords that can be used to find this resource during checkout or returns. | Calculator, Texas Instruments | |
MaxDaysOut | #B | Yes* | The number of days this item can be checked out for before it must be returned. | 14 |
Type | A80 | Yes | The category for this resource. | Calculators |
Profile | A80 | Yes* | The profile this resource is linked to. Must match your existing profile name in TracCloud. | The Learning Center |
AlwaysAvailable | 1/0 | Yes* | 1 = No return tracking, multiple students can check this item out without TracCloud sending confirmation or overdue emails (e.g., Towels). 0 = One student can checkout the item at a time, with overdue tracking and emails (e.g., Calculators, Laptops) |
0 |
MaxRenews | #B | The number of times a user can renew their checkout, receiving another X days until overdue (based on MaxDaysOut). | 2 | |
CollateralLogic | 1/0 | 1 = The user must provide an item to staff in order to check the item out. Staff will be prompted to return the item to the student upon resource check-in. 0 = The user can check the item out without providing a collateral item. |
1 |
*If this field is unavailable from the source or will be the same for all imported items, let us know and we can automatically assign a single value to all records in the file on our end. E.g., if all of your items can only be checked out for 7 days, we can set that field to 7 for all items in the file and you don't have to provide the column.
For information on creating staff within the Trac System, click here. Click the button below to download a sample import file.
Important: Course Lists, Reason Specialties, and Linked Centers must be assigned manually within TracCloud and cannot be imported.
Name | Type | Required | Field Description | Example |
First_Name | A80 | Yes | The staff member's first name. | David |
Last_Name | A80 | Yes | The staff member's last name. | Smith |
Alias | A120 | The staff member's alias or alternative name. | Dave | |
A120 | Yes | The staff member's email address. | | |
UserName | A80 | Yes | The staff member's username, used for SSO authentication. | dsmith |
UserLevel | 0/1/2 | Yes* | The user level of this staff member. 0 = Staff 1 = SysAdmin 2 = Profile Admin |
1 |
Group | A80 | Yes* | The permission group that the user should be linked to. Must exactly match the name of an existing group in TracCloud. | Front Desk Admin |
isConsultant | 1/0 | Yes* | 1 = This staff is a consultant and can be linked to visits, availabilities, and appointments (e.g., tutors, advisors). 0 = This staff is not a consultant and cannot be linked to those records (e.g., front desk workers, administrators). |
1 |
Phone | A30 | The staff member's phone number. | 555-555-5555 | |
CellPhone | A80 | The staff member's cell phone number. | 555-555-5555 | |
WorkPhone | A80 | The staff member's work phone number. | 555-555-5555 | |
Address | A80 | The staff member's address. | 1234 W Something St. | |
City | A120 | The staff member's city. | Tempe | |
State | A80 | The staff member's state. | AZ | |
Zip | A20 | The staff member's zip code. | 85210 | |
Location | A512 | The consultant's assigned on-campus location. | Room 15 | |
OnlineLink | A512 | The consultant's assigned online link. | | |
Fund | A80 | The consultant's assigned payroll fund. | Perkins | |
PayCode | A80 | The consultant's assigned pay code. Must exactly match an existing pay code in TracCloud. | Tier 2 | |
Hired | Date | The date this staff member was hired. | 2024-01-01 | |
Center | A80 | The default center for this consultant. Must exactly match an existing center in TracCloud. | Learning Center | |
Notes | Text | Optional notes for any additional information. | Information about Dave Smith | |
OtherID | A80 | An ID or alternate identifier which can be used for work visit logins. | A1234567 | |
Pronouns | A80 | The staff member's preferred pronouns. | He/Him |
*If this field is unavailable from the source or will be the same for all imported staff, let us know and we can automatically assign a single value to all records in the file on our end. E.g., if all of your staff are going to be tutors, we can set 'isConsultant' to 1 for all staff in the file and you don't have to provide the column.
For information on creating availabilities within the Trac System, click here. Click the button below to download a sample import file.
Name | Type | Required | Field Description | Example |
FromDT | DateTime | Yes | The start date and time of this availability. | 2024-04-01 13:00:00 |
ToDT | DateTime | Yes | The end date and time of this availability. | 2024-04-30 14:00:00 |
Increments | Yes | The increments of the availability in minutes (i.e., appointment length). | 25 | |
Breaks | Breaks between increments in minutes | 5 | ||
Days | A30 | Yes | The days this availability is active on, formatted as SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISAT | MONWEDFRI |
MaxStudents | #B | Yes* | The maximum number of students that can be scheduled on each time slot. 0 = Drop-in 1 = 1-on-1 2 = Multi-person |
1 |
ConsultantUsername | A80 | Yes | The consultant hosting this availability. Alternate identifiers can be used if preferred, such as Other ID or email. | dsmith |
Reason | A80 | The name of the reason this availability is linked to. Must exactly match an existing reason name in TracCloud. | General Math Help | |
AvailSubj | A80 | The subjects this availability is linked to. Formatted as SubjectCourse Section Term. Wildcards supported. | CHEM100* | |
Center | A80 | The name of the center this availability takes place in. Must exactly match an existing center name in TracCloud. | Learning Center | |
Location | A512 | The location for in-person availabilities. | Room 15 | |
OnlineURL | A512 | Maybe | The meeting URL for online appointments. Only required for online availabilities. | |
isInperson | 1/0 | Yes* | Whether or not this availability is in-person. Multiple meeting types may be enabled. | 1 |
isOnline | 1/0 | Yes* | Whether or not this availability is online. | 1 |
isAsynch | 1/0 | Yes* | Whether or not this availability is asynchronous. | 0 |
isAvail | 1/0 | Yes* | Whether this time is an availability or not. 1 = Availability 0 = Reserve block |
1 |
*If this field is unavailable from the source or will be the same for all imported availabilities, let us know and we can automatically assign a single value to all records in the file on our end. E.g., if all of your availabilities are going to be in-person, we can set 'isInperson' to 1 for all records in the file and you don't have to provide the column.