Revision as of 23:55, 27 July 2021
Import Student, Course, and Instructor Information
The Trac application can import data from any source as long as it is provided in the correct format. The data needs to be provided in a flat file format, tab or comma delimited are preferred. The Trac application will not import data from Excel files. The order and delimiter of the fields is completely up to your preference. However, the format, order, and delimiter of the fields must remain consistent with every import.
Using your current registrar’s Student Information System (such as Banner, PeopleSoft or DataTel) as a source, create files to be imported into your Trac System. We prefer two files - a student file (e.g., "TracStudents.csv") and a course enrollment file (e.g., "TracCourses.csv"). Create sample files with 5-10 lines of data and header rows with the fields you would like to import. Send us this sample data and we will create a custom import script for your Trac System to import data from these files. Once our script is ready, you will need to either place the import files in your Trac System's Import folder on the server itself or upload these files to our SFTP server (if hosted). We will then work with you to determine an automatic import schedule going forward.
Manually Running the Import
Go to Trac Navigation > Trac Man > Utilities and Prefs > Auto Events.
Click on the Link for the “Auto Import” Event. This will open the Event Entry screen.
To configure the auto event to run on a scheduled basis, check the "is Pending" box, set the schedule (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), set a time, and save.
You can also manually start the import a single time by clicking on the green execute button on the right side.
In addition you can also run the import and check on its status from the Custom Utility tab. Set the category to "Standard" and choose "Import Student Data" or "View Import Status".
This will display information on your most recent import.
Import, Importing, SIS, Student Information, Course Information, Student Information System