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SAGE (Student Alert and Group Events) is an additional module available for the Trac System. SAGE allows your faculty members to submit referrals, progress reports, or evaluations for the students enrolled in their courses. Based on the choices made while creating the referral, an automated email could be sent out to the student's assigned advisor, a professor, or otherwise, that way you and your staff can be as proactive as possible in helping your students.

You can think of SAGE like a three-step process.

1. Creation, a referral is submitted, emails are sent out.
These emails could be sent to advisors, professors, or the student themselves, notifying us of something the student may be struggling with.
2. Follow-up, more information is given, new emails are sent out.
The follow-up email lets relevant users know how this referral is going, what has been done, and what we are doing to help this student.
3. Resolution, a final email is sent out to wrap everything up.
Once the referral has been processed, we can fill out some additional information letting the relevant users know what we did to help this student.

Faculty View / Roster Annotations

Faculty Members are typically the primary user-type submitting referrals, and as such, they have a streamlined view of the referral submission process. Within the faculty dashboard, you'll find their class rosters along with the referrals that have been designated as Roster Annotations (which we'll cover more later). This allows faculty to immediately access important referrals for each of their rosters.

As a faculty member, let's say we wanted to submit a referral for one of our classes. We can simply click on the referral we want to submit for any given roster, and we'll be given access to a batch-referral tool.

From this menu, we can click on individual students and fill out unique referrals for each without leaving this screen. Once we've filled out referrals for the specific students, we click save, and we're all set. The referral process has begun for each of these students that we filled out a referral for.

If the referral is configured as a roster annotation for [X] days (we'll cover this later), we can even open this batch-referral tool later (but within the day limit) and continue where we left off. The green check-marks indicate a referral that has already been opened. Clicking it again lets us pick up right where we left off.

We also have the ability to apply the same Reason/Recommendation to multiple students at once. Select Affect All Selected and Shown and check the checkboxes for each student we want to affect. Now when we make a recommendation or apply a reason to one student, it will also affect all other checked students. Students that have been affected by this approach will be designated by a ... icon as seen in the image below.

As a faculty member, we can also book an appointment for the student from this screen as well (assuming our permission group allows it). This can be accomplished by clicking on the calendar icon on the right-hand side for the relevant student.

Individual Student Referrals

Referrals can also be submitted individually from students' profiles. As non-faculty users don't have access to the class roster view, this will be their primary tool for submitting referrals, but faculty can of course use this method as well. New referrals can be created through the Actions button, past referrals can be viewed on the student time line.

After selecting the referral type that we want to submit, we're taken to the full referral submission screen. We'll cover more on configuring this side of SAGE later in this guide.

Student List Mass Referral Tool

We can also submit referrals from the student listing. This allows us to search for students enrolled in a specific course, pull up a list, or just search for a couple students manually and create referrals in bulk. This screen will operate in the same way as the faculty roster referral tool. Students are selected with the checkboxes on the right-side.


After a referral is marked as processed, we will see the following screen summarizing basic information about this referral, and providing a location to write additional notes about how this situation was resolved. Once saved, the final "Processed" email will be sent out (which we'll learn more about later).

Admin View and SAGE Management

From an admin's perspective, we can submit referrals, create new referral types, and run reports on our SAGE data. The majority of this section will be spent going over SAGE configuration.

SAGE Configuration

To create new SAGE Referral Types, modify existing, or simply review your current configuration, go to Other > SAGE > Referral Types. This will bring you to the Referral Type Listing. To create a new Referral Type, you would click the hamburger icon (File:Hamburger.png), then select New Referral Type. But for our Example, we're going to take a look at an existing referral.

Opening an existing referral type brings us to the following screen.


  • Active will toggle this referral on or off, allowing you to deactivate it when unneeded, and reactivate it when necessary.
  • Test Mode sets this referral into a test mode, where all emails sent will go to the Test Email Address.
  • Condense Roster Referral View will display Reasons and Recommendations in a more tightly packed view for faculty. This may be preferred if many referrals are being created at once. Does not affect visible data fields.
  • Roster Annotation designates this referral type as a Roster Annotation, meaning it appears as an option for class rosters from the faculty perspective.
  • Days is the time-frame provided to the faculty member where they can edit an existing roster referral. After this window has passed, the faculty member will create a new referral rather than editing an existing one.
  • Linked List allows you to assign this referral type to a specific student list. Faculty and other users will only be able to create this referral for students on that list. More information on student lists.
  • Roster Annotation Settings For Faculty Viewing allows you to link this referral type to a specific subject. The referral will then only appear in contexts of that subject/course/section from the roster referral perspective.
  • Notes Instructions is a message that appears to the user submitting this referral, providing information above the Notes box.


  • Additional Notes Instructions is a message that appears to the user submitting this referral, providing information above the Additional Notes box.
  • Processed Button Title determines the name of the "Processed" option, "Complete," "Resolved," etc.
  • Hide Options allows you to toggle certain elements/features of your Referral Type off if preferred.
  • Require Notes / Additional Notes will require that whoever is submitting this referral enter notes in one or both of these fields.

Reasons & Recommendations

Reasons and Recommendations can be one of the most important aspects in creating these referrals, as these options can also dictate which emails get sent out to whom. Typically, these would be configured to allow your faculty to quickly describe where the student is struggling and what they recommend as a solution. However, since these are entirely customizable, you can ask any questions you can think of to help make the referral creation process as straightforward as possible.

Click the Add Reasons / Recommendations box to add a new option. Setting a Reason/Recommendation as a "Label" will turn the field into a form of header for the following reasons, to help categorize your different options. These options can also be reorganized by dragging the hamburger icon (File:Hamburger.png) on the right-side up/down.

Custom Questions

Custom questions allow you to add additional questions to your referrals, these questions can ask whatever you'd like and can be formatted as a Pulldown, Fill-in, or Essay field.

To create your custom question, click Add New Question.


  • Question Type determines the question format. Pulldown, Fill-in, or Essay.
  • Code Reference is used to pull this information into your emails, or for additional logic around what email content is sent. Typically, something like "GradeQuestion1."
  • Question is the prompt itself, displayed to staff filling out this referral.
  • Choices the available response choices (only applicable to Pulldown format questions). Put each choice on its own line.

Potential Email Recipients

These are the possible recipients of alert emails relating to this referral. For example, if this referral's automated emails can be sent to students, then you will need to add students to the list, as seen in the screenshot below. The name of this field is just for reference, it's only important that the correct email tags are used.

  • Student: {{Student.Email}}
  • Faculty: {{Faculty.Email}}
  • Assigned Advisor/Other {{Student.CustomData.cf_18}}
Student Custom Fields can also be referred to here to pull email addresses, such as in the case of an Assigned Advisor. More information.
  • Linked Consultant: {{Consultant.Email}}
  • Specific user email addresses can also be entered.

Referral to Testing Center

This allows you to provide faculty the ability to book appointments for students that they're creating referrals for. Typically used for Testing Centers or Lab environments, where faculty would need to book appointments on behalf of students, or assign multiple students to the same Group Availability.

  • Referral to Testing Center enables this feature.
  • Book in Center determines which center appears when faculty are searching for appointments on behalf of students.
  • Search Reason determines which reason is used for the search availability process. Leave blank for all reasons.
  • Group Schedule Button Label is the name of the button to search for availabilities.
  • Allow Single Appointments provides faculty the ability to book sessions for students one at a time.
  • Allow Group Appointments provides faculty the ability to select multiple students, and book a group availability for all at once.

From the faculty perspective, there's a Schedule icon for each student in the roster referral listing, and/or the option to select multiple students and click "Book Testing Center Appointment" to schedule a group appointment for all selected students.

Automated Emails

The Automated Emails tab allows you to create custom emails that can be sent to one or more of your Potential Email Recipients upon referral submission. Common examples might be an email that is sent to the student when a referral is created for them. Faculty or other staff might also receive different versions of the same email, or a completely different email if configured in that way.


To create your first Email, click Create New Email, type in your subject line, then click Save. This will add the email to your Automated Emails listing. Click the Pencil Icon for the email you just created, and you should end up at a page like this.


  • Email Subject determines the subject line of the email, as you entered previously. This can be changed at any time.
  • Email From lets you change which email address this email is sent from. Uses system address if left blank.
  • Add Email Recipient allows you to define which users could possibly receive a copy of this email, based on your Potential Email Recipients.
  • Email Sends On Referral Action Based Upon Selected Trigger(s) allows you to decide under what context this email is sent. On initial creation, on follow-up, and on completion.
  • Email Body is the actual contents of your email.

One of the key elements of configuring your SAGE emails is Twig, which you can think of as a mini-programming language. Twig plays two key roles, providing tags for the information displayed, and adding logic to your email to determine what content is sent.

  • Email Tags

A full list of email tags can be found further into this guide, but to give a quick example, you could format an email as such:
"Hello, {{Student.First_Name}}, this {{ReferralType.Name}} was submitted by {{Faculty.FirstName}}."
Each of those tags would then be replaced by the relevant information when the email is actually sent.

  • Email Logic

This is where Twig gets slightly more complicated, but significantly more flexible. Let's say you want to add an extra sentence to your email, but only if a particular reason was selected. In that case, you could write your email like this:

{% if "Poor Attendance" in Reasons %}
Online Tutoring is now available! See for more information.
{% endif %}

That sentence will only be included in the email body if that Reason was selected. The extent of what Twig is capable of is outside the scope of this article, but there are many resources available online, and even a collection of common use-cases on our own Wiki.

Email Tags

Many of the standard email tags can be utilized in SAGE emails in the same way, but there are also a few SAGE-specific tags to take note of as well. A complete list of tags can be found in our Twig Guide.

ReferralType.Name The name of the referral that has been submitted
ReferralType.RosterSubject [Array] The roster subject, e.g., “Chem”
ReferralType.NotesInstructions These are the instructions written out in within the referral settings
ReferralType.Reasons [Array] Lists all referral Reasons, regardless of what was selected.
ReferralType.Recommend [Array] Lists all referral Recommendations, regardless of what was selected.
ReferralType.AdditionalNotesInstr These are the additional notes written out within the referral settings

Referral.CreatedBy The name of the faculty member that submitted this referral
Referral.CreatedDT When this referral was created
Referral.NotesInstrData Notes entered while submitting this referral
Referral.AdditionalNotes Additional notes entered while submitting this referral
Referral.ReasonsData [Array] Selected reasons, “Reasons” is preferred (see “For” examples above).
ReasonsAndLabels [Array] Same as above, but this will also include your Reason labels in the email body.
Referral.RecommendData [Array] Selected recommendations, “Recommendations” is preferred (see “For” examples above).
RecommendationsAndLabels [Array] Same as above, but this will also include your Recommendation labels in the email body.
Referral.FollowUpDate The date this referral should be followed up on
Referral.FollowUpBy The name of the staff who followed up on this referral
Referral.FollowedUp If a follow-up has been saved, display “1”, otherwise blank
Referral.FollowedUpDT The date this referral was followed up on
Referral.FollowedUpBy Who this referral was followed up by
Referral.Processed If this referral has been processed, display “1”, otherwise blank
Referral.ProcessedDT The date/time this referral was marked as processed/completed
Referral.ProcessedBy The written date/time this referral should be marked as processed
Referral.ProcessedNotes Notes entered when marking the referral as processed
Referral.StudentContacted The date that the student was contacted
Referral.CustomData.AssignedConsultantID The sequence number of the assigned consultant.

Trigger The trigger for this email, “Created”, “Followed Up”, or “Processed”
Email.Subject The contents of the email subject line
Questions.CODE Questions.[Your custom question code], as covered above
Answers.CODE Answers.[Your custom question code], as covered above
{{ setResultActions('AssignConsultant', '123') }} If this line is reached within a SAGE email, the assigned staff member will be changed to the specified sequence. The example below shows how you can use this script to link a student's assigned advisor to the referral.
{% set staffSeq = getRecordFieldData('Staff','Email', Student.CustomData.cf_1,'Sequence') %}
{{ setResultActions('AssignConsultant', staffSeq) }}
{{ setResultActions('SendEmail', '0') }} If this line is reached within an email, the email will not be sent
{{ setResultActions('SetProcessed', '1') }} If this line is reached within an email, the referral will be marked as processed/completed.
{{ setResultActions('SetProcessedNotes', 'Example notes') }} Typically used alongside the tag above. Used to automatically add notes to the processed referral.

The final two options, where ".CODE" is used, refer back to your Custom Question Code Reference. For example, if your Code Reference was "GradeQuestion1," the format of this tag would be {{Questions.GradeQuestion1}}, {{Answers.GradeQuestion1}}, etc.

Group Access

In order for staff members to view and/or edit referrals, they must be provided access in their permission group. This also gives you the ability to fine-tune what they can and can't do in relation to these referrals.

Other > Other Options > Groups > [The Group you want to modify] > Admin / Modules

  • Allow user to view referrals on Dashboard adds a utility to their dashboard allowing the staff member to quickly review/access relevant referrals.
  • User may view which referrals determines if they can view all referrals, or only their own.
  • Referral Type Access determines which referral types they can view. The icon within each entry can be clicked to cycle between View and Edit or just View. The former allows the user to view and edit referrals of this type, while the latter only allows them to view.


There are two SAGE-specific reports available in TracCloud, each providing a different way to view your referral data. These reports can be found in the Navigation Bar, under Reports > SAGE.

This report provides a snapshot of referrals submitted, including reason and recommendation totals and the number of students per reason/recommendation.

  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Show Only Active Referral Types
Check this to exclude inactive referral types from your results.

  • Show Actions
Include SAGE Potential Actions data in report results.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;



This report provides a list of referrals submitted in the date range specified. The data is grouped by Referral Type by default, showing the student's name, referral date, the staff member who submitted the referral, and the reasons/recommendations selected.

  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Show Summary
Only show data totals, excluding details of individual records.

  • Show Totals Bar Chart
Adds a visual bar chart of totals to your report data.

  • Referral Type
Only show referrals of a specific type.

  • Processed
Filter referrals based on status, Processed or Not Processed. Defaults to 'All.'

  • Reason/Recommendation/QA Delimiter
If multiple Reasons/Recommendations are chosen for a single referral, you can decide how to separate them with this option. E.g., Comma delimited, Pipe delimited, etc.

  • Assigned Consultant
Filter referrals based on the assigned consultant/advisor.

  • Group by
Group records by the selected field. Some reports allow you to add secondary and tertiary groupings as well.

  • Search Group
Filter results based on your search in this group. For example, if you're grouping by Student Major, you can put 'Mathematics' in this field to only show students assigned to that Major.

  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.

  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;

  • Email Each Assigned Consultant
If your referral report is configured to group by assigned consultant and output as HTML, a new option will become available to Email Each Assigned Consultant. This allows you to send referrals to the consultants they're assigned to. Send Consultant Emails Now will immediately send consultants the referrals when you generate the report, and you can write a custom email subject and body if needed. After generating the report, you can save it as a favorite and automate it to have these emails sent to consultants on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. More information on saving favorites and automating reports can be found here.



For information on purchasing the SAGE Module, reach out to
For SAGE functionality questions, reach out to