
TracCloudReportsDescriptions: Difference between revisions

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 515: Line 515:
::Search by Resource Type, Resource Title, Resource Barcode, Keywords, or the Pofile of your resources.
::Search by Resource Type, Resource Title, Resource Barcode, Keywords, or the Pofile of your resources.
<section end="SearchOptions_Resources2" />
<section end="SearchOptions_Resources2" />
<section begin="ShowReservations_Resources2" />
* <b>Show Current and Future Reservations</b>
::Include current and upcoming reservations in report results.
<section end="ShowReservations_Resources2" />

Line 893: Line 899:
::If checked, documents that have been deactivated will still be included in report results.
::If checked, documents that have been deactivated will still be included in report results.
<section end="InclInactive_Documents" />
<section end="InclInactive_Documents" />
<section begin="OnlyActiveReg_Specialties" />
* <b>Only Active Registrations</b>
::Only include section specialties for currently active enrollments.
<section end="OnlyActiveReg_Specialties" />
<section begin="ApptTotals_CenterSched" />
* <b>Show Appointment Totals</b>
::Include the total appointment count for each grouping.
<section end="ApptTotals_CenterSched" />
<section begin="ShowAvailNotes_CenterSched" />
* <b>Show Availability Notes</b>
::Include availability notes in report results.
<section end="ShowAvailNotes_CenterSched" />
<section begin="IncludeEmailInUtil_Resources" />
* <b>Include Email in Utilization</b>
::Include the email address of the user who checked out the item.
<section end="IncludeEmailInUtil_Resources" />
<section begin="Centers_WorkPlans" />
* <b>Centers</b>
::Filter report data by center. This is in relation to the linked centers of the consultants.
<section end="Centers_WorkPlans" />

Latest revision as of 16:34, 14 August 2024

This template is used to provide descriptions throughout the TracCloud Reports guide. If you've ended up here by mistake, click here to return to the Reports wiki.

Every description can potentially be used across multiple Report articles. Do not use specific examples on this page unless needed, and add "_ReportName" to differentiate them in those cases.

Transclude sections like this: {{#lst:Template:TracCloudReportsDescriptions|TimeFrame}}, replacing 'TimeFrame' with the relevant description code below.


  • Centers
Filter report data by center. You can select all centers or only a specific few to narrow down your results. At least one center must be selected.


  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.


  • Secondary Time Frame
An additional date range for data comparison.


  • Chart Type
This allows you to select the format of the chart. Pie, bar, or line.


  • Increment
Select your preferred time increment. I.e., separate results in increments of 1 hour, 30 minutes, or 15 minutes.


  • Show bar chart
Adds a visual bar chart to your report data.


  • Show Totals Bar Chart
Adds a visual bar chart of totals to your report data.


  • Show data table with totals
Adds a data table to the report, listing out the results separately from a bar chart.


  • In-Person/Online
Filter the data in this report to only include In-Person or Online records. Defaults to All.


  • Show online locations specifically
If unchecked, the 'Location' for online Appts/Visits will be displayed as simply 'Online.' If this option is checked, it will display the specific online location (e.g., 'https://zoom.us/123456789').


  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.


  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (example@example.edu;sample@example.edu).


  • Show Summary
Only show data totals, excluding details of individual records.


  • Show Work Visits
Include consultant work visits in report results.


  • Calculate Totals
Include data totals in report results.


  • Sort by
Choose how the selected data is sorted.


  • Chart by
Choose how the selected data is sorted in charts.


  • Group by
Group records by the selected field. Some reports allow you to add secondary and tertiary groupings as well.


  • Search Group
Filter results based on your search in this group. For example, if you're grouping by Student Major, you can put 'Mathematics' in this field to only show students assigned to that Major.


  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.


  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.


  • Time Format
This determines the format of duration, a 90-minute session could display as 1.50, 01:30:00, or 01:30.


  • Decimal Accuracy
This determines the decimal accuracy of duration data. Defaults to 2, showing a 1-hour session as "1.00".


  • Ignore Center Course Lists for Subjects
Ignore the selected centers and show all specialties regardless of center for subject.


  • Ignore Center Staff Link for Reasons
Ignore the selected centers and show all specialties regardless of center for reason.


  • Ignore Section for Subjects
Only view specialties by subject, rather than subject + section.


  • Show Only Active Sections
Only include active sections in this report.


  • Select Term
Only show records for the selected term.


  • Show Which Specialties
Only show sections that have already been Assigned to a consultant, or view Sections that are still Unassigned. Defaults to 'All'.


  • Show Attendance by Hour by Day of Week
This will include an additional graph displaying how many visits took place per day of week in addition to the hour-by-hour breakdown.


  • Group by Student
This option will group individual records by student name.


  • Apply Date Range to
Choose what your selected date range is in reference to. Defaults to any matching date range.


  • Show Email
Include email address in results.


  • Show Notes
Include the contents of the Notes field in report results.


  • Show Phone
Include phone number in results.


  • Show Description
Include record description in results.


  • Show Visit Details
If checked, the Subject, Reason, Consultant, and Center of the visit will be included in the results.


  • Show Appointment Details
If checked, the Subject, Reason, Consultant, and Center of the appointment will be included in the results.


  • Show Appointment/Visit Details
If checked, the Dates/Times, Statuses, Consultants, and Centers of the appointments and visits will be included in the results.


  • Show Availabilities
Include availability times in the report results.


  • ShowReserved
Include blocked or reserved schedule time in the report results.


  • Show Canceled Appointments
Include appointments that have been canceled in your report results.


  • Show Deleted Appointments
Include appointments that have been deleted (i.e., have a status of "Canceled - Deleted") in your report results.


  • Apply Dates to Appointment Last Modified
Your time frame choice is in reference to the date of the appointment that was booked. By checking this box, you will instead search for appointments that were last modified in the date range you provide.


  • Show Faculty Name and Email
Include Faculty Name and Email address in report results.


  • Show Student ID
Include Student ID in report results.


  • Show Student Email
Include Student Email in report results.


  • Include Students without Visits
Include all students in report results, even if they don't have any visit records.


  • Show Reason
Include Reason in report results.


  • Show Subject
Include Subject in report results.


  • Show Location
Include Location in report results.


  • Show Status
Include appointment status in report results.


  • Show All Consultants
Include all consultants in report results, regardless of if they're assigned to relevant records.


  • Show Consultant Email
Include the consultant email address in report results.


  • Show Only Appointments
Only show appointments in report results, excluding availability data.


  • Show Only Availabilities
Only show availabilities in report results, excluding appointment data.


  • Show All Dates
Display all dates in report results, even if there are no relevant records on those dates.


  • Reason
Only show results for the specific Reason.


  • Subject/Course/Section
Only show results for the specific Subject, Course, or Section.


  • Subject/Course/CRN
Only show results for the specific Subject, Course, or CRN.


  • Special Needs / Skills / Accommodations
Only show results for a specific Need/Skill/Accommodation.


  • Search Appointment Status
Only show results for a specific appointment status.


  • Include Missed Appointments
Show Missed appointment records in the report results as well.


  • Include Asynchronous Appointments
Show Asynchronous appointment records in the report results as well.


  • Include Canceled Appointments
Show Canceled appointment records in the report results as well.


  • Show Auto Canceled Appointments
Include appointments that were automatically canceled in the report results. More information.


  • Additional Unattended Sessions
Specify additional unattended SI sessions to account for in results.


  • Include Totals by Appointment Type
Enabling this checkbox adds additional columns to the report results displaying the total visits that were linked to group appointments, 1-on-1 appointments, and drop-ins (no linked appointments).


  • Questions Key Option
This allows you to add the written questions to the top or bottom of report results. By default, only the question number is visible as the column name.

Report-Specific Descriptions


  • View by Visits or Appointments
This is one of a few reports in the system that can be generated using different methods. View by Visits will search for Visits first, and can also display information about related Appointments. View by Appointments will do the opposite.
As a real-world example, if Sam Smith has a missed appointment (i.e., no visit record), that information won't display if you View by Visits, but it will if you View by Appointments.


  • Report Option
Usage Snapshot will display visit data for all Snapshot Fields in the date range specified and includes a pie chart view for each field.
Date Comparison does the same, but for both of your selected date ranges, allowing you to compare attendance from two periods in a single report. Keep in mind that certain fields can change for students over time, and all reports (including this one) will only show the current state of these records. This report option should be used on static/unchanging fields like the visit's subject, center, or reason, and not on fields like the student's class or GPA as those may have changed since the date of their visits.
Custom Field Multi-Check Tally will provide the total times each multi-check custom field from a visit record was checked, as opposed to the total times every combination of options was chosen (i.e., counting instances of A, B, and C individually rather than A, A + B, A + C, A + B + C, B, etc).


  • View Utilization or View Past Due
Utilization will show all checked out resources and the individual checkouts. Past Due will only display overdue checkouts, items that were not returned soon enough, filtering out checkouts that were returned in time.


  • Show only students with these appointment statuses
This will filter the list of students to only those with appointments that match the statuses you specify in the box beneath.


  • Snapshot Fields
Use this to add fields to your report. Add Location to see location usage, consultants to see who has met with the most students, etc.


  • Show: All Students or Students that Visited
Show all students in this report, or only those who visited. 'Students that Visited' is default.


  • Include Fill-in & Essay Answers
These options will include the answers that were written manually during the response process (as opposed to checkbox/multiple-choice answers).


  • Survey
Export responses from this selected survey.


  • Show Hours
Include certification hours in results.


  • Certification Type
Filter results to only certifications of a specified type, defaults to 'All.'


  • Show Extra Field
Include the certification 'Extra Field' value in results.


  • Show Only Consultants with Certifications
Check this to exclude consultants without certifications from your results.


  • Student ID, Resource Type, Resource Title, Barcode, Keywords, Profile
Search by Student ID, Resource Type, Resource Title, Resource Barcode, Keywords, or the Profile of your resources.


  • Resource Type, Resource Title, Barcode, Keywords, Profile
Search by Resource Type, Resource Title, Resource Barcode, Keywords, or the Pofile of your resources.


  • Show Current and Future Reservations
Include current and upcoming reservations in report results.


  • Show Inactive Resources
Include resources in results that have a status of 'Inactive.'


  • Show Only Table Visits
Only show Q2 Table visits specifically, exclude center visit records.


  • Show Looking-for Notes, Found Notes, Followed-Up Notes
Checking any of these three boxes will include the related 'Notes' field content to your report results.


  • Show Only Active Referral Types
Check this to exclude inactive referral types from your results.


  • Page Break for Center, Consultant, Class/Group
Check the relevant box to add a page break for each of the related records. This only applies when printing the report.

Also used for Referrals by Students and Appointments/Visits

  • Referral Type
Only show referrals of a specific type.

Also used for Referrals by Students and Appointments/Visits

  • Processed
Filter referrals based on status, Processed or Not Processed. Defaults to 'All.'

Also used for Referrals by Students and Appointments/Visits

  • Referral Reason, Recommendation
Filter referrals by the selected Reason and/or Recommendation.


  • Reason/Recommendation/QA Delimiter
If multiple Reasons/Recommendations are chosen for a single referral, you can decide how to separate them with this option. E.g., Comma delimited, Pipe delimited, etc.

Also used for Referrals by Students and Appointments/Visits

  • Assigned Consultant
Filter referrals based on the assigned consultant/advisor.


  • Show Consultants without Hours
Display all consultants in payroll report, those without work time will simply display as having 0.00 hours.


  • Recompute Data
This will recalculate your consultant work times to retrieve the most up to date information, but can slightly slow down processing time.


  • Show Daily Payroll Hours
Shows a day-by-day breakdown of work hours within the overall date range that you selected.


  • Show Email, Mailbox, Notes
Additional consultant fields that can be included in report results if needed.


  • Show Funds
Include fund source in results.


  • Group by Fund, Reason, Center
Group payroll report results by Fund, Reason, and/or Center.


  • Show Work Visits
Include data on the individual visits in the report itself. If enabled, you will also be able to include notes from the work visit record in the report results by checking Show Work Notes.


  • Round to Nearest & Round individual visits first
Round total visit time to the nearest X-minutes. You also have the ability to round individual visit durations first.


  • Show Student Visits
Include Student Visit data in report results, to view who the consultant was working with during their work hours.


  • Page Break
Separate consultants onto different pages when printing the HTML version of this report. Requires 'Group by' options to be unchecked.


  • Select Sessions
Include all sessions, or only visited.


  • Number of Groupings
The maximum number of groupings. Use this to add totals to different levels of the report (i.e., total visits on this date, in this center, for this reason).


  • Exclude Registrations Without a Grade
Exclude ungraded registrations from report results.


  • Compare 4-point and 12-point GPAs
Adds a 12pt GPA column for comparison.


  • Passing/Failing/Withdraw Grade Definitions
Add Grade values here, delimited by a comma, to designate them as Passing, Failing, or Withdraw Grades.


  • Name of Group
This determines the phrasing of your 'Visited' group of students. Typically SI, Visited, or similar.


  • Affects of SI on Visits & Withdraw Visits Breakdown
Use this to determine how you would like to breakdown the SI Group comparisons. For example, students who have visited 1-4 times vs those who visited 5-9 times. Separate ranges with commas.


  • Length of Typical Session
Specify your average/expected session length here.


  • Show Visit Date/Time
Choose whether or not visit data is displayed in the report.


  • Show Visits In-Line
Keep visit records in the same registration line, rather than duplicating registration information for each visit.


  • Show Registrations
Show registrations specifically with or without related visit records. Defaults to 'All.'


  • Link to Advisor's Email (Required) and Name (Optional)
Select the student custom field that contains the advisor email address. Optionally, you can also specify which student field contains the advisor name if it has been set up.


  • Success Plan
Select the Success Plan type that you want to show results for.


  • Include Inactive Plans
Inactive plans are hidden by default, this option allows you to include them in report results.


  • Faculty Name
Filter by assigned faculty name. Expected format is "Last, First".


  • Show Step Details
If enabled, student progress on individual steps and a visual timeline of step due dates will be shown.


  • Work Plan
Select the Work Plan type that you want to show results for.


  • Faculty Name
Filter by assigned supervisor name. Expected format is "Last, First".


  • Show Step Details
If enabled, consultant progress on individual steps and a visual timeline of step due dates will be shown.


  • Only List Students Visiting # or More Centers
If this report is being run on multiple centers at once, you can use this option to only list students who visited X number of unique centers or more.


  • Select Task Type
Select the specific task type/category that you want to include in this report.


  • Show Charts
This field allows you to add charts to the report results. Pie, bar, or line.


  • Task Name, Assigned to Name, Student Name, Created by Name
These fields allow you to further filter report results to view the specific tasks you're looking for.


  • Visits to Include
You can additionally include the total number of visits on each day. Select between Appointment-related and All Visits. The latter will include drop-ins, batch visits, and other visits that aren't directly linked to an appointment record.


  • Searches to Include
This allows you to filter results to only students who booked or did not book an appointment. Default is all.


  • Only Include Appointments/Visits Linked to Referral Subject
If checked, only visits/appointments for the same section as the referral will be included in the report results.


  • Include Appointments/Visits Preceding Referral Creation Date
By default, the visits/appointments shown will only be those that take place after the creation of the referral. If this option is checked, older records will also be included.


  • Show Links
This enables a clickable hyperlink in the report to immediately open visit/appointment records. This only applies when running the report as HTML.


  • Details/Reason/Recommend/QA Delimiter
This allows you to choose how appointments and visits are delimited/separated. E.g., Comma delimited, Pipe delimited, etc.


  • Show Which Referrals
Filter results to only show referrals with visits/appointments, or without. Default is all.


  • Secondary Sorting
Select the secondary field that data will be sorted/grouped by. With a field selected, multiple rows can display visits at once. Use Hide Student Name Repeats to hide the student's name on those rows if preferred.


  • Sort by Recipient
Sort results by (and add column for) student name, as opposed to ordering results by response date/time.


  • For Past Due, Show All Checkouts
If this is checked, currently checked out resources will be included in report results. Unchecked would exclude these.


  • Include Checkout Notes
Adds the checkout notes field as an additional column in report results.


  • Only Show Appointments for Selected Centers
The center selection above only filters visits (the left-column of this report). Appointments from other centers will still be shown. By checking this box, the appointments will also be filtered by your selected centers.


  • Show Actions
Include SAGE Potential Actions data in report results.


  • Time Frame, Apply Date Range to Last Access, Apply Date Range to Last Modified
Time frame is ignored unless one or both checkboxes are enabled. This allows you to filter results to only staff members who logged in during your specified date range and/or the staff records that were modified during your specified date range.


  • Show GPA Standard Deviation
If enabled, the standard deviation of the GPA fields will be displayed.


  • Pay Code
Filter report results by consultant pay code.


  • Show Only Active Surveys
This option is available if "Include All Surveys" is selected, allowing you to at least filter the results to only active surveys.


  • Document Type
Optionally filter results based on document type.


  • Include Inactive Documents
If checked, documents that have been deactivated will still be included in report results.


  • Only Active Registrations
Only include section specialties for currently active enrollments.


  • Show Appointment Totals
Include the total appointment count for each grouping.


  • Show Availability Notes
Include availability notes in report results.


  • Include Email in Utilization
Include the email address of the user who checked out the item.


  • Centers
Filter report data by center. This is in relation to the linked centers of the consultants.