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Importing Additional Data into TracCloud

TracCloud can import more than just student and registration data, but other record types require very specific formatting to prevent inaccurate or duplicated data from being created. We generally recommend against importing the records below if possible, as if anything in the import file is entered incorrectly, it can create more work cleaning up the records compared to manually creating them in TracCloud in the first place.

  • Import files must be in a flat-text format (.csv or .txt), comma or tab delimited, UTF-8.
  • Comma delimited files must have quotes surrounding every field.
  • A header row is required, and custom fields must be coordinated with Redrock Software to ensure assignment to the correct data field.
  • File names must be static, with each import upload overwriting the previous copies of the files.
  • If you anticipate section's linked faculty changing, let us know, as this may require additional changes to your import process.
  • Lab courses should be designated in the course information rather than the section. For example, "BIO100L".

There are no restrictions on column order, and optional columns can safely be excluded from your file.

Description of Import fields

Type Description
A## Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length
#B Big Integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value
Date Date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
Double Decimal # with up to 12 digits precision
Time A specific time using a 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS), e.g., 13:45:00
Duration A duration stored in number of minutes, e.g., 90

Explanation on Required Fields

The TracCloud import process can be fairly flexible, but some fields are absolutely required, some are conditionally required, and others aren't required but are highly recommended.

Type Description
Yes Required.
[Yes] Required only if you're importing that data. E.g., Faculty.First_Name is required only if you're importing faculty in the first place. These groups of fields will have matching colors when necessary.
(Yes) Technically not required, but highly recommended. Functionality will be lost if this field isn't imported. E.g., you don't need to import student email addresses, but students will not be able to receive emails without it.
{Yes} Conditionally required based on whether or not you're importing other fields. For example, Section.Title and Course.Title. You can import both, you can import one or the other, but you cannot import neither.

Importing Visits

Importing Resources

Importing Staff/Consultants

Importing Availabilities