TracCloud: Documents

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Revision as of 21:54, 20 April 2023 by Redrock (talk | contribs)
Document Types
Documents can be uploaded directly to student/staff accounts, appointments, visits, or even availabilities, allowing students to share worksheets or assignments they need assistance with, or for staff members to keep documents relating to specific students available for reference. These documents are assigned Types, these Types allow you to designate levels of access to different groups, based on what should or shouldn’t be visible to certain staff (or students themselves).

Creating Document Types

To create a new type, click the + icon and click on the name of the document type to rename it.
Other > Other Options > Preferences > Document Types

Clicking the right-arrow opens a menu that allows you to choose who receives an email when a document of this type is uploaded.

Assigning Document Type Access

Certain document types may need to be hidden or restricted for certain groups. Maybe they contain sensitive information, or the information simply isn’t relevant to all staff members. To edit this access, you’ll need to go to the permission group that you want to edit, and define which Document types they can access in the “Document Types” section.

Other > Other Options > Groups > [Permission Group Name] > Center Access

Each Document Type can be assigned a different permission level by clicking on the colored icon. This cycles through the different options as described in the key above.

Uploading and Viewing Documents in Student Profiles

Uploading a document to a student profile can be accomplished by clicking Actions, then selecting the Document Type we need to upload.

This will prompt you to upload the document, as well as input any notes that may be useful relating to this document.


After the document has been uploaded, it will be visible within the student’s timeline tab. Accessing the document itself is as easy as clicking on the entry in the list, which will display a download link for the document as well as any notes that were previously entered. You may also edit the document notes here if needed, assuming your permission group allows it.

Uploading and Viewing Documents in Appointments

Documents can also be uploaded directly to appointments or availabilities. With this ability, a student could upload an essay or worksheet that they need assistance with during the booking process, and their consultant could easily pull it up during the appointment. Alternatively, a document could be uploaded to the availability, allowing students to view it after booking the time slot.


After the document has been uploaded, it will appear with the Document tab of the appointment. Multiple documents can be uploaded if needed.

Document Upload Emails

When a document is uploaded to an appointment, an email can be automatically sent to the student, consultant, and/or center notifying them of this action. These emails support Twig and HTML, more information on utilizing Twig tags can be found in our dedicated Twig article.