TracCloud: Students Listing

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Revision as of 21:41, 30 November 2021 by Redrock (talk | contribs)

Students Listing
The Students Listing contains all student records uploaded to your Trac system. Students can be assigned to list, sent an email or even exported to a CSV file. From the Students Listing we are able to manage student’s data, access specific student visit, appointment and registration history in a quick and concise manner. To navigate to your TracCloud Students Listing simply Click on the option “Students” from your home dashboard.

In TracCloud the ability to search student data has been simplified. At the top of the Students Listing as well as on your home Dashboard there is a search bar which gives you ability to search quickly and efficiently search through all student data. Right Click in the search bar highlighted below will provide a list of student fields that can be searched. Selecting one of the options will auto fill a search code.

A full list of student search codes can be found below, as well as example of how each search can be accomplished.

Field Name and Definition Search Code Example Search Description
Other ID: Secondary barcode field Students.Other_ID= Students.Other_ID= Z124578 Found in Students Profile
ID – ID Is the Students Campus Identification Number Students.ID= Students.ID=1901 Found in Students Profile
Other ID2: hidden internal ID field that does not display on profile is used for searches only (and queries) Students.Other_ID2= Students.Other_ID2=85467589 Not Found in Students Profile
Barcode Students.Barcode= Students.Barcode=Z124578 Found in Students Profile
Username Students.UserName= Students.UserName=FriedaM Found in Students Profile
Sequence - Sequence is the internal number of the students record assigned on creation. Students.Sequence= Students.Sequence=1901 Found in Students Profile
First Name - First Name is the students Given First Name Students.First_Name= Students.First_Name=Juan_Carlos When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Last Name – Last Name is the students Given Last Name Students.First_Name= Students.First_Name=Gomez-Lopez No additional formatting for names with Hyphens
City – City is the current city the Student resides in Students.City= Students.City=New_York When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Zip – Zip is the current Zip code the Student resides in Students.Zip= Students.Zip=85282 Found in Students Profile
Email – Students Current Email address Students.Email= Found in Students Profile
Students.Status – Student Status usually indicates whether the student is an active or inactive student Students.Status= Students.Status=Active Found in Students Profile
Students.OtherStatus – Is an additional status Field in the student’s profile allowing you to sub-categorize students using the student’s other status Students.OtherStatus= Students.OtherStatus=Duel_Enrollment When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Students.Degree - Either the Degree Earned or the Degree Goal. Students.Degree= Students.Degree=Master_of_Philosophy When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Students.College - What college the student is attending Students.College= Students.College=Redrock_University When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Students.Major - The student's major. May be a code or complete description. Students.Major= Students.Major=Computer_Science When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Students.Class – Student Class is usually defined as: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore or Senior Or FR, JR, SO, SR Students.Class= Students.Class=Freshman Found in Students Profile
Students.Cohort – Cohort is used to custom group the students record Students.Cohort= Students.Cohort=Cohort Found in Students Profile
Custom:Data - A custom field that may be used for any purpose. Students.CustomData/cf_1= Students.CustomData/cf_1=Athletic_Affliation
Program Programs.Program= Programs.Program=Disability_Services When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Subject Coursre #sql:SubjectCourse#=
Center Centers.Name= Centers.Name=Learning_Center When searching, replace any space with an underscore symbol.
Age – The Students Age Age= Age=22 Found in Students Profile
Birthdate - The student birthdate Students.BirthDate= Students.BirthDate=1993-07-16 Dates can only be searched in the following format YYYY-MM-DD

The Search bar can also handle multiple queries at once using any of the search code combinations above. For Instance, perhaps you would like to search for all students who have a class of “Freshman” and also have a major of “Biology” – See the example below of how this query can be accomplished.

Each column of information has a clickable header that will sort the data field.
Numeric Headers will sort the information from Lowest number to the Highest number value. Doubling clicking a numeric header will sort the header from Highest number to Lowest number value.
Columns consisting of words will be sorted alphabetically from A-Z, Double clicking this fields header will sort the data alphabetically from Z-A

Icons and option on the students listing.

Yellow: Hovering over the profile icon will display the students current profile status.
Blue: Hovering over the watchlist dot will display the name of the list and watchlist the student is currently assigned to.
Green: Clicking this icon will begin the log in process for this student.
Red: This will mark the student as “Selected”. Selected is a new function that will allow you to select multiple students from a listing and then preform different functions with the students you have selected. This will be discussed further in the Hamburger options below.
Header: Views will allow for each system/User to customize which fields in the Header are displayed on the student listing. There will also be the opportunity for a user to create multiple Views which would allow them to toggle back and forth through the Views at any given time.

Students Search

The student search utility has the ability to search related tables to find relevant students. This includes the ability to run searches such as "students who have had appointments in the last 7 days" or "students who have ongoing referrals."


  • Search Type
This can be set to New Search, Search Selection, Remove found from Selection, or Add found to Selection, depending on the desired effect of this search.
  • General Info tab
This tab is where you can search for basic information about the student. ID, Status, Name, etc.
  • Appointments
This tab allows you to search for students by appointment information. For example, "students who had an appointment from 02/10 to 02/20 with a status of Missed."
  • Visits
This tab allows you to search for students by visit info. For example, "students who visited more than 2 times from 02/10 to 02/20 where the subject was MAT100."
  • Registration
This tab allows you to search for students by registration info. For example, "students who are actively enrolled in more than one math course."
  • Documents
This allows you to to search for students by documents. "Students who have a document of a certain filename uploaded in the last month."
  • Surveys
Students who have received or responded to a survey in a certain time period. Requires SurveyTrac.
  • SAGE Referrals
Students who have ongoing or completed referrals of a specific type in a specified date range. Requires SAGE.

Students Listing Hamburger Drop-down Options (File:Hamburger.png)

List All: Provides a full list of all students your permissions allow you to view. In most cases this will provide you with a full list of the entire student population uploaded to your TracCloud System.

Search: Allows you to search all students based on many different criteria points, for example: Name, City, State, Class, Status, ID, Sequence number and Last Date In.

Power Search: Allows you to make multiple queries against the database at one time using "And" & "Or" statements. For example: "Show me a list of students who are Freshman that have this specific Major with a status of Active."

Lists: Here you can create, view, and manage existing lists you have access to.

Saved Searches: Allows you to save and create dynamic searches that will update the results of students based on new information uploaded from your Student Information System.

Find Duplicates: Allows you to find students who have the same student data in a specific student field. Multiple "And" statements can be queried here to find students that have multiple duplicate fields of information.

Find by Value: Here you can provide a list of specific student data in a text area or provide student data in a .txt or .csv file and have the system search for that student data and provide a list of student profiles that match the criteria.

Change Field Values: This function will allow you to change or modify specific fields of Data. This is an Admin Level function only and can be dangerous. Use this function with extreme caution.

Selected: Allows you to select specific students in a larger listing, creating a subset of students in which you are able to create referrals, send emails, or even export to a .csv file.

Views: Allows you to create custom views. More information.

Toggle Photos: Will give the user the ability to show or remove photos from view on the students listing.

Create Chart: Based on the student data currently being viewed a chart can be generated to visually illustrate the relationships in the data.

Export to CSV: Will allow you to export the current students listing to Excel/LibreOffice/etc as a .csv file.

Send Email: Will allow you to send an email to the current listing of students.

Print: Will allow you to print the current listing of students. Will print multiple pages at once.

New Student: Will allow you to create a brand new student record.

Register In: Allows you to quickly enroll the selected students in a course.

Create Referral: Allows you to create a batch referral through SAGE. More information.