TracCloud: Permission Groups

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Revision as of 15:45, 29 July 2021 by Redrock (talk | contribs)

Permission groups determine what kind of access your staff have to various elements of TracCloud. Each group represents a set of permissions. Do you want this group to access the schedule? Which centers? Can they create students? Can they manage resources? Many more options are available for this area. This tab displays the groups assigned to this profile, allowing you to manage your staff permissions, making sure they only have the information they need, and nothing more. Groups can also be managed from their own dedicated list by going to Other > Other Options > Groups.

We can create a new, or add an existing permission group to the Profile by clicking the hamburger icon. New Group will prompt us to choose a Name and which Profile it’s assigned to. After saving, you will be brought to the settings menu where we can configure the permissions of this group.

Center Access


  • Color/Icon Code
Some of these options have multiple permissions based on the icon selected for each field. Simply click on the icon to cycle through the available options. The key for what each icon represents is within the preference name. For example, “Scheduling: View Sched and Edit All or View Sched…” in the screenshot below.
  • Scheduling
These are the center schedules that staff assigned to this group can view/manage.
  • Only access own schedule
Restrict users in this group to only being able to access their personal calendar (for the centers they’re assigned to).
  • Viewing, Logging, Reporting Visits
This determines which centers staff in this group can view/record visits in.
  • Show the Center Status Tab on Main Menu
The Center Status tab appears on the staff main menu and provides a quick look at visit/appointment summaries as well as how many students are waiting in each of your Centers. This option in Center Access enables or disables this feature for Staff in this group.
  • Allow user to access reports
Staff members can be able or unable to run reports.
  • Allow user to access payroll reports
This enables or disables access to payroll reports.
  • Lists
You can choose which student lists this user group can view/edit. Just as with the center options, we can change the color of the squares to determine their level of access to each list (just search or search and edit).
  • Task Types
Which task types can this staff member view?
  • Notification Types
Which notification types can this staff member view?
  • Document Types
Which document types can this staff member view/edit?

User List

The User List contains all staff accounts that have been assigned to this profile. At a glance, we can see their name, email, and phone, but we can also click the entry to start editing their staff profile. We’ll go into more detail on this process in another article.

  • Move Selected Users to...
Allows you to easily select and move staff members to another permission group.
  • Delete Selected User(s)
Allows you to quickly select and delete staff members.



  • Show Consultant Location on Day Schedule
Displays the consultant’s location beneath their name on the day schedule view.
  • Allow User to View Student Phone on Schedule
Displays the student’s phone number in the top-left corner of appointments.
  • Show which student contact field on Schedule:
Determines which phone number is displayed for the above preference. Cell, Home, Work, or the student’s preferred number (as defined in their profile). You can also choose “Email” so the student’s email address is displayed instead of their phone number.
  • Allow user to override any scheduling rules
If this is checked, staff in this group will be able to ignore scheduling restrictions to book appointments for students regardless of the scheduling rules in place.

Student / Visit Entry


Student Access Preferences

  • Allow user to view condition code and flag text
This preference determines whether or not users in this group can view this students’ Condition Code and Flag Text fields. These fields are used more frequently for Fitness Centers.
  • View/Edit Student using form [Standard/Brief]
This option changes the view of student profiles. Standard lets this staff member view student profiles as usual, with access to every field. While “Brief” limits access to only a few fields, as seen in the comparison below.
  • Allow user to save changes to student records [Standard Only]
This determines if staff members in this group can create new students or save changes to existing student profiles.
  • Allow user to delete student records [Standard Only]
This determines if staff members in this group can delete student profiles.
  • Hide Other ID of student
  • Hide Campus Tab of Student
  • Hide Other Info Tab of Student
  • Hide email address of student [Brief only]
  • Hide ID of student [Brief only]
These options allow you to hide various pieces of information from student profiles. Some of these are only available if their “View/Edit Student using form” is set to “Brief.”
  • Limit Student listings to the chosen list
This allows you to restrict the students viewable by staff in this group to only students on a specific list.

Visit Access Preferences

  • Allow user to send notes to coach/advisor
Provides these staff members the ability to send the Visit Notes email.
  • Allow user to save changes to visit records (and which visits)
This controls whether or not these staff members can save changes to visit records. If enabled, you can specify if they can save changes to their own visits or all visits.
  • Allow user to delete visit records (and which visits)
This determines if staff members in this group can delete visit records. If enabled, you can specify if they can delete their own visits or all visits.
  • User may view which visits
This determines if these staff members can view all visits, only their own, or none.
  • Allow user to view student information
Provides access to a “Student Info” tab within each visit record, allowing quick access to student information.
  • Show the Utilization Tab on Main Menu
  • Show the Status Charts on Main Menu
  • Show the Watch Lists on Main Menu
  • Show the Tasks & Create Task on Main Menu
These are additional widgets that can be displayed on staff dashboards for quick data access. These options enable or disable these features.