Installing the Trac application as a service allows the Trac application to run automatically without a user logged in to the server. This is often a requirement by IT Departments to prevent security issues with users remaining logged onto a server. When run as a service, your Trac application will also properly quit when the server computer is restarted, and then your Trac application will start automatically with the computer has booted.
Downloading Winserv
Winserv is a utility that installs, edits, manages, or deletes Windows Services. Winserv is available for download from Redrock Software.
Place the winserv.exe file into your TutorTrac directory.
Using Winserv to Install the Trac Service
For the purposes of this instruction, the screenshots will display installing the TutorTrac application as a service. Interchange TutorTrac with your own Trac application. The Trac application files differ between products:
Application Name
Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to your Trac application directory.
cd C:\TutorTrac
Now enter the following code to install the service. TutorTrac is the name of the service. C:\TutorTrac\TutorTrac.exe is the location and name of the Trac application.