Resources are items that may be checked in and out of your Center(s) and lent to students. The borrowing of resources at your center(s) can be tracked, recorded, and the data collected can be displayed through Reports. Resources can be utilized in many ways, but common examples include Laptops, Calculators, or Books that students can reserve, checkout, and return.
Creating a ResourceTo begin creating a resource, go to Other > Listings > Resources, click the Hamburger icon (File:Hamburger.png), then New Resource.
- BarCode is the unique identifier for this item. Can be used to log resources in and out via a barcode scanner or swipe system, in addition to manually entering the value.
- Title is the name of this resource.
- Profile is the linked Profile for this resource.
- Checked Out To shows which student currently has this item checked out (if applicable).
- Collateral represents an item to be collected when this resource is checked out. For example, a student may need to leave their Student ID Card to check out an item, which they will get back upon return.
- Collateral Logic enables Collateral functionality if checked. This will ask the staff member logging the resource in/out whether or not collateral has been gathered/returned.
- Reserved For shows who currently has this resource reserved.
- Always Available indicates that this resource doesn't need to be individually checked out or reserved, multiple students can checkout the same resource at any time.
- Reserved Date, Last Date Out, and Due Date display the exact times of reservations, checkouts, and when the resource is due to be returned.
- Resource Type allows you to categorize this resource into a type for reporting purposes.
- Length of Checkout determines how long an item can be checked out for before an overdue notification is sent.
- Max Renewals Allowed determines how many times a checkout can be renewed.
- Description is an internal description of this particular resource.
- Keywords are the related words for this resource, delimited by commas or semicolons. For example, if you have a Laptop as an available resource, you may want to create keywords like "Computer, PC, Macbook" to make this resource easier to search for.
Permission GroupsThere are a couple settings of note within your permission group(s) relating to Resources.
Other > Other Options > Groups > [Your Group] > Log In/Out

- Allow user to log resources in and out provides users in this group the ability to record resource usage.
- Allow user to view what resource the student has logged out provides users in this group the ability to view a student's currently logged out item.
Other > Other Options > Groups > [Your Group] > Admin/Modules
- Allow user to manage resources provides the ability to modify resource records.
- Table Access provides access to the Other > Listings > Resources view of resources.
Utilizing a ResourceAfter creating your resource and updating your groups, you're ready to start checking out resources. This option can be found by going to Other > Log Resource.

You will then be brought to the following screen with two text entry areas available. The first is where you select a resource (searching by Barcode, Title, or Keywords), the second allows you to select a student. Once one or both fields are selected, additional options become available to check out, return, or reserve this item.
In the event that Collateral Logic is being utilized, more options will be available in regards to collecting/returning the collateral item.
Resource ReportsA resource report is available to obtain data regarding how your resources are being utilized. This can be found by going to Reports > Management > Resources.
This report exports resource usage, showing the students who have checked out a particular resource, the checkout date and time, as well as total hours. This can either be run on overall Utilization, or specifically on Past Due resources.

- The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.
- Include resources in results that have a status of 'Inactive.'
- Only show data totals, excluding details of individual records.
- For Past Due, Show All Checkouts
- If this is checked, currently checked out resources will be included in report results. Unchecked would exclude these.
- Adds the checkout notes field as an additional column in report results.
- Adds a visual bar chart of totals to your report data.
- Include Email in Utilization
- Include the email address of the user who checked out the item.
- Group records by the selected field. Some reports allow you to add secondary and tertiary groupings as well.
- Student ID, Resource Type, Resource Title, Barcode, Keywords, Profile
- Search by Student ID, Resource Type, Resource Title, Resource Barcode, Keywords, or the Profile of your resources.
- Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.
- Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (example@example.edu;sample@example.edu).
- View Utilization or View Past Due
- Utilization will show all checked out resources and the individual checkouts. Past Due will only display overdue checkouts, items that were not returned soon enough, filtering out checkouts that were returned in time.