TracCloud: Notification Types

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Revision as of 16:55, 5 November 2021 by Redrock (talk | contribs)
Notification Types
Notifications are created when certain events occur. You may also create a notification for any student at any time. Notifications are grouped by their Notification Type. Each Notification Type might have individualized options for how the student may be notified when some event has occurred. For example, you may manually create a Notification for a student that indicates they should see their advisor or consultant the next time they come to the center. This notification may be linked to a Notification Type called "See Advisor" and this Notification Type might have the preference chosen to Send Email which means as soon as the notification is created, an email will be sent to the student. You may create as many notifications for as many students as you need. Each notification will be linked to a notification type. You may also create as many notification types as you need to handle the various ways that you would like to notify the student when something has occurred. Note: you may also send notifications to other persons in your database. For example, a notification may be sent to a consultant when some event has occurred with one of their students. You have full flexibility for configuring notifications and notification types.

Creating Notification Types

To create a new type, click the + icon and click on the name of the type to rename it.
Other > Other Options > Preferences > Notification Types


  • Kiosk Login Notification means that this notification will appear when the student is logging in via a Kiosk or on the Log Listing.
  • Email Notification will also send this notification to the student via email.
  • Email Template controls the contents of the email sent to the student if Email Notification is enabled.
  • Notification Text determines the title of the notification box ("test" in the above screenshot).
  • Appears on Daily Summary
  • Appears on Dashboard means that this Notification will appear on the student's dashboard when they login.
  • Confirmation Requested means that the student will be able to select one of your defined choices as a response to the notification.
  • Allow text input response will allow the student to type their response out in a text entry area.
  • Confirmation Choices determines the available button choices the student can click to confirm (e.g., Yes;No;Maybe). If you're utilizing Allow text input response, this option also determines the name of the submit button.
  • Send also Text Alert Notification (for students) will send a text notification to the student as well (requires the TextAlerts Module).