
From Redrock Wiki

Revision as of 17:48, 21 October 2021 by Redrock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<hr><br><b>0.10.43</b> -2021-10-20 <br><i>Added</i> <br>- Improvements to navSrch previous search menu (for Students & Registrations) <br>- Added color ribbons to search avail...")
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0.10.43 -2021-10-20

- Improvements to navSrch previous search menu (for Students & Registrations)
- Added color ribbons to search availability results (#427)
- Announcements for students may be for dash or kiosk of both, also fixed an issue with login dialog disappearing prematurely (#425)

- Choosing consultant on logout was not working properly (issue #424)
- Fixed custom views for very complicated table traversal (ie Registrations needs data from Courses and Students) also allow Generated fields to be chosen

0.10.42 -2021-10-19

- Fixed registration views to show Student fields.
- Found an issue with visits not logged out that aren't getting terminated (#417)
- Moved KIOSK choices for all centers that profile and Log listings to last item in list (#416)

0.10.41 -2021-10-18

- Subjects chosen for availabilities are shown in the slots (#260)
- Appt Visit Utilization report, add csv output option

- Availability recurring (optional & selected) interface changed to be more simplified (#335)
- Less stern warning regarding date and time of appointment when not matching expected values (#414)

- Fixed issue when deleting a multi availability, remove from calendar display
- Prevent double clicking on appointment save (#413, #412)
- Fixed certain submenu choices for windows surface table (#401)

0.10.39 -2021-10-15

- Export Registrations to csv (#410)
- Added ability to re-search previous searches using menu on nav search (#372)
- Added new feature / system preference: Dash chart choices are now customizable
- Add option to show summary report for Appt Visit Utilization

- CC center on send email to students listing
- Switch format of full name on user searches

0.10.38 -2021-10-14

- Update SMS validator to support api key

0.10.37 -2021-10-14

- Saved searches are editable by sysAdmins (#406)
- Add icon to automated reports in favorites submenu

- Fixed privileges issue when switching to Staff that is Profile Admin from Faculty

0.10.36 -2021-10-13

- Fixed typo in search availabilities

0.10.35 -2021-10-08

- Added scheduler cookie prefs to the user preferences (#373)
- Allow SI Batch codes to work for non enrolled sections (#397)

- Added options parameter to sendConfirmation, when online changed on availability from No to Yes or Yes to No, adjust all future appointments (#394)
- Moving appointments, set avail id and force confirmation immediate. Recompute duration

- Fixed typo in search availabilities
- Online location display option fixed (#396)
- CC Center on Roster batch emails fixed (#380)
- Moving appointment from one consultant to another fixed email issue (#393)
- Fixed a bug with courselist sql when blank data in search criteria
- Your online session is available needs to be removed if appointment is canceled or deleted (#395)
- Prevent double clicks to enter online appointment (#392)

0.10.34 -2021-10-07

- Trap double clicks on links on scheduler

- Outstanding appointment requests are now accessed via Table Access preference (#389)

- Roster buttons became unresponsive after clicking (#384)
- Fixed formatting of move and edit availability buttons in appt entry (#385)
- Choose a different date on move appt (or search availabilities)... format to look like a button, fixed bug with not choosing last date chosen (#388, #387)
- Fixed datetime format on mailqueue display (#386)

0.10.33 -2021-10-06

- New integration functionality for merging multiple campus licenses into one
- Faculty email report allowed for Admin (#377)

- Fixed Views became broken from previous adjustment (#383)
- Fixed drawing availabilities with DAYS = null
- Scanning SI batch codes other than Student Sequence is fixed (#383)
- Fixed OFF/ON CAMPUS/ZONE calculation (#379)
- Fix missing csv header (#371)

0.10.32 -2021-10-01

- Minor documentation, latest trac

- Group pref override scheduling prefs allows search Avail find any availability during move process (#370)

0.10.31 -2021-09-30

- Process SI and Batch fixed online checkbox option (#369)
- Fixed the CourseList course item issue when expanding an item, search didnt account for text values (#367)

- Update PinStatus during imports, remove old pins automatically, allow user to remove a status pin if they dont need to see it any longer (Gears turn during long processes)
- Added a KIOSK option for All Profiles (#365)
- Added a few more power search phrases for the visits listing (#366)
- Nightly terminate removes any unstarted visits

0.10.30 -2021-09-29

- Fixed a typo in student nav search choices: Birthdate
- Batch visits create for non-online batches properly (#361)
- Prevent appointments with duration <= 0 from being booked
- Addition appointment security checks added to prevent user from hacking the appointment values

- Auto cancel future appointments when 2 consecutive missed in a recurring series
- Add survey instructions to the survey link email

- Add watch list indicators to referral list to faculty (#352)
- Profile admins can create student records in the student listing screen
- Referrals Assigned, student name is now clickable to view student entry (#363)

0.10.29 -2021-09-28

- Latest trac for menu slider fix (#354)
- Don't allow students to override a conflict with a blocked time (#355)
- Fixed appointment layout issues when viewing from a phone (#349)

- Referrals listing on dashboard, add student name and added ability to filter

- Added search active only to registrations listing (#356)

0.10.28 -2021-09-24

- Fixed appointment layout issues when viewing from a phone (#349)
- Fixed issue with choosing a section for an availability (#348)
- Moved get student bio to a helper proc. Fixed issue when showing students before opening batch visits (#350)
- Another fix (#329) - applied to group appointments
- Fix for issues (#322, #339) - appt scheduled by and modified by

0.10.27 -2021-09-23

- Click continue multiple times creates multiple logins, hide button to prevent (#347)
- Date format for search availability problem (#342)
- Fixed an issue with Static lists being non-editable (#338)
- Converting seconds to HH:MM format, rounding fix

- Add a message to top of appointment when appointment is saved (#)
- Add logging to survey and report email attempts
- Allow required fields that are toggle fields to be hilited when not chosen (during validation process) (#344)
- Added ability to test an IP address to understand if IP is in block range or not.
- Add SchedModBy field to Appointments table
- Error logging on appointment email send
- Faculty email report - add reply-to email address

- Email: Only allow From override if not using or office365
- Adjusted wording of Reason Not Required override (#341)
- Differentiate between visit location and appt location for student visit/appt report (#336)

0.10.26 -2021-09-21

- Add a RegStatus field to Registrations allowing a different field to be used for deactivating a registration record (#334)
- Additional Logging on calc_Missed
- add ability to process additional merges, cleanup, after a merge operation has been performed using an optional function 'app_processAfterMerge'

0.10.25 -2021-09-20

- Fixed a bad SQL statement having to do with blocked availabilities

0.10.24 -2021-09-20

- Added ability to collapse the filter text on KIOSKs (#328)
- Add document uploaded Notifications that appear under alarm bell (#180)

- Preference for work button now control consultants logged in button
- Obscured placeholder will now use a label is text to be displayed

- Fixed a bad SQL statement
- All uses of count check for countable
- Cancelling an appointment might mark status as undefined (#326)
- Fix for automated reports - even if bad email address, update favorite as processed
- Fix import batch item process to not automatically have a batch file name, so the user has to enter it.

0.10.23 -2021-09-20

- Adjusted cleanup report - use record class so changes are auto logged

0.10.22 -2021-09-18

- Added ability to pull linked student data into staff record when viewing/updating (#146)
- Allow max appointment rules for blank status (#317)
- Added Bi-Weekly to repeating appointment

- Group multi slot booking should not use time intervals (#323)
- Don't notify Staff when their own work visit appears (#321)
- Show FTP versus School Imports Test file name
- Query student subjects is faster now on search availability

- New Custom fields had an issue with saving before extra clicks (#250)
- Latest trac and fixed dashboard links on entry forms
- Cancel - missed status wasnt being applied properly (#324)
- Fixed Show These students from the Visits listing after having found visits for this week (#320)
- Prevent student double booking re-fixed (#318)
- Set appointment status as attended when online session entered (#319)

0.10.21 -2021-09-17

0.10.20 -2021-09-17

- Batch assign UUID for faculty if not already assigned.
- Added php Uuid::uuid4() assignment to import process for any record that has a UUID field
- Students can use the multi-slot booking now

0.10.19 -2021-09-16

- Added ability to remove calendar iCal attachments (#279)
- TotalTime in Visits Export (#307)
- Log out consultants button added to list of consultants logged in (#306)
- Latest trac
- Ability to override max merge records found limit
- Conclude work visits from visit listing (#303)
- Reports are now run as job on the job server
- Added ability to Log visit to only staff who are logged in to work (302)
- Added Section CRN to various reports (#298)
- New profile pref to require reason and section on save appt only
- When logging in at KIOSK for an appointment, the Subject and Reason and Time are displayed
- Allow section to be specified in a Custom KIOSK (#280)

- Allow uses to remove a list even if linked to student records
- Show only staff in a center if there is a linkage for that staf in that center
- Custom KIOSK assigning a Reason, removed any duplicate choices
- Hide work visits from KIOSK (#308)
- Writing centers don't use specialties for subject list for consultant (#304)
- Roster status updates are now done using record object for logging purposes
- Changing online for an appointment in a series now applies the value to all in the series (#254)
- Last import status with mismatched columns or column data has better error display
- Only output headers right before json output (for the API)

- Fixed issue with blocks not completely obscuring availabilities
- Multi-slot booking fixed when hour start increments is 0 (#310, 309)
- Don't show inactive registrations on search availabilities subject choices (#313)
- Wait time reports: if WaitTime is null, use 0 (#305)
- Fix resource images load/uploadto
- Fixed bug with login to appointment text showing subject reason and time.
- RecurID of undefined is not a real recurID
- Max Appt Rules for Subject needs to query for same CourseID

0.10.18 -2021-09-14

- Added #id of conflicting subject section appointnent for debugging purposes
- Added go to dashboard icon to some of the entry screens

- Use NIL UUID for default User, check for null user before loading groups
- Group appointments with slot prefs (same subject, same faculty, same section), now do a check before saving a new appointment (#246)
- Split automated_reports into two scripts - reports and exports

- Adjust z-index of nav so magnifying glass isn't on top of menu above (#248)
- Fixed typo, report calculation (#296, #301, #300)
- Students cant override adding more to a multiperson slot (#296)
- Don't show work visits (or visits with null for student id in loglist or kiosk)
- Removed duplicated appointments based on related table search
- Fix, in case a later-deleted customData field is in use in a saved favorite report
- SchedCheck bug fixed
- Move To dialog now appears over existing appointment dialog
- Get proper campus code for sso logins

0.10.17 -2021-09-13

- Referrals widget default open/close via cookie
- Added CRN to Student's Registrations List
- Added CRN field to various reports (#287)

- Removed 'Email' from User Login prompt
- Removed PHP Mailer
- Automated reports use new CRON and jobs system

- Appt SectionID and ReasonID properly copied to group roster visit when attended
- View these Students from Registrations listing (#293)
- Roster attended was duplicating visits, fixed
- Also attended now sets the enteredDT to same as TimeIn for roster visits
- Latest trac with str_toHours fixed
- Fix link in email for emailed reports
- Work visits menu needed a unique id to differentiate from nav menu work visit menu
- Fixed issue with faculty courses not showing students enrolled

0.10.16 -2021-09-10

- Added Section CRN to main Registration listing

- Make sure appointment's section and reason override availability
- Availabilities dropsearch for sections show only active sections, minor cleanup of count of selected records

- Mark a group appointment item as attended applies sectionID to the visit record (#283)
- Fixed issue where TimeOut wasnt being computed on an SI Login. Fixed issue when number of students in current selection filled up memory (#281)

0.10.15 -2021-09-10

- Added Redrock Pref, to set how many days of data for reports to run as a job

- Use new Redrock IP detection
- Update import status when file not found or FTP Path is nonexistent
- Update automated_reports.php
- added logging, and better null checking

- Hide availabilities fixed when availability was for DAYS not shown

0.10.14 -2021-09-10

- Added display for import file location (test or FTP)
- Added ability to use caching for certain record types during the import process to increase speed of imports by 300%
- Add limitation message for Office 365 email (#38)

- Import now allows for Student record caching, adjusted to track memory usage
- Import status while importing, show latest record count
- Importing: switched the default cache setting from no to yes

0.10.13 -2021-09-09

- Added more clarification notices/descriptions to all system preferences
- Added handling of SSO de-auths
- Add SAML/CAS settings for de-auth

0.10.11 -2021-09-09

- New system pref to control format of subject when searching availabilities (#215)
- Hover over loglisting images makes them enlarge
- New Appointnents group pref added (#262)
- Photo image sizes can be controlled on the log listing (#268)

- Student Touchless signin in using phone: auto select first subject to help fix iOS issue (#276)
- Faculty view: related courses now default to active only (#275)
- After a staff record merge operation we remove any duplicate entries in the CenterStaff table (#270)
- Adjustment to the interface for the merge records functionality

- Sections: find duplicate records fixed
- Consultant Schedule Summary Emails is now working (#263)
- Fixed import status issue
- Don't try to delete a non existent document (#274)
- Subject courses on search availability sorted properly (#249)
- Resolve issues with cookie settings not being honored (#259)
- Fixed custom KIOSK reasons and consultants (#253)
- Don't send terminate message to student if preference is not checked (#241)
- Blank announcement bodies fixed (#261)
- Cleanup appointment code, save user who modified it and date and time modified
- Dont allow adhoc creation of avail when no center / staff chosen on pulldowns
- Hide availabilities when not linked to staff on search availablilty

0.10.10 -2021-09-08

- Get default timezone of America/Phoenix when Prefs doesn't exist yet
- Update manual cron runner with modern code, specifically changeCampus
- Add cleanup script for emails with massive attachment lists
- Check if email can be tried before trying
- Smaller email batch sizes when sending plain emails
- Email updates: a bit more reply-to implementation
- Adjust SAGE referral emails recipients display

- Fix issue with email attachments growing to absurd levels
- Fix twig rendering error logging

0.10.9 -2021-09-08

- New not Online pref to display when Online checkbox is NOT checked
- Additional options for SAGE date filter
- Dashboard widget: SAGE Referrals uses filters and also use cookies for defauilt open/close display
- More LDAP validation preferences for functionality

- Adjust handling of sender reply tos

- SAGE automated emails listng formatting issue

0.10.8 -2021-09-03

- Provide user feedback after duplicating a survey

- Set UUID for all students without a UUID during process activations script
- Hide term sequence: its confusing

0.10.7 -2021-09-02

- Staff listing on profiles now has a search active only option
- Option for new time format that is not military time (for log listings)
- Send Survey to students in current student listing

- Import jobs allowed to take longer amount of time to finish (for now)
- Consultant save own record will only load self as choice on new recs

- Fixed Wildcard subjects now appear in Center Schedule report (#239)

0.10.6 -2021-09-01

- For reports being emailed (by auto-favorites, job, manual, etc.) implement reply-to for schools using our mail server
- Next and Previous scheduler buttons can use enter key to activate
- For TracCloud schools using our Redrock mail server, for emailed reports, set reply-to

- Consultants default to their own schedule for their default center when they click the Scheduler link
- Show only active reasons to choose from for visits cleanup report

- QR kiosk code not allowing students to login (#238)
- Prevent multiple appointments for a single student in same multi-person group (#235)
- Prevent double click on update specialties (#236)
- Referral custom questions need to be handled differently when applying annoted referral values to selected referrals (fixed issue where all custom questions were being updated)
- Fixes privileges: SysAdmin group overrides Admin, Staff or Consultant privs
- Visits by FTE report fix
- Access own schedule should only show own consultant info (#216)

0.10.5 -2021-08-31

- Record when visit notes sent, show an indicator (#226)

- Appointment location on calendar is obfuscated (#230)
- Center staff list uses own setsuffix to utilize own search filters (#224)
- When barcode lookup occurs and only 1 student found, auto select

- Fixed a display issue with Cancelled or Missed appointments (#229)
- When document not yet saved, but new doc ready to be uploaded: fixed issue with it showing are you sure you want to upload with no doc (#225)

0.10.4 -2021-08-30

- Added expired time to display of sessions that no longer are available
- Added 2 new names for consultants (Educators & Academic Coaches) (#218)

- Show current time bar on schedule as blue and server time when server time does not match local time on scheduler
- Block non-redrock sysAdmins from editing import batches
- Added more functionality to merge faculty. Fixed issues (#210, #212, #213, #151)
- Visit / Appt Export refinements

- Set the initial check value for items with isNewOnly checked for assignment field list

0.10.2 -2021-08-27

- Log json apptcenters when no records found
- Added error message to apptcenters when returns blank json

- HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR as the user's IP address
- Visits report FTE improvement
- Change logging to info level and do it every time apptcenters json is called

- Fix issue with appointment centers json call failing

0.10.1 -2021-08-26

- Added new removeDuplicateFaculty job and associated menus

- LDAP Tweaks, fallback to local accounts when ldap fails
- Simplified notification code for URL link copy
- Prevent entry in online dropin session before it's time

- Fix some issues with LDAP settings not making sense
- Online URLs from the search availability maybe copied to the clipboard now
- Fixed online copy URL for older params

0.10.0 -2021-08-26

- Added Appointment.OnlineLink tag to retrieve a URL that can be emailed for an online session appointment

- Return to original url when doing SSO redirect logins
- Cleaned up and standardized online session link to go through a single form that rejects or redirects based on whether or not the session is available

- Fix retrieval of staffPhotos directory
- Fix issue with retrieving empty url overrides
- Use proper job return types