TracCloud: Student Lists

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Custom Lists, Dynamic Lists, & Watch Lists
Custom Lists are used to group an arbitrary list of students together. You may create a list and then assign students to the list from the Lists tab of the Student Entry screen. A Watch List can then be created for one of your existing Custom Lists, which will display a colored indicator for the individual students who have been assigned to the list.

These lists can be used for a variety of reasons, from simply pulling up a set of students, running reports, or even limiting a permission group’s access to only a certain population of students. If you want to make a student stand out on the Log Listing or Student Listing, assigning them to a Watch List is a great way to accomplish this.

Creating Custom Lists

Within your Global Preferences, you will find the Custom Lists option. This allows you to view the custom lists that have been created in your Trac System, which can be renamed or deleted if needed. A new custom list can be created by clicking the + icon.

Other > Other Options > Preferences > Custom Lists


Creating Dynamic Lists

Dynamic lists have a similar use as Custom lists, but are updated automatically based on other information in the Trac System. This allows you to have an always-up-to-date list of students for any reason.

To create your dynamic list, start by searching for students using the method you want to create your dynamic list from. For example, if you want a list of all students with a Major of “Mathematics” and a status of “Active,” we can perform the following Search.

Once we have our search results, we can create our dynamic list. Click the hamburger icon > Lists > Create New Dynamic List. Give it a name when prompted, then click OK. Your last search criteria will be used to keep this list of students up to date.


Creating Watch Lists

To create a new watch list indicator, head over to your global preferences, select Watch Lists, and click the + icon. This will add a new watch list, clicking on the name lets you rename it, selecting the colored box lets you change the indicator color, and the box next to that determines which list this Watch List is assigned to. After you’ve given it a name, color, and list, select the right-arrow to control where these indicators appear.

Other > Other Options > Preferences > Watch Lists


Watch List Indicator Locations

The watch list indicator can be configured to display in various locations throughout the Trac System. Hovering over the indicator also provides the list name.


  • Display on Log In/Out
Displays in the upper-right corner of the login/logout center select screen.

  • Display on Entry
Displays the indicator in the top-right corner of student profiles.

  • Display on Listing
Displays the indicator on the Student Listing.

  • Display on Appointment
This makes the indicator visible within appointment entry windows.

  • Display on Dashboard
This will allow the list to be visible from the staff dashboard, within the “Watch List Students” box.