TracCloud: Attendance Tracking
From Redrock Wiki
Additional Features
Attendance Tracking
This feature allows you to track class attendance for particular sections. Attendance and absences can be recorded by either a staff member with access to section data or by the faculty/instructor assigned to that section from their dashboard. This feature requires that section schedule data is present.
Section Configuration
To track attendance for a section, first ensure that "Track Attendance" is enabled. Your section records can be found in Other > Listings > Sections. After you save the record with this box checked, a new "Attendance" tab will appear along the top of the page.
Additionally, verify that this section has a schedule. The attendance tracking utility will use this to show which days are available to record attendance/absences on. If you do not see a schedule for your section, it's possible this isn't something you're currently importing. Reach out to our support for further assistance.
Tracking Attendance
Within the attendance tab you will find your class attendance table. This will show each student registered in the course and their class attendance for each day of the section schedule. Clicking the square for each student/date will cycle between for attended, for absent, and for absent excused. The right-most column will display the total absences for each student in the section.
By clicking the day header at the top, you can additionally make batch changes to all or all unset records at once for that day. An efficient workflow in this interface may be to mark the absences first, and then mark the remaining unset students as attended. A unique status, Holiday , also becomes available when making a change to the entire day at once.
Faculty View
Faculty accounts can be allowed to track attendance through the "Faculty Options" widget on the dashboard. This requires that the faculty permission group have access to the sections table, which can be added by going to Other > Other Options > Groups > Faculty > Admin/Modules > add "Sections" under "Table Access." "View Entry (No Listing)" will work for minimal access.
Clicking this option will take them to the "Attendance" tab of sections as described above. The other section tabs (Course Info, Enrollment, Schedule) will not be available when opened from the dashboard.