TracCloud: Data Export

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TracCloud Data Exports
This portion of our technical documentation covers the possible ways to export data from your Trac System. If you have any questions about this, you're more than welcome to reach out to us at

1. Reports

Applies to: Visits, Appointments, Availabilities, Payroll, Staff, Resource Usage, Referrals, Surveys.

Almost every report in TracCloud can be exported as a .CSV file. For Staff and Profile admins, this may be the preferred option for exporting data. For more information, take a look at our Reports Wiki.

2. SFTP Export

Applies to: Visits, Appointments.

If you're looking for a complete data export or a scheduled export, this is where the Visit and Appointment Export utility comes in. The exports will be made available on our SFTP server (same location that you're uploading import files to). You have a few configuration options here, including how the data is formatted and when/what is exported. The files will be in a .csv format.

This option can be found in Other > Other Options > Visits/Appointments Export.


Click the buttons below to view or download sample export files. These are from our demo system, which contains several custom fields that will differ from your system.

View Appointment File View Visit File

Field Type Descriptions
Type Description
A## Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length
#B Big Integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value
Date Date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
Double Decimal # with up to 12 digits precision
Time A specific time using a 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS), e.g., 13:45:00
Duration A duration stored in number of minutes, e.g., 90
Field Definitions
Column Type Description Example
ApptID #B Unique identifier for appointments 123456
VisitID #B Unique identifier for visits 123456
ScheduledBy A100 The user who booked this appointment SysAdmin Dave Smith
ApptModifiedBy A80 The user who last modified this appointment SysAdmin dsmith
ApptModifiedDT DateTime The date/time of when this appt was last modified 1970-12-31 13:00:00
ApptOnlineURL A255 The online URL of this appointment
ApptScheduledDT DateTime The date/time showing when this appt was booked 1970-12-31 13:00:00
ConfirmationSent A3 Whether or not a confirmation email was sent (stored as blank or 'Yes') Yes
ReminderDateTime Date Legacy/Unused
ReminderNeeded A3 Whether or not a reminder needs to be sent for this appointment (stored as blank or 'Yes') Yes
RequestNotes A65535 Legacy/Unused
OtherNotes A65535 Student cancellation reason Student cancelled for reason: Selected wrong date
SchedNotes A65535 Legacy/Unused
Referral_Choice Legacy/Unused
DateIn Date The start date of this record 1970-12-31
TimeIn Time The start time of this record 13:00:00
TimeOut Time The end time of this record 14:30:00
Duration Duration The duration of this record stored in minutes 90
WaitTime Duration Wait time before start of visit stored in minutes 5
TotalTime Duration Total visit time including wait time in minutes 95
Weekday A9 Day of this record Wednesday
Fund A80 Visit/Appointment funding source FWS
Location A255 The location of this record Room 14
Online A3 Whether or not this record is online (stored as blank or 'Yes') Yes
StudentID #B Student identification number 1234567
FirstName A80 Student's first name Sam
LegalFirst A80 Student's legal first name Samantha
Middle A80 Student's middle name or initial S
LastName A80 Student's last name Smith
Status A80 Appointment status Attended
OtherID A40 Student's alternate ID A1234567
OtherID2 A40 Student's alternate alternate ID ssmith567
Barcode A80 Student's barcode ID 9876543
Email A80 Student's email address
Street A80 Student's address 1234 N Example St.
City A80 Student's city Phoenix
State A80 Student's state AZ
ZIP A10 Student's zip code 85210
Birthdate Date Student's birthdate 1970-12-31
HomePhone A20 Student's home phone 333-333-3333
WorkPhone A20 Student's work phone 444-444-4444
CellPhone A20 Student's cell phone 555-555-5555
Gender A80 Student's gender Male
Ethnicity A80 Student's ethnicity Caucasian
College A80 Student's college Nowhere State University
DegreeGoal A80 Student's degree goal AAS
Major A120 Student's major accounting
Class A80 Student's class SO
Cohort A80 Student's cohort 2017SP
GradUndergrad A80 The student's graduate status Graduate
GPA Double Student's GPA 3.5
Hours Double Student's accumulated hours 25
StudentFund A80 Student's assigned fund Perkins
StudentGradDate Date Date of student's graduation 2022-12-31
StudentGradDegree A128 Student's graduation degree AAS
StudentOtherStatus A80 Student's other/secondary status Registered
StudentPronouns A80 Student's preferred pronouns He/Him
StudentUserName A120 Student's username dsmith50
ConsultantFirst A80 Consultant first name Dave
ConsultantLast A80 Consultant last name Smith
ConsultantUserName A80 Consultant username dsmith
ConsultantAlias A120 Consultant alternate name D. Smith
ConsultantLocation A255 Consultant location Room 14
ConsultantEmail A120 Consultant email address
ConsultantFund A80 Consultant fund Perkins
ConsultantOnlineLink A512 Consultant online URL
ConsultantOtherID A80 Consultant alternate ID A12345678
ConsultantPronouns A80 Consultant's preferred pronouns He/Him
ConsultantHired Date Date that the consultant was hired 1970-12-31
ConsultantReasonQuit A220 Reason for consultant employment termination Retired
ConsultantTerminated Date Date of consultant employment termination 1970-12-31
Mailbox A80 Legacy/Unused
Center A80 Center Name Learning Center
Reason A80 Reason Name General Tutoring
Subject A40 Subject MAT
Course A20 Course number 300
Title A120 Course title Introduction to algebra
Section A80 Section code 04
CRN A20 Course Reference Number 12345
Term A80 Term code SU2022
SubjectSectionTerm A250 Combination of Subject, Course, Section, Term MAT300 04 SU2022
RegistrationNotes A65535 Registration notes field Incomplete enrollment
RegistrationStatus A40 Registration Status Enrolled
Salutation A80 Faculty salutation Dr.
FacultyFirst A80 Faculty first name Jeff
FacultyLast A80 Faculty last name Daniels
FacultyUserName A80 Faculty username jdaniels
FacultyUserID A80 Faculty ID F1234567
FacultyEmail A120 Faculty email
FacultyDepartment A60 Faculty department Labs
VisitNotes A65535 Visit notes, typically entered by consultant Helped student with assignment
ScheduleNotes A65535 Legacy/Unused
StudentNotes A65535 Legacy/Unused
ExportDate Date Date of export 1970-12-31

3. Listing CSV Exports

Applies to: Students, Registrations, Staff, Resources.

The Student and Registration Listing both offer the ability to Export the current list to CSV. This will immediately start downloading your queried records to a .csv file in your browser.

4. Print or PDF Export

Applies to: Students, Student Timelines, Visits, Courses, Course Lists, Registrations, Sections, Documents, Faculty, Staff, Work Types, Appointment Requests.

On these listings, under the Hamburger icon , you'll find a print option. This can be used to either print the data or save it to a PDF file. In the case of the Student Timeline, you'll need to use your browser's print function (typically CTRL + P).

5. Starfish Export

Applies to: Visits.

We have an additional module available for purchase that provides a Starfish-compatible data export for your Trac System. For more information, reach out to