TracCloud: Attendance Listing

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Visits Listing
The Visit Listing contains all Student Visit records recorded in your Trac system. Visits can be searched, saved, managed and modified all from this listing. To navigate to your TracClouds Visit Listing simply click on the option “Attendance” and select “Visit Listing” from the dropdown from your home dashboard.

In TracCloud the ability to search Visit data has been simplified. At the top of the Visit Listing there is a search bar which will give you the ability to search quickly and efficiently through all Visit data Stored in your TracCloud system. Right click in the Nav Search (the search bar highlighted below) will provide a list of Visit Search Codes that can be searched. Selecting one of the options will auto fill a Visit Search Code as seen below in the example list.

Search Symbol Key
Symbol Description Example
% Wildcard Students.First_Name=Jo%
# Not or Don’t Include Students.First_Name=#John
Numeric Symbols
> Greater Than Duration=>90
< Less Than Duration=<90
<= Equal to or Less Than Duration=<=90
>= Equal to or Greater Than Duration=>=90
... Range - (Dates only) YYYY-MM-DD…YYYY-MM-DD
# = %% Don’t Include This Data Centers.Name=#%Learning%

A full list of Visit search codes can be found below as well as examples of how each search can be accomplished.

NavSearch Definition NavSearch Codes
General NavSearch Codes General NavSearch codes are Words, Phrases or Names that can be typed into the NavSearch bar and instantly return results of Visit Records. Students First Name • Last Week • Reason • All • Students Last Name • This Week • Date • Last Year • Students ID Number • Past 10 days • Date Range • This Year • Yesterday • Today • Subject • Month
SearchCodes Definitions Examples and Variations
Visits.Sequence= Visit Sequence: Is the internal number a visit record has been assigned. Found in the upper right-hand corner of each visit record
EnteredDT= Date & Time Entered: Time the student logged and waited to meet with Staff. This information is only recorded if you’re tracking the “Wait Time” of a student’s visit. EnteredDT=2021-05-12 12:30:10
TimeIn= Date & Time In: The Start Date and Time of the students visit. TimeIn= 2021-05-12 12:30:10
TimeOut= Date & Time Out: The End Date and Time of the students visit. TimeOut=2019-09-30 3:00:00
Duration= Duration: Is the total time (minutes) of a visit. Duration=90
IsWork= isWork: Is the visit a payroll visit (1 or 0) 1 is equal to “True” - 0 is equal to “False”. IsWork=0
Students.First_Name= Students-> First Name: Search for students by their first name. Students.First_Name=John
Students.Last_Name= Students-> Last Name: Search for students Last name Students.Last_Name=Smith
Students.Last_Name=Sm% - Queries every name that starts with “Sm”
Students.Sequence= Students-> Students Sequence: The Internal identification number assigned to each specific student. Students.Sequence=3674
Students.ID= Students-> Students ID: ID Is the Students Campus Identification Number Students.ID=1901
Visits.StudentID= Students-> Linked Student Sequence: This can be either the Visit Sequence or the student ID number. Visits.StudentID=3674 (Visit Sequence)
Visits.StudentID=1918 (Student ID)
Courses.SubjectCourse= Courses-> Subject Course: Will find all visits based on Subject Course Courses.SubjectCourse=ENG110 (Full Subject/Course: ENG110-777 Creative Writing)
Courses.Subject= Courses-> Subject Course: Will find all visits based on Subject Courses.Subject=ENG (Full Subject/Course: ENG110-777 Creative Writing)
Courses.Course= Courses-> Course: Will find all visits based on Course Courses.Course=110 (Full Subject/Course: ENG110-777 Creative Writing)
Courses.Title= Courses-> Title: Will find all visits based on Title Courses.Title= Creative Writing (Full Subject/Course: ENG110-777 Creative Writing)
Sections.Code= Courses-> Section Code: Title: Will find all visits based on the Section Sections.Code=777 (Full Subject/Course: ENG110-777 Creative Writing)
Visits.SectionID= Courses-> Linked Section Sequence: Is the internal ID number that has been assigned to a Section. Visits.SectionID=30
Reasons.Reason= Reasons-> Reason: Will find visits based on Reason. Reasons.Reason=General% - Queries every reason that starts with the word “General”
Reasons.Reason=%General% - Queries every reason that contains “General”
Reasons.Category= Reasons-> Category: Will find all visit based on their designated Category. Reasons.Category=Accommodation
Centers.Name= Center-> Center Name: Will find all visit linked to a specific Center. Centers.Name=Learning Center
Centers.Name=#Learning Center – “#” Queries all centers except the Learning Center
Visits.CenterID= Center-> Linked Center Sequence: Will find all visits linked to a centers sequence number Visits.CenterID=2
Visits.CenterID=#2 – Queries all visit except visits linked to center Sequence number 2
Visits.Location= Center-> Visit Location: Will find all visit linked to a specific Location Visits.Location=Room_101
Visits.Location=#Room_101 – Queries all visits except visits associated with Room_101
Staff.First_Name= Staff-> Staff First Name: Will find all visits linked to a Staffs First name. Staff.First_Name=Dave
Staff.First_Name=#Dave – Queries all visits except visits associated with Staff named “Dave”
Staff.Last_Name= Staff-> Staff Last Name: Will Find all Visit linked to the Staffs Last name Staff.Last_Name=Smtih
Staff.Last_Name=#Smith– Queries all visits except visits associated with Staff named “Dave”
VisitDay= VisitDay: Will find all visits that happened on a specific day of week. VisitDay=Monday
VisitDay=#Monday – Queries all visit except visits that happened on a Monday

The Search bar can also handle multiple queries at once using any of the search code combinations. For instance, perhaps you would like to search for all students who came in and selected the reason “General Tutoring” who had visits in the “Learning Center” and who Visited on a “Monday”– See the example below of how this query can be accomplished. You will need to place the “&” symbol between SearchCodes here in the example: (Reasons.Reason=General Help&Centers.Name=Learning Center&VisitDay=Monday)

Each column of information has a clickable header that will sort the data field.
Numeric Headers will sort the information from Lowest number to the Highest number value. Doubling clicking a numeric header will sort the header from Highest number to Lowest number value.
Columns consisting of words will be sorted alphabetically from A-Z, Double clicking this fields header will sort the data alphabetically from Z-A

Visits Listing Hamburger Drop-down Options (File:Hamburger.png)

All Attendance: Show all visits (that you have permission to view).

Today: Show today's visits.

Recent Attendance: Show the last 6 months of visits.

This Week: Show the current week's visits.

This Month: Show the current month's visits.

Last Month: Show last month's visits.

This Year: Show the current year's visits.

Search: Allows you to search all visits based on many different criteria.

Power Search: Allows you to make multiple queries against the database at one time using "And" & "Or" statements.

Saved Searches: Allows you to save and create dynamic searches that will update the results of visits based on new information available at the time of search.

Show these Students: Based on your currently queried list of visits, display the related students on the student listing.

Find Duplicates: Allows you to find visits that have the same data in a specific field.

Find by Values: Here you can provide a list of specific visit data in a text area or provide visit data in a .txt or .csv file and have the system search for that visit data and provide a list of visits that match the criteria.

Change Field Values: This function will allow you to change or modify specific fields of Data. This is an Admin Level function only and can be dangerous. Use this function with extreme caution.

Selected: Use the selected set of visits for a specific purpose (hide, delete, merge, etc).

Views: Will allow each user profile to create their own view of the visit listing. Each individual user will have the ability to show and sort the fields that appears on the visits listing. Multiple Views can be created and saved for easy access. Views can also be assigned to entire permission groups by SysAdmins.

Create Chart: Based on the visit data currently being viewed a chart can be generated to visually illustrate the relationships in the data.

Print: Will allow you to print the current listing of visits. Will print multiple pages at once.

New Visit: Allows you to quickly create a new visit record from the visit listing (similar to the Quick Visit utility).