TracCloud: Rosetta

From Redrock Wiki

Revision as of 18:14, 21 January 2025 by Redrock (talk | contribs)
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Field Type Description Twig Tag API SFTP Export Column Example
ID bigint The student's ID number. Should be unique. {{Student.ID}} Students.ID ID 1234567
First Name varchar(80) The student's preferred first name. {{Student.First_Name}} Students.First_Name FirstName Sam
Last Name varchar(80) The student's last name {{Student.Last_Name}} Students.Last_Name LastName Smith

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Field Type Description Twig Tag API SFTP Export Column Example
example example example {{example.example}} example.example example example

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Field Type Description Twig Tag API SFTP Export Column Example
example example example {{example.example}} example.example example example