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TracCloud: Table and Field List

This article lists fields in TracCloud grouped by table. For each field, it will show the data type, description, how the field is accessible in Twig, the API, as well as how it displays in the SFTP data export.


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Type Definitions

Type Description
varchar(#) Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length.
int Integer, maximum value of about 4 billion, or a 10-digit numeric value.
bigint Big integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value.
tinyint Tiny integer, typically used to store a 1 or 0 as true or false.
date Date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
time A specific time using a 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS), e.g., 13:45:00
datetime Date and time, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
double Decimal # with up to 12 digits precision
json JSON-formatted field that contains multiple fields and values (e.g., custom fields).

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Field Type Description Twig API SFTP Export
Sequence bigint Static identifier for students, unrelated to ID. Students.Sequence
UUID varchar(36) Unique identifier for this user. Students.UUID
ID bigint The student's ID number. Should be unique. {{Student.ID}} Students.ID StudentID
Other_ID varchar(40) Alternative identifier for the student. {{Student.Other_ID}} Students.Other_ID OtherID
Other_ID2 varchar(40) Another alternative identifier for the student. {{Student.Other_ID2}} Students.Other_ID2 OtherID2
Barcode varchar(80) The student's barcode. {{Student.Barcode}} Students.Barcode Barcode
Status varchar(80) Whether the student is Active or Inactive. {{Student.Status}} Students.Status Status
OtherStatus varchar(80) Alternative/custom status. Students.OtherStatus StudentOtherStatus
Legal_First varchar(80) The student's legal first name. {{Student.Legal_First}} Students.Legal_First LegalFirst
First Name varchar(80) The student's preferred first name. {{Student.First_Name}} Students.First_Name FirstName
Last Name varchar(80) The student's last name. {{Student.Last_Name}} Students.Last_Name LastName
Middle varchar(80) The student's middle name. {{Student.Middle}} Students.Middle Middle
Full_Name varchar(255) The student's full name, formatted as "Last, First M.". {{Student.Full_Name}} Students.Full_Name
LastFirst varchar(255) The student's full name, formatted as "Last, First M". {{Student.LastFirst}}
Full_Name2 varchar(255) The student's full name, formatted as "First M. Last". {{Student.Full_Name2}} Students.Full_Name2
FirstLast varchar(255) The student's full name, formatted as "First Last". {{Student.FirstLast}}
Street varchar(250) The student's street address. Students.Street Street
Apt varchar(80) The student's apartment number. Students.Apt
City varchar(120) The student's city. Students.City City
State varchar(80) The student's state. Students.State State
Zip varchar(20) The student's zip code. Students.Zip ZIP
Home_Phone varchar(80) The student's home phone number. {{Student.Home_Phone}} Students.Home_Phone HomePhone
Work_Phone varchar(80) The student's work phone number. {{Student.Work_Phone}} Students.Work_Phone WorkPhone
Cell_Phone varchar(80) The student's cell phone number. {{Student.Cell_Phone}} Students.Cell_Phone CellPhone
Email varchar(120) The student's email address, typically their campus email. {{Student.Email}} Students.Email Email
Preferred varchar(80) The student's preferred contact method. Possible values are listed below.

1 = Home
2 = Work
3 = Cell
4 = Email
5 = Verbal

{{Student.Preferred}} Students.Preferred
LastDateIn date Date of the student's last visit. Students.LastDateIn
UserName varchar(120) The student's username for authentication. {{Student.UserName}} Students.UserName StudentUserName
Birthdate date The student's birthdate. Students.Birthdate Birthdate
Pronouns varchar(80) The student's preferred pronouns. {{Student.Pronouns}} Students.Pronouns StudentPronouns
Gender varchar(80) The student's gender. {{Student.Gender}} Students.Gender Gender
Ethnicity varchar(150) The student's ethnicity. {{Student.Ethnicity}} Students.Ethnicity Ethnicity
Major varchar(120) The student's major. {{Student.Major}} Students.Major Major
Class varchar(80) The student's class. {{Student.Class}} Students.Class Class
DegreeGoal varchar(80) The student's degree goal. {{Student.DegreeGoal}} Students.DegreeGoal DegreeGoal
Cohort varchar(80) The student's cohort. {{Student.Cohort}} Students.Cohort Cohort
College varchar(80) The student's college. {{Student.College}} Students.College College
Grad_Und varchar(80) The student's graduate status. {{Student.Grad_Und}} Students.Grad_Und GradUndergrad
GPA double The student's GPA. {{Student.GPA}} Students.GPA GPA
AccumHours double The student's accumulated hours. Students.AccumHours Hours
Fund varchar(80) The student's fund. Students.Fund StudentFund
PrimaryConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence. Students.PrimaryConsultantID
FlagText varchar(80) The contents of the student's "Flag Information" field. Students.FlagText
CustomData json All custom fields are stored in this field. Specify a custom field with its sequence number after "cf_". {{Student.CustomData.cf_123}} Students.CustomData->>``$.cf_123`` [Field Name]
WatchLists json Returns a true or false value based on whether or not the student is on the specified watch list. Hover over the name of your watch list to find its sequence number (e.g., wl_9) {{Student.WatchLists.wl_0}}
gen_BIOConfirmed varchar(2) Whether or not the student has confirmed their bio. Students.gen_BIOConfirmed
gen_BIOConfirmedDT varchar(20) When the student last confirmed their bio. Students.gen_BIOConfirmedDT
CreatedDT timestamp When this student record was initially created in TracCloud. Students.CreatedDT
_LastImportedDT datetime The last time this student record was imported into TracCloud. Students._LastImportedDT

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Field Type Description Twig API SFTP Export
Sequence bigint A unique identifier for every visit record. Visits.Sequence VisitID
EnteredDT datetime The date and time the student entered the center. This will only differ from TimeIn if your center tracks wait time. {{Visit.EnteredDT}} Visits.EnteredDT
EnteredTime time The time the student entered, formatted as "09:45am." {{Visit.EnteredTime}}
EnteredDate time The date the student entered. {{Visit.EnteredDate}}
TimeIn datetime The date and time the student's visit began. {{Visit.TimeIn}} Visits.TimeIn DateIn and TimeIn
StartTime time The time the student's visit began, formatted as "09:45am." {{Visit.StartTime}}
StartDate time The datethe student's visit began. {{Visit.StartDate}}
TimeOut datetime The date and time the student's visit ended. {{Visit.TimeOut}} Visits.TimeOut TimeOut
EndTime time The time the student's visit ended, formatted as "09:45am." {{Visit.EndTime}}
EndDate time The datethe student's visit ended. {{Visit.EndDate}}
isWork tinyint Whether or not this visit is a work visit. {{Visit.isWork}} Visits.isWork
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID). Visits.StudentID
CenterID bigint Relates to Centers.Sequence Visits.CenterID
ConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence Visits.ConsultantID
RegistrationID bigint Relates to Registrations.Sequence Visits.RegistrationID
ReasonID bigint Relates to Reasons.Sequence Visits.ReasonID
isWaiting tinyint Whether or not the student is currently waiting to be seen (i.e., TimeIn not yet started). Visits.isWaiting
WaitTime double How long the student waited to start their visit in minutes (TimeIn - EnteredDT). {{Visit.WaitTime}} Visits.WaitTime WaitTime
Duration int The length of the student's visit in minutes. {{Visit.Duration}} Visits.Duration Duration
TotalTime double The total visit time (WaitTime + Duration). {{Visit.TotalTime}} Visits.TotalTime TotalTime
CustomData json All custom fields are stored in this field. Specify a custom field with its sequence number after "cf_". {{Visit.CustomData.cf_123}} Visits.CustomData->>``$.cf_123`` [Field Name]
isTerminated tinyint Whether or not this visit was automatically terminated by TracCloud. Visits.isTerminated
Fund varchar(80) The fund for this visit. {{Visit.Fund}} Visits.Fund Fund
CtrNotes text The notes field filled in by staff/consultants in TracCloud. {{Visit.CtrNotes}} Visits.CtrNotes VisitNotes
SurveyRespID bigint Relates to Responses.Sequence. Visits.SurveyRespID
TermID bigint Relates to Terms.Sequence. Visits.TermID VisitTermCode (displays Terms.TermCode)
SectionID bigint Relates to Sections.Sequence. Visits.SectionID
Location varchar(512) The location of the visit. {{Visit.Location}} Visits.Location Location
Online tinyint Whether or not the visit was online. {{Visit.Online}} Visits.Online Online
TimeZone varchar(120) The time zone of this visit's time. Visits.TimeZone
VisitDay varchar(20) The day of week the visit took place. {{Visit.Day}} Visits.VisitDay Weekday

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Field Type Description Twig API SFTP Export
Sequence bigint A unique identifier for each appointment record. Appointments.Sequence ApptID
StartDT datetime The appointment start date and time. {{Appointment.StartDT}} Appointments.StartDT DateIn and TimeIn
StartTime time The appointment start time, formatted as "02:00pm". {{Appointment.StartTime}}
DisplayTime time The appointment start time, formatted as 200p. {{Appointment.DisplayTime|raw}}
StartDate date The appointment start date, formatted as "01/31/25". {{Appointment.StartDate}}
DisplayDate date The appointment start date, formatted as "Fri, Jan 31". {{Appointment.DisplayDate}}
Duration double The length of the appointment in minutes. {{Appointment.Duration}} Appointments.Duration Duration
EndDT datetime The appointment end date and time. {{Appointment.EndDT}} Appointments.EndDT TimeOut
EndTime time The appointment end time. {{Appointment.EndTime}}
EndDate date The appointment end date. {{Appointment.EndDate}}
Day varchar The appointment day of week. {{Appointment.Day}} Weekday
Link varchar A link to the appointment record in TracCloud. {{Appointment.Link}}
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID). Appointments.StudentID
ConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence. Appointments.ConsultantID
VisitID bigint Relates to Visits.Sequence. Appointments.VisitID
CenterID bigint Relates to Centers.Sequence. Appointments.CenterID
ReasonID bigint Relates to Reasons.Sequence. Appointments.ReasonID
SectionID bigint Relates to Sections.Sequence. Appointments.SectionID
AvailRecID bigint Relates to AvailBlocks.Sequence. Appointments.AvailRecID
RecurID bigint Recurring appointments that are part of the same series (e.g., weekly at 2pm) will have a matching RecurID. Appointments.RecurID
Status varchar(80) The status of the appointment. {{Appointment.Status}} Appointments.Status ApptStatus
Location varchar(512) The location of the appointment, can either be an in-person location or an online link. {{Appointment.Location}} Appointments.Location Location
Fund varchar(80) The appointment fund. {{Appointment.Fund}} Appointments.Fund Fund
Online int Whether or not the appointment is online. {{Appointment.Online}} Appointments.Online Online (displays as "Yes" or blank)
OnlineURL varchar(512) The online meeting link for the appointment. This will be blank for in-person appointments. The Twig tag will contain a TracCloud link that tracks attendance when the student joins rather than a direct link to the meeting room. {{Appointment.OnlineLink}} Appointments.OnlineURL ApptOnlineURL
OtherNotes text Student cancellation reason. {{Appointment.OtherNotes}} Appointments.OtherNotes OtherNotes
Type varchar The type of appointment. 1-on-1, Group, etc. {{Appointment.Type}} ApptType
Icon An icon that indicates the appointment type, such as . {{Appointment.Icon|raw}}
hasDocument varchar Whether or not the appointment has a document uploaded, displayed as "true" or "false". {{Appointment.hasDocument}}
OnlineText varchar If the appointment is online, this tag will display as "Online", otherwise it will be blank. {{Appointment.OnlineText}}
isRecurring varchar Whether or not the appointment is recurring, displayed as "true" or "false". {{Appointment.isRecurring}}
RecurringDates varchar An array of recurring appointments in the series. {{Appointment.RecurringDates}}
recurFirstDate date The first date of a recurring appointment series. {{Appointment.recurFirstDate}}
recurLastDate date The last date of a recurring appointment series. {{Appointment.recurLastDate}}
isCancelled varchar Whether or not the appointment is currently canceled, displayed as "true" or "false". {{Appointment.isCanceled}}
isMissed varchar Whether or not the appointment is currently missed, displayed as "true" or "false". {{Appointment.isMissed}}
autoCanceled varchar Whether or not the appointment was automatically canceled due to max cancel/missed in recurring series rules, displayed as "true" or "false". {{Appointment.autoCanceled}}
SchedDT datetime The date and time this appointment was scheduled. {{Appointment.SchedDT}} Appointments.SchedDT ApptScheduledDT
SchedModDT datetime The date and time this appointment was last modified {{Appointment.SchedModDT}} Appointments.SchedModDT ApptModifiedDT
SchedUser varchar(80) The user who originally scheduled this appointment. {{Appointment.SchedUser}} Appointments.SchedUser ScheduledBy
SchedNotes text Unused. SchedNotes
SurveyRespID bigint Relates to Responses.Sequence. Appointments.SurveyRespID
CustomData json All custom fields are stored in this field. Specify a custom field with its sequence number after "cf_". {{Appointment.CustomData.cf_123}} Appointments.CustomData->>``$.cf_123`` [Field Name]
SchedModBy varchar(80) The user who last edited the appointment. {{Appointment.SchedModBy}} Appointments.SchedModBy ApptModifiedBy

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Field Type Description Twig API
Sequence bigint A unique identifier for every availability record. AvailBlocks.Sequence
FromDT datetime The starting date and time of this availability block. AvailBlocks.FromDT
ToDT datetime The ending date and time of this availability block. AvailBlocks.ToDT
Increments varchar(5) The increment duration in minutes. AvailBlocks.Increments
Breaks varchar(5) The delay between increments in minutes. AvailBlocks.Breaks
DAYS varchar(30) Which days of the week this availability is available on. AvailBlocks.Days
isAvail int 0 = Reserve block, 1 = Regular availability, 2 = Stacked availability. {{AvailBlock.isAvail}} AvailBlocks.isAvail
BlockType varchar(256) Reserve block description. AvailBlocks.BlockType
BlockStatus varchar(80) Reserve block appointment status. AvailBlocks.BlockStatus
MaxStudents int The number of available slots at this time. {{AvailBlock.MaxStudents}} AvailBlocks.MaxStudents
ConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence. AvailBlocks.ConsultantID
CenterID bigint Relates to Centers.Sequence. AvailBlocks.CenterID
ReasonID bigint Relates to Reasons.Sequence. AvailBlocks.ReasonID
SectionID bigint Relates to Sections.Sequence. AvailBlocks.SectionID
AvailSubj varchar(256) The availability subject, including wildcard entries. AvailBlocks.AvailSubj
RecurType The type of recurring appointment. The possible options are listed below.

Optional Daily
Optional Weekly
Optional Bi-Weekly
Optional Daily Chosen
Optional Weekly Chosen
Optional Bi-Weekly Chosen

Location varchar(512) The in-person location for this availability. AvailBlocks.Location
OnlineURL varchar(512) The online location for this availability. AvailBlocks.OnlineURL
Fund varchar(80) The availability fund. AvailBlocks.Fund
isInperson tinyint Whether or not the availability is in-person. AvailBlocks.isInperson
isOnline tinyint Whether or not the availability is online. AvailBlocks.isOnline
isAsynch tinyint Whether or not the availability is asynchronous. AvailBlocks.isAsync
defLocChoice int The default location choice. 0 = in-person, 1 = online, 2 = asynchronous. AvailBlocks.defLocChoice
isMeeting tinyint Whether or not a reserve block is designated as as meeting block. AvailBlocks.isMeeting

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