
From Redrock Wiki

Revision as of 14:43, 2 July 2024 by Redrock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP}} ==TracCloud Table List== This is a list of TracCloud data tables, primarily for reference in regards to API access. <hr> <div style="float: left; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em"><big><b>SurveyTrac</b></big></div><div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> <br><br> {| class="wikitable" |+ Surveys |- ! Column !! Type !! Notes |- |Sequence|| bigint AI PK || Static identifier for each Survey. |- |Name|| varchar(80) || |- |CreatedBy|| bigin...")
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TracCloud Table List

This is a list of TracCloud data tables, primarily for reference in regards to API access.


Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each Survey.
Name varchar(80)
CreatedBy bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
Options json This field can be ignored for API purposes.
ProfileID bigint Relates to Profiles.Sequence.
CenterID bigint
AutoSend varchar(80) The chosen "Initiated Via" option.
Active tinyint
ActiveFrom date
ActiveTo date
Instructions text
useXML tinyint Unused.
Assessment tinyint Unused.
Function varchar(80) Unused.
Confirmation text
HeadText text
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each Question, sequences are not reused even across multiple surveys.
Question text
SurveyID bigint Relates to Surveys.Sequence.
Points double
Answer varchar(80)
AnswerChoices text
Options json
LinkName varchar(80) Unused.
LinkURL varchar(80) Unused.
Type varchar(80)
Number int
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each response.
SurveyID bigint Relates to Surveys.Sequence.
linkedUID varchar(36)
SentByID varchar(36)
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID).
SentBy varchar(80)
SentDate datetime
AnsweredDate datetime
StaffID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
FacultyID bigint Relates to Faculty.Sequence.
SentManually tinyint
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each question response.
QuestionID bigint Relates to SrvyQuestions.Sequence.
ResponseID bigint Relates to Responses.Sequence.
aAnswer varchar(80)
nAnswer double
tAnswer text
CustomData json

Entries beyond this point are placeholders, and will be expanded on later.


Referrals ReferralType RefTypeCustomAnswers RefTypeCustomQuestions RefTypeEmailRecipients

Success Plans

SPAssigned SPAssignedSteps SPEmails SPSteps SuccessPlan

Work Plans

WorkPlan WPAssigned WPAssignedSteps WPEmails WPSteps
