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Creating Non-Enrolled Courses in TracCloud

Non-Enrolled courses can be useful in allowing students without registrations (or without a relevant registration) to still receive tutoring assistance when needed. This newsletter will be going over the process of creating one of these non-enrolled courses.

1. Creating a Course

First, we need to create the course that are section is going to be assigned to. Start by going to Other > Listings > Courses > New Course.

In the Course Entry window, the Subject, Course, and Title fields are required. In this example, we’ll be calling our non-enrolled course “Other Support.” The remaining fields are optional and will be left blank for our scenario. Save one you’re ready to move on to step 2.

2. Creating a Term

Our section will need to be assigned to a term. While we could technically assign it to our currently active term, this may not be ideal, since we would need to create a new section each semester. For a case such as this, let’s create a generic term that we can leave active.

I’m going to call mine “0,” but terms can be alphanumeric, so you can name your term virtually anything.
Other > Other Options > Preferences > Terms > New Term.

3. Creating a Section

Next up, we need to create the section that staff and students can select. Go to Other > Listings > Sections > New Section.

Name your section, select the Course and Term that you just created, check the Non-Enrolled box, and save. The other fields are optional.

4. Update your Course Lists

Lastly, you’ll need to update your Course Lists to ensure that your course is assigned to your Centers and your Consultants. Other > Listings > Course Lists > [Your Course List]

You’ll also want to select Process Specialties to update your existing Course Lists.

And you’re all set! Students and staff can now select your non-enrolled course when searching for availabilities or creating visits.