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SAGE | |||||||||||||||||
SAGE (Student Alert and Group Events) is an additional module available for the Trac System. SAGE allows your faculty members to submit referrals, progress reports, or evaluations for the students enrolled in their courses. Based on the choices made while creating the referral, an automated email could be sent out to the student's assigned advisor, a professor, or otherwise, that way you and your staff can be as proactive as possible in helping your students.
You can think of SAGE like a three-step process.
Faculty View / Roster AnnotationsYour faculty members will be the primary users for submitting referrals, and as such, they have a streamlined view of the referral submission process. After logging in, on the left side of their main menu, they'll see their class rosters along with the referrals that have been designated as Roster Annotations (which we'll cover more later). This allows faculty to immediately access important referrals for each of their rosters.
Individual Student ReferralsReferrals can also be submitted individually from students' profiles. As non-faculty users don't have access to the class roster view, this will be their primary tool for submitting referrals. Trac Navigation > Search Glass > Students > [Student] > SAGE tab
Student List Mass Referral ToolAlternatively, we can also submit referrals from the student listing. This allows us to search for students enrolled in a specific course, pull up a list, or just search for a couple students manually and create referrals in bulk. This screen will operate in the same way as the faculty's roster referral tool.
ProcessedAfter a referral is marked as processed, we will see the following screen summarizing basic information about this referral, and providing a location to write additional notes about how this situation was resolved. Once saved, the final "Processed" email will be sent out (which we'll learn more about later).
Admin View and SAGE Management | |||||||||||||||||
From an admin's perspective, we can submit referrals, create new referral types, and run reports on our SAGE data. The bulk of this section will be spent going over SAGE configuration.
Sage ManagementThe SAGE Management menu is where we go to create new or modify existing referrals, we're given many options to fine-tune exactly how this referral functions and what emails are sent out. When this menu is opened, we can see all of our existing referrals, including the name, reasons, and whether or not it's active. To create a new referral, click on the "New..." button. Trac Navigation > Trac-Man > SAGE Management
Reasons & RecommendationsReasons and Recommendations can be one of the most important aspects in creating these referrals, as these options can also dictate which emails get sent out to whom. Typically, these would be configured to allow your faculty to quickly describe where the student is struggling and what they recommend as a solution. However, since these are entirely customizable, you can ask any questions you can think of to help make the referral creation process as straightforward as possible. Place each reason/recommendation on it's own line in this field. No additional formatting is required, however, these fields do support some HTML tags, so you can customize these further if needed. As a commonly used example, the tag "{<BR>Category}" could be used to separate reason and recommendations into groups to keep everything organized, as seen in the screenshots below. Place the "<BR>" either side of the category name to control if the spacing appears before or after the category name. Once you've finished testing and actually begin using your referral, your reasons/recommendations can no longer be modified. You can add new ones, but removing, reorganizing, or modifying existing reasons/recommendations will cause SAGE reports to no longer display the correct information, and can even cause email conditions to stop working. If you need to update reasons/recommendations on a referral, we recommend that you create a new referral type and retire the previous one.
Custom QuestionsCustom questions allow you to add additional questions to your referrals, these questions can ask whatever you'd like and can be formatted as a write-in box or drop-down menu. To begin creating the custom question, we simply need to click the "add new" button in our SAGE Management menu. This will open an options box allowing us to customize our question.
Email RecipientsThese are the possible recipients of alert emails relating to this referral. For example, if this referral's automated emails can be sent to students, then you will need to add students to the list, as seen in the below screenshot. The name of this field doesn't matter, as long as the correct email tags are used.
Automated EmailsThe Automated Emails tab allows you to create custom emails that can be sent to one or more of your Potential Email Recipients upon referral submission. Common examples might be an email that is sent to the student when a referral is created for them. Faculty or other Trac Users might also receive different versions of the same email, or a completely different email if configured that way. Let's walk through creating a new automated email. From the "Automated Emails" tab, click on "Create new email...". You may need to scroll down to see it. It will prompt you to choose a name, then once you click "Ok", the email will appear in the Automated Emails list.
Email conditions are one of the most customizable parts of SAGE.
When typing out the name of a Reason or Recommendation, always surround it with the @ symbol. If this isn't used, the condition can sometimes fail to take effect. "@reason@", "@recommendation@", etc, as seen in the screenshot above.
By adding another email block, we can setup a new set of email contents with new send conditions. For example, if you're using grade as your reasons, you can have one block send if the grade selected is A/B, and a different block send if the grade is C/D. To add another block, simply click on the
Instead of adding an email block, which will remain under the same umbrella for possible recipients and triggers, you can add a completely new email with it's own settings/blocks. You can add an additional email by clicking on the same "Create new email..." button as before, which will create the new email for you to customize. From this point, you can go through the same setup process as before for this email instead. Typically, you would have a separate email for the "On Followed Up" trigger, and another for "On Processed". You can have as many emails as needed, and multiple emails can be sent out at once if all criteria is met.
Email TagsMany of the standard email tags are used in the same way here, but there are a few SAGE-specific tags as well.
Student Full Name (last, first) -------------------------------- #student# Student Full Name (first last) --------------------------------- #firstlast# Student First Name --------------------------------------------- #first# Student Last Name ---------------------------------------------- #last# Student ID ----------------------------------------------------- #studentID# Student Formatted ID ------------------------------------------- #formattedID# Student Other ID ----------------------------------------------- #barcode# Student Handle ------------------------------------------------- #Account# Student Street ------------------------------------------------- #Address# Student City --------------------------------------------------- #City# Student State -------------------------------------------------- #State# Student Zip ---------------------------------------------------- #Zip# Student Street, City, State, Zip ------------------------------- #fullAddress# Student Email -------------------------------------------------- #studentEmail# Student Home Phone --------------------------------------------- #phone# Student Work Phone --------------------------------------------- #phone2# Student Text Message Address ---------------------------------- #txtMsgAddress# Student Gender ------------------------------------------------- #gender# Student Birthdate ---------------------------------------------- #birthdate# Student Ethnicity ---------------------------------------------- #ethnicity# Student Class -------------------------------------------------- #class# Student College ------------------------------------------------ #college# Student Cohort ------------------------------------------------- #cohort# Student Major -------------------------------------------------- #major# Student Grad_Und ----------------------------------------------- #gradund# Student GPA ---------------------------------------------------- #GPA# Student Accumulated Hours -------------------------------------- #TotalHours# Student Graduation Date ---------------------------------------- #GradDate# Student Graduation Degree -------------------------------------- #GradDegree# Student Condition Code ----------------------------------------- #CondCode# Student Flag Text ---------------------------------------------- #FlagText# Student Special Status ----------------------------------------- #status# Student ReferredBy --------------------------------------------- #referredby# Student HS Name ------------------------------------------------ #HSName# Student Degree Goal -------------------------------------------- #degree# Student Custom Field1 ------------------------------------------ #Field1# Student Custom Field2 ------------------------------------------ #Field2# Student Custom Field3 ------------------------------------------ #Field3# Student Custom Field4 ------------------------------------------ #Field4# Student Custom Field5 ------------------------------------------ #Field5# Student Custom Field6 ------------------------------------------ #Field6# Student Custom Field7 ------------------------------------------ #Field7# Student Custom Field8 ------------------------------------------ #Field8# Student Custom Field9 ------------------------------------------ #Field9# Student Custom Field10 ----------------------------------------- #Field10#
Current Date --------------------------------------------------- #date# Current Time --------------------------------------------------- #time# Current Day of Week -------------------------------------------- #apptday#
Referral Subject Field ----------------------------------------- #refSubject# Referral Type/Name --------------------------------------------- #refType# Referral Creation Date ----------------------------------------- #refDate# Referral Creation Time ----------------------------------------- #refTime# Referral Notes ------------------------------------------------- #refNotes# Referral Additional Notes -------------------------------------- #refAddlInfo# Followup Date Field -------------------------------------------- #refFollowUpDate# Followup By Date Field ----------------------------------------- #refFollowUpBy# Has this referral been processed/completed? (Yes/No) ----------- #refProcessed# When was this referral processed? ------------------------------ #refProcessedDate# Who processed this referral? ----------------------------------- #refProcessedBy# Processed referral notes --------------------------------------- #refProcessedNotes#
Referral Reasons ----------------------------------------------- #Reasons# Referral Reasons (Formatting Tags Included) -------------------- #sagereasons:formatted# Referral Reasons (Formatting Tags Excluded) -------------------- #sagereasons:plain# Referral Recommendations --------------------------------------- #Recommended# Referral Recommendations (Formatting Tags Included) ------------ #sagerecommended:formatted# Referral Recommendations (Formatting Tags Excluded) ------------ #sagerecommended:plain#
Group AccessIf a user needs access to a referral type, you will need to give their permission group access to that specific referral. Once you have the permission group open, scroll down to "Access to Referrals:", add the referral you want them to have access to, and save. This setting is only available to SysAdmins. Trac Navigation > Search Glass > Center Profiles > [Your Profile] > Group Access > [Permission Group]
Reports | |||||||||||||||||
There are three SAGE-specific reports, each providing a different way to look at your SAGE data.
The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.
New, easy to use interface New Features Customizable Faster Migrate Existing Data
To generate the SAGE Snapshot Report, click on Reports from the Trac System main menu. On the Reports Chooser, select SAGE from the pull down list of available categories. After selecting SAGE, choose SAGE Referral Snapshot. Enter a date range for the time period that you would like to review in the report, then click on the Generate Report button.
The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.
New, easy to use interface New Features Customizable Faster Migrate Existing Data
To generate the SAGE Referral List, click on Reports from the Trac System main menu. On the Reports Chooser, select SAGE from the pull down list of available categories. After selecting SAGE, choose SAGE Referral List. Enter a date range for the time period that you would like to review in the report, then click on the Generate Report button.
The legacy Trac 4.0 version of TutorTrac/AdvisorTrac/FitnessTrac is no longer receiving updates and will be end-of-life in 2025. Click here to schedule a TracCloud demo or reach out to for migration pricing or contract details.
New, easy to use interface New Features Customizable Faster Migrate Existing Data
To generate the Referrals/Students by ?? report, click on Reports from the Trac System main menu. On the Reports Chooser, select SAGE from the pull down list of available categories. After selecting SAGE, choose Referrals/Students by ??. Enter a date range for the time period that you would like to review in the report, then click on the Generate Report button.