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TracCloud API Documentation

This page contains data on TracCloud's beta API support. This page will be updated with more information over time.

Sending Requests

The URL for the API is: (replace 'demo' with your campus code, or replace with your custom URL if applicable).

For testing purposes, you can send the request from a browser's network tab like this.


That same request with curl looks like this. The rest of this article will use curl. Most of the examples will include line breaks for readability, it will work either way.


Updating Records (Action: update, store, create)

pass a parameter named "data" in the following format:

data={"action": "update", "APIKey": "YOUR_API_KEY", "KeyID": 1910,  "table": "Students", "Last_Name": "Halsteader"}

The response should be:

{"status":"success","message":"data Students record updated #1910","data":{"Sequence":1910}}

Example curl command.

curl -d 'data={
"action": "update",
"KeyID": 1931,
"table": "Students",
"Last_Name": "Smith"

Available fields and their options:

  • action
update will update an existing record, if you try updating when the record does not exist, it will return an error.
store will update records, or create records if a record doesn't exist.
create will create the currently non-existent record. If you try creating when the KeyID already exists, it will return an error.

  • APIKey
The API key.

  • KeyID
Provide the sequence number of the record being modified.

  • table
Provide the table of the record being modified (Students, Registrations, etc).

  • [field]
Provide the field you want to modify (e.g., Last_Name) as well as the value you want to set it to.

Retrieving Records (Action: query)

The next API action is “query”, which can be used to retrieve fields from records. Here's an example that finds 20 students who's ID is greater than 1.

curl -d 'data={
    "action": "query",
    "from": "students",
    "page": 1,
    "page_recs": 20,
    "APIKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "fields": ["Sequence", "First_Name", "Last_Name"],
    "order": "first_name ASC",
	"query": {
		"fields": [{
            "field": "Sequence",
		    "value": "1",
		    "op": ">"

This query will return the following.

{"status":"success","message":"data queried","data":

  • Action
Should be "Query", otherwise review the previous section of this article.

  • from
The table you wish to retrieve data from (Students, Visits, etc).

  • page
The page number to get records from, similar to pages on listings. This attribute allows you to write a program that continues hitting the server 1 page at a time getting the number of records in page_recs at a time. The programmer would pass 1 as page the first time, get the results and process, then pass 2 as page, etc, until the number of recs is less than the amount in page_recs.

  • page_recs (Optional, seems to default to 20)
The quantity of records to return.

  • APIKey
The API key.

  • fields
The fields you want to display from the records you're retrieving. Twig tags can be used. Center.Name, etc.

  • order
How data is sorted. Choose a field, and sort ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

  • Query
  • Query type
Detailed further into this article.
  • field
Choose the field you want to search by.
  • value
The value you want to search by.
  • op (use | for "or")
= - Equals.
!= - Not.
> - Greater than.
< - Less than.
<= - Less than or equal to.
>= - Greater than or equal to.
LIKE - Similar to, use % as a wildcard.
NOT LIKE - Similar to, use % as a wildcard.

Query Options

The examples below only include the "Query" portion of the data for brevity. These can be copied into the example curl command from earlier in this section.

fields | Search for specific values, using additional operators if needed.

	"query": {
		"fields": [{
            "field": "ID",
		    "value": "1933",
		    "op": "="

orfields | Search for records that match any of the listed criteria. This can include an unlimited number of fields.

    "query": {
        "orfields": [
                "field": "First_Name",
                "value": "%",
                "op": "LIKE"
                "field": "Last_Name",
                "value": "%e%|%i%|%son",
                "op": "LIKE"
                "field": "Major",
                "value": "Biology",
                "op": "!="

andfields | Search for records that match all of the listed criteria. This can include an unlimited number of fields.

    "query": {
        "andfields": [
                "field": "First_Name",
                "value": "Rob",
                "op": "="
                "field": "Last_Name",
                "value": "S%",
                "op": "LIKE"
                "field": "Major",
                "value": "Biology",
                "op": "="

or | Used to combine 2 (and only 2) instances of andfields/orfields. Records are returned if either criteria is met.

        "or": [
                "andfields": [
                        "field": "Sequence",
                        "value": "1",
                        "op": ">"
                        "field": "Sequence",
                        "value": "1000000",
                        "op": "<"
                "orfields": [
                        "field": "First_Name",
                        "value": "%",
                        "op": "LIKE"
                        "field": "Last_Name",
                        "value": "%e%|%i%|%son",
                        "op": "LIKE"

and | Used to combine 2 (and only 2) instances of andfields/orfields. Records are returned if both criteria are met.

    "query": {
        "and": [
                "andfields": [
                        "field": "Sequence",
                        "value": "1",
                        "op": ">"
                        "field": "Sequence",
                        "value": "1000000",
                        "op": "<"
                "orfields": [
                        "field": "TimeIn",
                        "value": "{{\"now\"|date_modify(\"-7 days\")|date(\"Y-m-d H:i:s\")}}",
                        "op": ">"
                        "field": "Last_Name",
                        "value": "%e%|%i%|%son",
                        "op": "LIKE"