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[[Category:TracCloud Reports]]

Latest revision as of 18:36, 25 November 2024


The Documents report, found in Reports > Management, will display a list of uploaded documents with information about the file sorted by file name, assignee, date, document type, or who it was posted by.

  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Sort by
Choose how the selected data is sorted.

  • Document Type
Optionally filter results based on document type.

  • Include Inactive Documents
If checked, documents that have been deactivated will still be included in report results.

  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.

  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;