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Show new changes starting from 11:03, 30 December 2024
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26 December 2024

     09:53  TracCloud: Scheduling Preferences diffhist +983 Redrock talk contribs
     09:47  (Upload log) [Redrock‎ (5×)]
09:47 Redrock talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:9398858.png
09:42 Redrock talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:1830320.png
09:37 Redrock talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:1761507.png
09:33 Redrock talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:7927738.png
09:28 Redrock talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:3594693.png
     09:44  TracCloud: Report Unable to Find Appointment diffhist +206 Redrock talk contribs
     09:39  TracCloud: Staff User Level diffhist +111 Redrock talk contribs
     09:38  TracCloud: Permission Groups‎‎ 2 changes history +637 [Redrock‎ (2×)]
09:38 (cur | prev) +295 Redrock talk contribs
09:35 (cur | prev) +342 Redrock talk contribs
     09:30  TracCloud: Schedule Management diffhist +151 Redrock talk contribs
     09:29  TracCloud: System Preferences diffhist +256 Redrock talk contribs

21 December 2024

     02:00  TracCloudChangelog diffhist +57 Redrock talk contribs (Updated Automatically)

19 December 2024

     02:00  TracCloudChangelog diffhist +240 Redrock talk contribs (Updated Automatically)

18 December 2024

N    15:54  Template:Tiers4‎‎ 5 changes history +273 [Redrock‎ (5×)]
15:54 (cur | prev) 0 Redrock talk contribs
15:54 (cur | prev) +1 Redrock talk contribs
15:53 (cur | prev) +5 Redrock talk contribs
15:53 (cur | prev) −32 Redrock talk contribs
15:52 (cur | prev) +299 Redrock talk contribs (Created page with "<div style=" background:#8d182b; width: 100%; font-weight: bold; color: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 25px; border-bottom-left-radius: 25px; text-align: center; position: relative; top: -15px; ">Plus Feature [https://google.com <span style="color:white">{{#far:circle-question}}</span>] </div>")
N    15:49  Template:Tiers3‎‎ 6 changes history +299 [Redrock‎ (6×)]
15:49 (cur | prev) −12 Redrock talk contribs
15:48 (cur | prev) −1 Redrock talk contribs
15:48 (cur | prev) 0 Redrock talk contribs
15:47 (cur | prev) −28 Redrock talk contribs
15:47 (cur | prev) −13 Redrock talk contribs
15:40 (cur | prev) +353 Redrock talk contribs (Created page with "<div style=" float: center; background:#8d182b; width: 100%; padding: 2px 0px 2px 0px; font-weight: bold; color: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; text-align: center; position: relative; left: -15px; top: -15px; ">Plus Feature [https://google.com <span style="color:white">{{#far:circle-question}}</span>] </div>")
N    15:37  Template:Tiers‎‎ 5 changes history +306 [Redrock‎ (5×)]
15:37 (cur | prev) −15 Redrock talk contribs
15:33 (cur | prev) 0 Redrock talk contribs
15:32 (cur | prev) +19 Redrock talk contribs
15:32 (cur | prev) +41 Redrock talk contribs
15:07 (cur | prev) +261 Redrock talk contribs (Created page with "<div style=" background:#8d182b; width: 150px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; font-weight: bold; color: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; text-align: center; ">Plus Feature [https://google.com <span style="color:white">{{#far:circle-question}}</span>] </div>")
N    15:37  Template:Tiers2 diffhist +340 Redrock talk contribs (Created page with "<div style=" margin: auto; background:#8d182b; width: 150px; padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; font-weight: bold; color: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; text-align: center; position: relative; top: -15px; ">Plus Feature [https://google.com <span style="color:white">{{#far:circle-question}}</span>] </div>")

17 December 2024

     14:24  TracCloud: Single Sign-On diffhist +56 Redrock talk contribs
     13:58  TracCloudTables‎‎ 2 changes history +1,591 [Redrock‎ (2×)]
13:58 (cur | prev) 0 Redrock talk contribs
13:57 (cur | prev) +1,591 Redrock talk contribs