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TracCloud Table List
This is a list of TracCloud data tables, primarily for reference in regards to API access.
Type | Description |
varchar(#) | Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length. |
int | Integer, maximum value of about 4 billion, or a 10-digit numeric value. |
bigint | Big integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value. |
tinyint | Tiny integer, typically used to store a 1 or 0 as true or false. |
date | Date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
time | A specific time using a 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS), e.g., 13:45:00 |
datetime | Date and time, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
double | Decimal # with up to 12 digits precision |
json | JSON-formatted field that contains multiple fields and values (e.g., custom fields). |
SurveyTrac Related (Surveys, SrvyQuestions, Responses, SrvyRespAnswers)
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Static identifier for each Survey. |
Name | varchar(80) | |
CreatedBy | bigint | Relates to Staff.Sequence. |
Options | json | This field can be ignored for API purposes. |
ProfileID | bigint | Relates to Profiles.Sequence. |
CenterID | bigint | |
AutoSend | varchar(80) | The chosen "Initiated Via" option. |
Active | tinyint | |
ActiveFrom | date | |
ActiveTo | date | |
Instructions | text | |
useXML | tinyint | Unused. |
Assessment | tinyint | Unused. |
Function | varchar(80) | Unused. |
Confirmation | text | |
HeadText | text |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Static identifier for each Question, sequences are not reused even across multiple surveys. |
Question | text | |
SurveyID | bigint | Relates to Surveys.Sequence. |
Points | double | |
Answer | varchar(80) | |
AnswerChoices | text | |
Options | json | |
LinkName | varchar(80) | Unused. |
LinkURL | varchar(80) | Unused. |
Type | varchar(80) | |
Number | int | |
CustomData | json |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Static identifier for each response. |
SurveyID | bigint | Relates to Surveys.Sequence. |
linkedUID | varchar(36) | |
SentByID | varchar(36) | |
StudentID | bigint | Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID). |
SentBy | varchar(80) | |
SentDate | datetime | |
AnsweredDate | datetime | |
StaffID | bigint | Relates to Staff.Sequence. |
FacultyID | bigint | Relates to Faculty.Sequence. |
SentManually | tinyint | |
CustomData | json |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Static identifier for each question response. |
QuestionID | bigint | Relates to SrvyQuestions.Sequence. |
ResponseID | bigint | Relates to Responses.Sequence. |
aAnswer | varchar(80) | |
nAnswer | double | |
tAnswer | text | |
CustomData | json |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
EnteredDT | datetime | |
TimeIn | datetime | |
TimeOut | datetime | |
Duration | int | |
isWork | tinyint | |
StudentID | bigint | Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID). |
CenterID | bigint | Relates to Centers.Sequence. |
ConsultantID | bigint | Relates to Staff.Sequence. |
RegistrationID | bigint | Relates to Registrations.Sequence. |
ReasonID | bigint | Relates to Reasons.Sequence. |
TotalTime | double | |
isWaiting | tinyint | |
WaitTime | double | |
CustomData | json | |
NotificationDT | datetime | |
isTerminated | tinyint | |
PostPaid | tinyint | |
Posted1 | tinyint | |
Posted2 | tinyint | |
Posted3 | tinyint | |
Fund | varchar(80) | |
CtrNotes | text | |
SchedNotes | text | |
StudNotes | text | |
tOptions | text | |
SurveyRespID | bigint | Relates to SrvyRespAnswers.Sequence |
TermID | bigint | Relates to Terms.Sequence. |
SectionID | bigint | Relates to Sections.Sequence. |
Location | varchar(512) | |
Online | tinyint | |
TimeZone | varchar(120) | |
asynchVisitID | bigint | |
VisitDay2 | varchar(80) | |
gen2_date_EnteredDT | date | |
gen2_date_TimeIn | date | |
gen2_date_TimeOut | date | |
VisitDay | varchar(20) |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
StartDT | datetime | |
gen_date_StartDT | datetime | |
Duration | double | |
EndDT | datetime | |
Type | varchar(20) | Unused. |
StudentID | bigint | Relates to Students.Sequence. |
ConsultantID | bigint | Relates to Staff.Sequence. |
VisitID | bigint | Relates to Visits.Sequence. |
CenterID | bigint | Relates to Centers.Sequence. |
ReasonID | bigint | Relates to Reasons.Sequence. |
SectionID | bigint | Related to Sections.Sequence. |
AvailRecID | bigint | Relates to AvailBlocks.Sequence. |
RecurID | bigint | |
RecurTotal | bigint | Unused. |
Status | varchar(80) | |
Status2 | varchar(80) | Unused. |
Location | varchar(512) | |
Fund | varchar(80) | |
Online | int | |
OnlineURL | varchar(512) | |
onLineDocType | varchar(80) | Unused. |
onLineDoc | text | Unused. |
RequestNotes | text | Unused. |
OtherNotes | text | Cancellation reason. |
SchedDT | datetime | |
SchedModDT | datetime | |
SchedUser | varchar(80) | |
SchedNotes | text | Unused. |
SurveyRespID | bigint | Unused. |
PostPaid | tinyint | |
Posted1 | tinyint | |
ConfirmationSent | tinyint | |
ReminderDT | datetime | |
ReminderNeeded | tinyint | |
CustomData | json | |
SchedModBy | varchar(80) | |
TimeZone | varchar(120) | Unused. |
asynchConcluded | tinyint |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Static identifier for students, unrelated to ID. |
UUID | varchar(36) | |
ID | bigint | |
Other_ID | varchar(40) | |
Other_ID2 | varchar(40) | |
Barcode | varchar(80) | |
Status | varchar(80) | |
OtherStatus | varchar(80) | |
Legal_First | varchar(80) | |
First_Name | varchar(80) | |
Last_Name | varchar(80) | |
Middle | varchar(80) | |
Street | varchar(250) | |
Apt | varchar(80) | |
City | varchar(120) | |
State | varchar(80) | |
Zip | varchar(20) | |
Country | varchar(80) | |
Home_Phone | varchar(80) | |
Work_Phone | varchar(80) | |
Cell_Phone | varchar(80) | |
varchar(120) | ||
Preferred | varchar(80) | |
passhash | varchar(128) | Unused. |
Attempts | bigint | |
resetCode | varchar(80) | |
lockedOut | int | |
TextAddr | varchar(120) | |
LastDateIn | date | |
Notes | text | |
UserName | varchar(120) | |
Password | varchar(128) | Unused. |
Prefs | text | |
Birthdate | date | |
Gender | varchar(80) | |
Ethnicity | varchar(150) | |
Major | varchar(120) | |
Class | varchar(80) | |
DegreeGoal | varchar(80) | |
Cohort | varchar(80) | |
College | varchar(80) | |
Grad_Und | varchar(80) | |
DateStarted | date | |
DateWithdrawn | date | |
ReasonWithdrawn | varchar(128) | |
GradDate | date | |
GradDegree | varchar(128) | |
GPA | double | |
AccumHours | double | |
PrimaryConsultantID | bigint | Relates to Staff.Sequence. |
FlagText | varchar(80) | |
CustomData | json | |
WatchLists | json | |
CreatedDT | timestamp | |
ModifiedDT | timestamp | |
Fund | varchar(80) | |
gen_BIOConfirmed | varchar(2) | |
gen_BIOConfirmedDT | varchar(20) | |
Pronouns | varchar(80) | |
Full_Name | varchar(255) | |
Full_Name2 | varchar(255) | |
_LastImportedDT | datetime | |
PassLastDateChanged | date | |
PassFailedAttempts | int | |
AccountLocked | tinyint | |
AccountLockDateTime | datetime |
Subject Related (Courses, Sections, Terms, Registrations, Faculty, SectionSchedule)
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Unique identifier for each course. |
Subject | varchar(40) | |
Course | varchar(20) | |
Title | varchar(120) | |
ExcludeFromCharts | tinyint | |
Dept | varchar(40) | |
SubjectCourse | varchar(200) | |
_LastImportedDT | datetime | |
CustomData | json |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Unique identifier for each section. |
Inactive | tinyint | |
Code | varchar(80) | |
CourseID | bigint | Relates to Courses.Sequence |
GradeGroupID | bigint | |
CRN | varchar(80) | |
TermID | bigint | Relates to Terms.Sequence |
FacultyID | bigint | Relates to Faculty.Sequence |
nonEnrolled | tinyint | |
CustomData | json | |
CreatedDT | timestamp | |
ignoreRegImportDeactivate | tinyint | |
Credits | double | |
_LastImportedDT | datetime | |
Title | varchar(120) |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Unique identifier for terms. |
Active | tinyint | |
TermCode | varchar(80) | |
OrderIdx | int | |
ActiveFrom | date | |
ActiveTo | date | |
CustomData | json | Unused. |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | Unique identifier for registrations. |
Inactive | tinyint | |
OverrideDate | tinyint | |
SectionID | bigint | Relates to Sections.Sequence. |
StudentID | bigint | Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID). |
Grade | varchar(40) | |
ValidFromDT | datetime | |
ValidToDT | datetime | |
Notes | text | |
CustomData | json | |
_LastImportedDT | datetime | |
RegStatus | varchar(40) | |
EarnedCredits | double |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
UUID | varchar(36) | |
FirstName | varchar(80) | |
LastName | varchar(80) | |
Password | varchar(128) | Unused. |
UserID | varchar(80) | |
UserName | varchar(80) | |
Custom2 | text | |
Custom1 | text | |
Salutation | varchar(40) | |
Department | varchar(60) | |
Inactive | tinyint | |
Phone | varchar(80) | |
varchar(120) | ||
CustomData | json | |
OtherID | varchar(80) | |
FullName | varchar(255) | |
facultyBIO | text | |
Pronouns | varchar(80) | |
_LastImportedDT | datetime | |
PassLastDateChanged | date | |
PassFailedAttempts | int | |
AccountLocked | tinyint | |
AccountLockDateTime | datetime |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
SectionID | bigint | Related to Sections.Sequence |
Days | varchar(30) | |
Time | time | |
Duration | int | |
Description | text | |
OtherData | text | |
Campus | varchar(80) | |
Bldg | varchar(80) | |
Room | varchar(80) |
Profile Related (Profiles, Centers, Groups, Reasons)
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
Type | int | |
Name | varchar(80) | |
Inactive | tinyint | |
ContactID | bigint | |
NameForConsultant | varchar(80) | |
CustomData | json | |
TimeZone | varchar(120) |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
Name | varchar(80) | |
Prefs | text | |
CourseListID | bigint | |
fromEmail | varchar(80) | |
ProfileType | varchar(80) | Unused. |
ProfileID | bigint | Relates to Profiles.Sequence. |
Inactive | tinyint | |
PrimaryGroup | bigint | Unused. |
Settings | json | |
OtherData | json | |
UpdatedDT | datetime | |
IsWritingCenter | tinyint |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
ProfileID | bigint | Relates to Profiles.Sequence. |
Subcenters | varchar(255) | |
Reason | varchar(80) | |
Inactive | tinyint | |
AutoLogTime | int | |
AutoLogNow | int | |
NotificationTime | int | |
SnoozeTime | int | |
isWork | tinyint | |
isStaff | tinyint | |
SortCode | varchar(40) | |
NotForAppt | tinyint | |
NotForLogin | tinyint | |
NotForVisit | tinyint | |
Category | varchar(80) | |
CustomData | json |
Column | Type | Notes |
Sequence | bigint AI PK | |
GroupName | varchar(80) | |
ProfileID | bigint | Relates to Profiles.Sequence. |
Prefs | json |
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