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TracCloud Table List

This is a list of TracCloud data tables, primarily for reference in regards to API access.


Type Description
varchar(#) Alphanumeric field with a specified maximum length.
int Integer, maximum value of about 4 billion, or a 10-digit numeric value.
bigint Big integer, maximum value of about 9 quintillion, or a 16-digit numeric value.
tinyint Tiny integer, typically used to store a 1 or 0 as true or false.
date Date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
time A specific time using a 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS), e.g., 13:45:00
datetime Date and time, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
double Decimal # with up to 12 digits precision
json JSON-formatted field that contains multiple fields and values (e.g., custom fields).

SurveyTrac Related (Surveys, SrvyQuestions, Responses, SrvyRespAnswers)

Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each Survey.
Name varchar(80)
CreatedBy bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
Options json This field can be ignored for API purposes.
ProfileID bigint Relates to Profiles.Sequence.
CenterID bigint
AutoSend varchar(80) The chosen "Initiated Via" option.
Active tinyint
ActiveFrom date
ActiveTo date
Instructions text
useXML tinyint Unused.
Assessment tinyint Unused.
Function varchar(80) Unused.
Confirmation text
HeadText text
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each Question, sequences are not reused even across multiple surveys.
Question text
SurveyID bigint Relates to Surveys.Sequence.
Points double
Answer varchar(80)
AnswerChoices text
Options json
LinkName varchar(80) Unused.
LinkURL varchar(80) Unused.
Type varchar(80)
Number int
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each response.
SurveyID bigint Relates to Surveys.Sequence.
linkedUID varchar(36)
SentByID varchar(36)
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID).
SentBy varchar(80)
SentDate datetime
AnsweredDate datetime
StaffID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
FacultyID bigint Relates to Faculty.Sequence.
SentManually tinyint
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for each question response.
QuestionID bigint Relates to SrvyQuestions.Sequence.
ResponseID bigint Relates to Responses.Sequence.
aAnswer varchar(80)
nAnswer double
tAnswer text
CustomData json


Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
EnteredDT datetime
TimeIn datetime
TimeOut datetime
Duration int
isWork tinyint
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID).
CenterID bigint Relates to Centers.Sequence.
ConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
RegistrationID bigint Relates to Registrations.Sequence.
ReasonID bigint Relates to Reasons.Sequence.
TotalTime double
isWaiting tinyint
WaitTime double
CustomData json
NotificationDT datetime
isTerminated tinyint
PostPaid tinyint
Posted1 tinyint
Posted2 tinyint
Posted3 tinyint
Fund varchar(80)
CtrNotes text
SchedNotes text
StudNotes text
tOptions text
SurveyRespID bigint Relates to SrvyRespAnswers.Sequence
TermID bigint Relates to Terms.Sequence.
SectionID bigint Relates to Sections.Sequence.
Location varchar(512)
Online tinyint
TimeZone varchar(120)
asynchVisitID bigint
VisitDay2 varchar(80)
gen2_date_EnteredDT date
gen2_date_TimeIn date
gen2_date_TimeOut date
VisitDay varchar(20)


Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
StartDT datetime
gen_date_StartDT datetime
Duration double
EndDT datetime
Type varchar(20) Unused.
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence.
ConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
VisitID bigint Relates to Visits.Sequence.
CenterID bigint Relates to Centers.Sequence.
ReasonID bigint Relates to Reasons.Sequence.
SectionID bigint Related to Sections.Sequence.
AvailRecID bigint Relates to AvailBlocks.Sequence.
RecurID bigint
RecurTotal bigint Unused.
Status varchar(80)
Status2 varchar(80) Unused.
Location varchar(512)
Fund varchar(80)
Online int
OnlineURL varchar(512)
onLineDocType varchar(80) Unused.
onLineDoc text Unused.
RequestNotes text Unused.
OtherNotes text Cancellation reason.
SchedDT datetime
SchedModDT datetime
SchedUser varchar(80)
SchedNotes text Unused.
SurveyRespID bigint Unused.
PostPaid tinyint
Posted1 tinyint
ConfirmationSent tinyint
ReminderDT datetime
ReminderNeeded tinyint
CustomData json
SchedModBy varchar(80)
TimeZone varchar(120) Unused.
asynchConcluded tinyint


Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Static identifier for students, unrelated to ID.
UUID varchar(36)
ID bigint
Other_ID varchar(40)
Other_ID2 varchar(40)
Barcode varchar(80)
Status varchar(80)
OtherStatus varchar(80)
Legal_First varchar(80)
First_Name varchar(80)
Last_Name varchar(80)
Middle varchar(80)
Street varchar(250)
Apt varchar(80)
City varchar(120)
State varchar(80)
Zip varchar(20)
Country varchar(80)
Home_Phone varchar(80)
Work_Phone varchar(80)
Cell_Phone varchar(80)
Email varchar(120)
Preferred varchar(80)
passhash varchar(128) Unused.
Attempts bigint
resetCode varchar(80)
lockedOut int
TextAddr varchar(120)
LastDateIn date
Notes text
UserName varchar(120)
Password varchar(128) Unused.
Prefs text
Birthdate date
Gender varchar(80)
Ethnicity varchar(150)
Major varchar(120)
Class varchar(80)
DegreeGoal varchar(80)
Cohort varchar(80)
College varchar(80)
Grad_Und varchar(80)
DateStarted date
DateWithdrawn date
ReasonWithdrawn varchar(128)
GradDate date
GradDegree varchar(128)
GPA double
AccumHours double
PrimaryConsultantID bigint Relates to Staff.Sequence.
FlagText varchar(80)
CustomData json
WatchLists json
CreatedDT timestamp
ModifiedDT timestamp
Fund varchar(80)
gen_BIOConfirmed varchar(2)
gen_BIOConfirmedDT varchar(20)
Pronouns varchar(80)
Full_Name varchar(255)
Full_Name2 varchar(255)
_LastImportedDT datetime
PassLastDateChanged date
PassFailedAttempts int
AccountLocked tinyint
AccountLockDateTime datetime

Subject Related (Courses, Sections, Terms, Registrations, Faculty, SectionSchedule)

Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Unique identifier for each course.
Subject varchar(40)
Course varchar(20)
Title varchar(120)
ExcludeFromCharts tinyint
Dept varchar(40)
SubjectCourse varchar(200)
_LastImportedDT datetime
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Unique identifier for each section.
Inactive tinyint
Code varchar(80)
CourseID bigint Relates to Courses.Sequence
GradeGroupID bigint
CRN varchar(80)
TermID bigint Relates to Terms.Sequence
FacultyID bigint Relates to Faculty.Sequence
nonEnrolled tinyint
CustomData json
CreatedDT timestamp
ignoreRegImportDeactivate tinyint
Credits double
_LastImportedDT datetime
Title varchar(120)
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Unique identifier for terms.
Active tinyint
TermCode varchar(80)
OrderIdx int
ActiveFrom date
ActiveTo date
CustomData json Unused.
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK Unique identifier for registrations.
Inactive tinyint
OverrideDate tinyint
SectionID bigint Relates to Sections.Sequence.
StudentID bigint Relates to Students.Sequence (not Students.ID).
Grade varchar(40)
ValidFromDT datetime
ValidToDT datetime
Notes text
CustomData json
_LastImportedDT datetime
RegStatus varchar(40)
EarnedCredits double
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
UUID varchar(36)
FirstName varchar(80)
LastName varchar(80)
Password varchar(128) Unused.
UserID varchar(80)
UserName varchar(80)
Custom2 text
Custom1 text
Salutation varchar(40)
Department varchar(60)
Inactive tinyint
Phone varchar(80)
Email varchar(120)
CustomData json
OtherID varchar(80)
FullName varchar(255)
facultyBIO text
Pronouns varchar(80)
_LastImportedDT datetime
PassLastDateChanged date
PassFailedAttempts int
AccountLocked tinyint
AccountLockDateTime datetime
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
SectionID bigint Related to Sections.Sequence
Days varchar(30)
Time time
Duration int
Description text
OtherData text
Campus varchar(80)
Bldg varchar(80)
Room varchar(80)

Profile Related (Profiles, Centers, Groups, Reasons)

Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
Type int
Name varchar(80)
Inactive tinyint
ContactID bigint
NameForConsultant varchar(80)
CustomData json
TimeZone varchar(120)
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
Name varchar(80)
Prefs text
CourseListID bigint
fromEmail varchar(80)
ProfileType varchar(80) Unused.
ProfileID bigint Relates to Profiles.Sequence.
Inactive tinyint
PrimaryGroup bigint Unused.
Settings json
OtherData json
UpdatedDT datetime
IsWritingCenter tinyint
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
ProfileID bigint Relates to Profiles.Sequence.
Subcenters varchar(255)
Reason varchar(80)
Inactive tinyint
AutoLogTime int
AutoLogNow int
NotificationTime int
SnoozeTime int
isWork tinyint
isStaff tinyint
SortCode varchar(40)
NotForAppt tinyint
NotForLogin tinyint
NotForVisit tinyint
Category varchar(80)
CustomData json
Column Type Notes
Sequence bigint AI PK
GroupName varchar(80)
ProfileID bigint Relates to Profiles.Sequence.
Prefs json

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