
From Redrock Wiki

Consultant Certifications

The Consultant Certifications report will list the consultant ID, full name, certification type, grade, completed date, renewed date and expired date held for the certifications on the consultant profile.


  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Certification Type
Filter results to only certifications of a specified type, defaults to 'All.'

  • Sort by
Choose how the selected data is sorted.

  • Apply Date Range to
Choose what your selected date range is in reference to. Defaults to any matching date range.

  • Show Description
Include record description in results.

  • Show Email
Include email address in results.

  • Show Hours
Include certification hours in results.

  • Show Phone
Include phone number in results.

  • Show Only Consultants with Certifications
Check this to exclude consultants without certifications from your results.

  • Show Extra Field
Include the certification 'Extra Field' value in results.

  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.

  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;

