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Revision as of 15:20, 8 December 2022 by Redrock (talk | contribs)

This page highlights some of the recent changes made to the TracCloud platform, and how you can utilize them on your own instance. A list of past changes and a full changelog can be found in the tabs above.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to reach out to us on our helpdesk.

Latest posts

2022-12-08 | Terms and Conditions Response Listing

You can now view a list of students who have accepted your terms and conditions records, including the date of acceptance, active semester, subject, and initials. This can be viewed from your existing Terms and Conditions records in Other > Listings > Terms and Conditions > [Your Terms] > Responses.


Search Availability badges can be used to add information and indicators to availability slots. Each badge can appear for certain conditions, based on center, availability section/reason, location, skills/accommodations, etc.


Click "New Availability Badge" to begin. This will open a form where you can enter the details for your badge.


Manually Linked

Rather than the badge automatically appearing based on certain conditions, these badges appear in a menu to be manually selected on the availability itself.


Name of the Badge. This will not be displayed for students

Availability Type

Drop In, 1-on-1, or Group availability


Assign a specific Staff


Assign a specific Reason


Assign a specific Center


Assign a specific Subject

Special Needs

Select if applicable (more information)


Availability Type; Online, In Person, or Optional


Location of the availability

Once you've decided where the badge is needed and have made your selections from the options above, you can now determine which icon, colors, and info work best for the badge created.
Color: Color of Icon
Icon: Choose from the list or use a custom icon
Info Text: Enter text that will display when users hover over the icon

In the example screenshot above, this badge will only appear on availabilities of staff who have been assigned the “ASL” accommodation and are available in the Learning Center. Once saved, your badge will appear in the profile preferences if you need to edit/delete it later.


Any fields left blank will not be considered for where this badge appears, you can be as specific or non-specific as needed. You can also create as many badges as you'd like, more than 1 tag can appear for the same availability. When students search for an availability, the badges will display to the right of the screen as shown below.


2022-12-03 | Custom Fields on Q2 Raise Hand Menu

Custom Fields can now be assigned to the Q2 Raise Hand form to ask additional questions to your students when they're raising their hand. This question appears for Q2Remote, or when a hand is raised by staff from the Log Listing. The answers to these questions can be viewed on the Q2 queue page by expanding the relevant entry in the list (second screenshot below).

Instructions on configuring Custom Fields in general can be found here.


2022-11-16 | Custom Consecutive Appointment Limit

You can now choose a custom threshold for when consecutive appointments will be blocked. If "Prevent [user type]" is checked and this box is left blank, the default value is 2, meaning students are not allowed to book consecutive appointments. 3 would allow 2 consecutive and block the third.

This option is found in Other > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Time Restrictions > Prevent # consecutive.


2022-11-16 | Cancellation Grace Period

You can now add a grace period for cancellations. If a student books an appointment, and needs to cancel ~5 minutes later, you may not want that to count towards any maximum cancelled appointment rules. If a student cancels within the number of minutes specified here, the appointment will be deleted instead of set to a cancelled status.

This option can be found in Other > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Time Restrictions > Allow cancellation/deletion of new appointment within x minutes.


2022-11-04 | Set a Custom Auto-Cancellation Threshold

You can now change your threshold of missed/canceled appointments to auto-cancel the remainder of an appointment series. This can be found in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Other Schedule Options. If left blank, TracCloud will use the previous default of '2' for both of these preferences.


2022-11-04 | New Auto Termination Options

Additional options have been added to Auto Termination settings to provide better flexibility in how this feature applies to your visits.

There are now two parts of this process. The first, Terminate all still logged in, will only conclude visits that are still in-progress by your Time for Nightly Termination. The second, Auto terminate visits longer than, also applies to on-going visits that meet this criteria, however, this additionally applies to concluded visits. For example, if a user created a 10-hour visit for one of your students, this process will change it back to your defined time.

Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Log Listing Message[...] > Auto Termination.

  • Terminate all still logged in
If enabled, any on-going visits by Time for Nightly Termination will be concluded and set to your defined duration.

  • Auto set these visits time to (minutes)
If an on-going visit is terminated, this is the duration it will be set to.

  • Open visit terminations applies to Work Visits
Also apply the above logic to consultant Work Visits as well.

  • Auto terminate visits longer than (minutes)
This part of the process will also affect concluded visits as described earlier. This should be set to your maximum possible visit duration to prevent accurate visits from being adjusted. Leave this and Auto set visits time to blank to disable this part of Auto Termination.

  • Auto set visits time to (minutes)
This is the duration visits will be changed to in the above scenario. Leave this and Auto terminate visits longer than blank to disable this part of Auto Termination.

  • Time for Nightly Termination
This is the specific time the Auto Termination process runs each day. This process only applies to visits on the current day, so it should not be set later than 11:59pm.

  • Send Email Notification to Student / Center Admin
Toggling these options will send an email to the student and/or center admin letting them know that the student wasn’t logged out.

  • Delete visits waiting (not started)
If a 'Waiting' status visit reaches the auto-termination window, you can choose if it's terminated normally (unchecked) or deleted (checked).

  • Terminations apply to Work Visits
If you would like to also terminate work visits, you can check this box and define a different threshold and adjusted time.

2022-10-06 | New Options for Late Cancellation Notices

If a student attempts to cancel an appointment within the time limit defined by your profile, it will be counted as a Missed appointment. Two new options have been added to your Profile Settings to further customize the behavior of this feature. Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Appointment Status and Management.


  • Status for late cancellation
If left blank, a late cancellation will be recorded as "CANCEL - MISSED" (or your Profile's version of the "Missed" phrasing). You can use this to change the phrasing of this status entirely, but make sure to include the word "Cancel" somewhere in the status otherwise TracCloud will not send a cancellation email or open the time slot for other students.
  • Additional text message for late cancellation prompt / warning
This is an optional additional message that displays to students when they are cancelling an appointment outside of your time restriction. This appears in addition to the standard "This will be marked as missed" notice.


2022-10-04 | Include labels in selected SAGE Reasons/Recommendations

Two new Twig arrays have been added, ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels, which can be used to include labels in your SAGE emails.

The standard Reasons and Recommendations arrays will look like this when sent over email.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in Reasons %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}

ReasonsAndLabels and RecommendationsAndLabels will look like this.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% endfor %}

if statements can also be used to further format the labels.


Reasons selected:<BR>
{% for key,value in ReasonsAndLabels %}
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{{ value }} <br>
{% if value == "Grade" or value == "Attendance" or value == "Engagement" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Q2 Tables

Q2 Tables offers a unique approach to attendance tracking specifically for study table centers, tracking the total time a student spends in the center in addition to recording the individual table visits where students received help from consultants. Students begin their center visit studying independently, while having the ability to request assistance as needed. Q2 offers the ability for students to virtually raise their hand and specify what they need help with, which consultants will be notified of. Smartphones and tablets drive the queuing system, for both students requesting help and staff viewing which students need assistance while recording table visit time.


At any point during a student's independent study time, they can request help. This is a three-step process.

  • 1. The student opens the help request link from their email or scans a nearby QR code, enters their ID number, then specifies what they need help with and which table they're at.
  • 2. A consultant sees that the student has requested help for a subject they can assist with. The consultant will go to that table (or send an online invite link for a virtual session) and begin the table visit.
  • 3. Once the student has received all the assistance they need, the consultant will conclude the table visit. This process can repeat if the student needs more help later.



The end-user perspective of Q2. Students requesting and receiving help, with staff managing table visits, recording notes, and more.

How does Q2 Tables work for Students?

A student logs into a Q2 center ("From Center") to record the start of their visit. A staff member can log a student in manually, or the student can log themselves in via a kiosk using a barcode scanner, QR code, or by typing their student ID directly into the search field.

Upon login, students will be asked if they would like to receive an email regarding the Q2 request for help process. This email will contain a Q2 Help Link that students can use to virtually raise their hand, indicating that they need assistance from a consultant. This prompt will contain the student's TracCloud email address by default, but they can be given the ability to enter a preferred email address instead.

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If the student chooses not to receive an email containing the Q2 Help Link, they will also have the option to scan a QR code placed by your staff nearby. These QR codes can be table-specific, or you can share a single generic QR code and allow the student to choose their table from a drop-down menu. Both options are generated in your Q2 config.


Once the student scans the QR code or clicks on the emailed Q2 Help Link, they will end up at the window below. Here, the student will be asked to enter their email address or student ID number to request help.


After the student enters their ID or email address and clicks the continue button, they will be prompted to fill in some additional fields to describe what they need assistance with. The option to select a subject and reason can be toggled on or off in your Q2 config settings, depending on whether or not that information is relevant for your Q2 use-case. Once the request for help has been submitted, the student will be moved into a queue only visible from the consultant’s perspective, which will display all students currently requesting help, indicated by a raised-hand icon.


Students can also physically raise their hand or ask someone for help, and a staff member can then virtually raise the student's hand for them by clicking the box to the left of the student's name, as seen in the next portion of this article.

How does Q2 Tables work for Staff?

Staff will be able to open the Q2 queue directly from their dashboard to view logged in students and who has their hand raised. The list of options will be based on their permission group.



The staff Q2 Dashboard is split into two columns. On the left, students in the center working independently or with other consultants, and whether or not their hand is raised requesting assistance. On the right, students currently being helped by the consultant viewing this page. Each column can be collapsed by clicking on the button, which can be useful on smaller screens.

The icon in the lower-left corner also offers additional options.

  • Log Out & Main Menu are self explanatory, allowing the staff member to return to the dashboard or log out of their browser session.
  • allows the user to quickly access all of the QR codes relating to this Q2 config.
  • Queue Mode hides the "Currently being helped" column, students who don't have their hand raised, and additional details such as student photo. This can be displayed on a screen in the center so that students can see where they are in the queue if several students are requesting help at once.
  • Available Configurations allows the user to quickly switch to a different Q2 config, still limited by their permission group.

Staff members can be allowed to manage student's raised hands, and either raise or lower their hand by clicking the space to the left of their name. If your system has any Q2 Raise Hand custom fields, they can be viewed by clicking the icon.


In both cases, an additional pop-up will open to ask for more information and confirm that you want to raise/lower their hand. "Bump to top of list" can be used to artificially add wait time to the hand raise so that they're sorted to the top of the list.


Clicking on the entry will start a table visit with the student. This will lower the student's hand automatically (if it was raised in the first place), and they will now appear in the "Currently being helped" column for the consultant. This will also open a pop-up menu to edit the table visit, allowing the consultant to adjust the reason/subject or enter notes. If this pop-up menu is closed, it can be re-opened by clicking on the table visit entry in the right column at any time. Keep in mind that table visits cannot be managed from more than one device or browser session at a time. The table visit must be started and concluded in the same session.



Once the consultant is ready to conclude the table visit, they can click on the icon to end the visit and move the student back to the left column as they continue to work independently. This will also give the consultant a chance to enter any final notes before concluding the visit. If the visit was started by mistake and the table visit needs to be deleted rather than concluded, the button can be used instead.


Using Q2 Remote for Online Drop-in Sessions

Q2 can also be utilized in an Online context. Your availability should look something like this, set to Drop-in, Online, with the Online URL set to Q2Remote. This can also be made a drop-down option by modifying your Default Online Options in Global Preferences.


As a student, I can search for and click on this Drop-in session as usual.

However, clicking 'Enter Online Session' in this case will take me to the following form rather than a meeting room. This allows me (the student) to specify what I need help with and virtually raise my hand, waiting at this form until a link is ready.

As a staff member monitoring this Q2 config, I can see a student has their hand raised for a remote session. Clicking on that entry prompts me to send them a remote meeting link, such as a Zoom or Webex room.

And once again as a student, I see that my meeting link is ready, which I can click to join. After the visit has concluded, the staff member will lower my hand as usual and the student can request help again if needed.

Q2 Configuration

Before you can track table visits, you will need to create your Q2 config and update group permissions to ensure that everything is configured to your needs.

How to set up Q2

To begin creating your Q2 Configuration. Click on Other > Q2 Tables: Configurations. Select the Hamburger icon and click New Q2 Configuration


  • Q2 Configuration Name
This is the name of this Q2 Config, which will appear on the dashboard to staff opening the Q2 queue.

  • Profile
This determines which profile this Q2 Config will be assigned to.

  • From Center (Queue) & To Center (Center)
Q2 requires two centers, a From Center (Queue) and a To Center (Center). The From Center/Queue is where the Trac System will record the total time a student spends in the center. The To Center/Center is where the Trac System records each individual contacts a student has with a staff member, also known as micro-visits or table visits.
The From Center and To Center can both be created in your Profiles. Dashboard > Other > Other Options > [Your profile] > Centers > Create New Center. Your From and To centers will both need to be assigned a course list and reason(s), the same as your other centers.

  • Ask for Consultant
If checked, a consultant selection drop-down will be made available in the raise hand form for staff on the log listing specifically. This does not affect students who are raising their own hand.

  • Ask for Reason & Ask for Subject
If one or both of these options are checked, students (and staff on behalf of students) will be able to select a subject/reason when raising their hand. If checked, additional options will be made available to make each of these fields Required. Otherwise, it will be possible to leave these fields blank when requesting help.

  • Allow Enter Notes
If checked, consultants will be able to enter notes during their table/micro visits.

  • Show Reason/Subject in Queue Mode
By default, these fields are hidden in the Q2 queue mode. These options allow you to display them.

  • When Assigning Consultant - Logged in for work only
If you allow your staff to raise student hands from the Log Listing (more information later in this article), they will have the ability to select a consultant to assign this request to. If this option is checked, only consultants currently logged in for work will be shown.

  • Keep Center visit logged in
This only applies to students logging in for Q2Remote drop-in sessions. If unchecked, a center visit is not recorded for students, only table visits. If checked, the first time the student goes to raise their hand will also log them into your center. That center visit must be concluded by a staff member or terminated automatically, students are not given the ability to manage their own visits.

  • Expected Duration
This is the maximum table visit length before the timer in the Currently Being Helped column turns red indicating that the visit should be concluding soon.

  • Confirm Start Help on Initial Click
If enabled, an additional step is added when beginning a table visit with a student to confirm that the visit should be started. Can be useful if staff are frequently accidentally starting table visits.

  • Confirm Subject / Reason at Start
If checked, consultants will be able to modify the subject/reason that was initially selected when the student raised their hand. This prompt will appear at the start of the table visit, when the consultant clicks on the students name in the list.

  • Prevent Consultant from Raising Student's Hand
Prevents consultants from raising students' hands on behalf of the students.

  • Prevent Student from editing the email address for sending table help instructions
Enforce that the Q2 help instructions prompt use the email address from their student profile, preventing them from using a different address.

  • Play sound when hand raised
This will play a sound whenever a student raises their hand to get the attention of whoever is monitoring the queue.


  • Table Listing
This is where you can define the individual tables that students can request help from. Use Generate Table List QR Codes to display the QR codes for these specific tables. Table Locations can also be defined, which will be recorded for reporting purposes.

  • Table Help Procedures
This message will display when a student scans a QR code with their phone. The text will be visible immediately above the ID field.

  • KIOSK Login Instructions
This message appears during the initial center login on a KIOSK or Log Listing. This text appears on the same screen where the student can email themselves the Raise Hand link.

  • Student Instructions Email
This is where you can customize the contents of the email sent to the student. The URL will always be included below the text you enter here. This field supports twig.

Q2 Log Listing Options

It is also possible to show Q2 information and options on the Log Listing for staff to manage. These options are found in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Log In/Out > Log List Customization. This will only cover the Q2-specific options, for everything else, check out the dedicated Log List Customization article.


  • Q2 Hand Raised
This adds a 'Raise Hand' button to the Log Listing, allowing staff to raise or lower each student's hand. This will also display the table that the student has requested help at.

  • Q2 Visits List
This shows the student's currently ongoing table visits, if there are any.

  • Q2 Visit Flag
If enabled, a wifi icon will be added to the log listing for students who are logged in for a Q2Remote session.

  • Q2 Consultant
Shows the name of the consultant that the student is requesting help with, or the name of the consultant who is currently helping the student.

  • Q2 Consultant Alias
Shows the alias of the consultant that the student is requesting help with, or the alias of the consultant who is currently helping the student.

  • Q2 Current Reason/Subject
These display the subject/reason the student is requesting help for.

  • Q2 Reason/Subject
These display the reason/subject that the student is being helped with or was last helped with.


Permission Groups

In order for staff to have access to Q2, their permission group will need to be modified and adjusted to enable that access. The Admin/Modules tab will allow you to add a Q2 Config to each group as needed. This can be found in Other > Other Options > Groups > [The group you want to modify] > Admin / Modules tab.


Q2 Custom Fields

In the event that you need to create a custom question for students to answer while raising their hand, this can be accomplished with custom fields. To create a Q2 custom field, go to Other > Other Options > Preferences > Custom Fields. For more information on configuring custom fields in general, take a look at our dedicated custom fields article. In this case, make sure the location of your new custom field is set to "Visit - Q2 Raise Hand."



Once your question has been created, students will be prompted to answer it when they request help through Q2. As a staff member, you can view student answers on the Q2 query screen by clicking on the icon to the right of the student's name.



Q2 Report

There is currently one report available to view Q2 table visit data found in its own report category, Q2 Tables, detailed below.

Q2 Visits by ??

This report provides an overview of visits that took place in your center, along with the contact time(s) for each center visit. More information on Q2 can be found here.


  • Centers
Filter report data by center. You can select all centers or only a specific few to narrow down your results. At least one center must be selected.

  • Time Frame
The date range for the data in this report. Beyond entering a date range manually, you can also choose a preset date range (Today, This Month, This Semester, etc) from the dropdown list above.

  • Show Only Table Visits
Only show Q2 Table visits specifically, exclude center visit records.

  • Show Summary
Only show data totals, excluding details of individual records.

  • Show online locations specifically
If unchecked, the 'Location' for online Appts/Visits will be displayed as simply 'Online.' If this option is checked, it will display the specific online location (e.g., '').

  • Show Totals Bar Chart
Adds a visual bar chart of totals to your report data.

  • Time Format
This determines the format of duration, a 90-minute session could display as 1.50, 01:30:00, or 01:30.

  • Decimal Accuracy
This determines the decimal accuracy of duration data. Defaults to 2, showing a 1-hour session as "1.00".

  • Group by
Group records by the selected field. Some reports allow you to add secondary and tertiary groupings as well.

  • Search Group
Filter results based on your search in this group. For example, if you're grouping by Student Major, you can put 'Mathematics' in this field to only show students assigned to that Major.

  • Additional Search
Filter your results by a selected field.
Use * as a wildcard (Subject: MAT*)
| as "or" (Major: Mathematics|Biology)
# as "Not" (Status: #Inactive)
&& as "And" (Major: #Mathematics&&#Biology)
blankornull as a keyword to find records where the field is blank (Reason: blankornull)
Multiple fields can be added to further narrow down your results.

  • Additional fields to show
This can be used to add additional data fields to the report results. For example, you could use this to add a student's email address in a visit report.

  • Output format
Use HTML to view report data in your browser, or export this report to a CSV file (available for most reports). Some reports offer additional CSV options depending on if you want to include totals and/or data grouping in your export.

  • Deliver to
Display this report immediately in your browser ("Screen"), or send the report to a specified email address ("Email"). Multiple email addresses can be specified, use ; to separate them (;



For information on purchasing the Q2 Module, reach out to
For Q2 functionality questions, reach out to

2022-09-27 | Log Visits from Consultants' Upcoming Appointments

You can now provide consultants the ability to start and conclude visits directly from their Upcoming Appointments list.


To add this functionality, go to Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Appointment Display > Appointment Display to Staff on Dashboard. Add {{Appointment.LoginStudentToAppt|raw}}. If you aren't sure where you want it, we would recommend placing it towards the end along with your other action buttons as seen in the screenshot below.


Permission groups determine what kind of access your staff have to various elements of TracCloud. Each group represents a set of permissions. Do you want this group to access the schedule? Which centers? Can they create students? Can they manage resources? These options and many more are available to modify in your permission groups.

From a profile perspective, this tab displays the groups assigned to the profile, allowing you to manage your staff permissions to ensure they only have the information they need, and nothing more. Groups can also be managed from their own dedicated list by going to Other > Other Options > Groups.

We can create a new, or add an existing permission group to the profile by clicking the hamburger icon. New group will prompt us to choose a name and which profile it’s assigned to. After saving, you will be brought to the settings menu where we can configure the permissions of this group.

Within each permission group, you will find multiple tabs to categorize different types of preferences. Details on each of these tabs and the preferences within can be found below.


Center Access


  • Color/Icon Code
Some of these options have multiple permissions based on the icon selected for each field. Click on the icon to cycle through the available options. The key for what each icon represents is within the preference name. For example, “Scheduling: View Sched and Edit All or View Sched…” in the screenshot below.

  • Scheduling
These are the center schedules that staff assigned to this group can view/manage.
Schedule Access Options
View Staff Schedule Edit Appts on Staff Schedule Edit Avails on Staff Schedule Book Avail on Dashboard
View Sched and Edit All Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Sched - Edit Avail Yes No Yes No
Search Availability Only No No No Yes
View Sched - No Edits Yes No No No
View Sched - Edit Appt Yes Yes No Yes

  • Only access own schedule
Restrict consultants in this group to only being able to access their personal calendar (for the centers they’re assigned to).

  • Prevent create new appointments
Prevents users in this group from creating new appointments, independent of the center view/edit choice.

  • Viewing, Logging, Reporting Visits
This determines which centers the staff in this group can view or record visits in. The View Visit - Hide Notes access option can be used to restrict this group from viewing or editing the notes field in visit records.

  • Show the Center Status Tab on Main Menu
The Center Status tab appears on the staff main menu and provides a brief summary of visit/appointment totals as well as how many students are waiting in each of your centers. This checkbox enables or disables this feature for staff in this group.

  • Lists
You can choose which student lists this user group can view/edit. Just as with the center options, we can change the color of the squares to determine their level of access to each list (only search or search and edit).

  • Task Types
Which task types can this staff member view?

  • Notification Types
Which notification types can this staff member view?

  • Document Types
Which document types can this staff member view/edit? Editing permissions are required in order to upload documents.

User List


The User List contains all staff accounts that have been assigned to this profile. At a glance, we can see their name, email, and phone, but we can also click the entry to start editing their staff profile. We’ll go into more detail on this process in another article.

  • Move Selected Users to...
Allows you to easily select and move staff members to another permission group.

  • Delete Selected User(s)
Allows you to quickly select and delete staff members.



  • Show Consultant Location on Day Schedule
Displays the consultant’s location beneath their name on the day schedule view.

  • Show which student contact field on Schedule
Displays the student’s email or phone number in the top-left corner of appointments.

  • Allow user to override any scheduling rules
If this is checked, staff in this group will be able to bypass scheduling restrictions to book appointments for students regardless of the scheduling rules in place. A warning will still display notifying the user that they are booking beyond what a max appointment rule allows.

  • Allow user to pick repeating schedule dates
If checked, users in this group can modify the included dates when booking a recurring appointment for a student.
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  • If this is a consultant, do not cause one on one availabilities to be converted to drop in on search results
If the related global preference to convert unbooked 1-on-1s to drop-ins is enabled, this checkbox makes the consultants in this group an exception. These consultants will no longer have their availabilities converted to drop-ins, their availabilities will simply disappear from the available time slots when the schedule no later than threshold is reached.

  • Allow user to generate a dynamic search appointment QR Code based on an existing search appointment link
If enabled, users in this group will be allowed to create dynamic QR codes for custom appointment links. More information on this feature can be found in the scheduling prefs article.

  • Only allow links for self
Continuing from the option above, this option prevents consultants in this group from creating availability links for other consultant's schedules.

Student / Visit Entry


Student Access Preferences

  • View/Edit Student using form [Standard/Brief]
This option affects what fields are visible in the General > Info tab of student profiles. Standard lets these staff members view student profiles as usual, with access to every field (based on global preferences and the options below). While “Brief” limits access to only a handful of fields, as seen in the comparison below.

  • Allow user to delete student records [Standard Only]
This determines if staff members in this group can delete student profiles. It is recommended to leave this unchecked for non-administrative groups.

  • Allow user to create prospective student requests
Allows users in this group to create prospective student records from the students listing. Requires additional configuration in global settings, click here to learn more.

  • Prevent mass emailing from Student Listing
This prevents these users from sending batch emails to multiple students at once.

  • Prevent Action Send Email to Single Student
This prevents users from sending emails to individual students.

  • Hide [field] of student
These options allow you to toggle certain fields on or off depending on what these users should have access to, such as IDs and phone numbers. Some of these are only available if the “View/Edit Student using form” option is set to “Brief.”

  • Show Student Flag Information (Flag Text)
This enables a "Flag Information" text field in the "Other Info" tab of student profiles. If data is entered in that field, a grey flag icon will appear next to the student's name on the students listing.

  • Hide [tab] of student
These options allow you to disable the additional tabs in student profiles. The "Campus" tab contains some preset fields that have been enabled in Student Entry Choices under Global Preferences, and the custom tabs can be renamed in that same menu. Other Info and all custom tabs exclusively contain custom fields.

  • Limit Student listings to the chosen list
This allows you to restrict the students viewable by staff in this group to only students on a specific student list.

Visit Access Preferences

  • Allow user to view student visit satisfaction & Allow user to view consultant visit satisfaction
If visit satisfaction questions are enabled in your profile's log in/out preferences, these options allow you to control which groups can access the responses that were recorded. View and Edit allows this group to change the satisfaction rating for visits, while View only allows them to access what was previously saved. No Access hides these fields entirely in visit records. The visit satisfaction question will still appear during logout if View/No Access is selected, these options only affect concluded visit records.

  • Allow user to send notes to coach/advisor
Provides these staff members the ability to initiate the Visit Notes email from visit records, and enables automatic sending of the Visit Notes email if it's configured to do so in your Profile Prefs.

  • Prevent log in/out from KIOSK and Log Listing
If checked, these staff members will not be able to log students in/out on the Kiosk or Log Listing pages.

  • Allow user to save changes to visit records (and which visits)
This controls whether or not these staff members can save changes to visit records. If enabled, you can specify if they can save changes to their own visits or all visits.

  • Allow user to delete visit records (and which visits)
This determines if staff members in this group can delete visit records. If enabled, you can specify if they can delete their own visits or all visits.

  • Prevent user from accessing Batch Visits
If checked, users in this group will be unable to record visits with the Batch Visits utility.

  • User may view which visits
This determines if these staff members can view all visits, only their own, or none.

  • User may view which work visits
Similar to student version of this option, but for work visits instead.

  • Show the Utilization Tab on Main Menu
Enables the Utilization widget, allowing quick access to recent visits from the dashboard. Consultant accounts will also have the ability to quickly filter to only their own visits. All visit access permissions are still used, this does not provide additional privileges, only faster access to these records.

  • Show the Status Charts on Main Menu
Enables access to Status Charts, essentially menu reports that you can run from the dashboard. Click here for more information on Status Charts.

  • Show the Watch Lists on Main Menu
Allows access to the Watch Lists from the dashboard. This only displays the lists that this group has access to. Click here for more information on Watch Lists.

  • Show the Tasks & Create Task on Main Menu
Enables access to the Create Task widget on the dashboard. Click here for more information.

Log In/Out


  • Allow user to create student when not found in Log in Lookup
If a student record isn’t found based on the ID entered on the Log Listing, staff members can be given the ability to immediately create a new account for the student they’re logging in. This is generally not recommended as it can lead to duplicate students being created if someone was entering the wrong identifier in the first place.

  • Show KIOSK for Generic All Profiles option
This adds an additional Kiosk option for these users that allows students to login to any Profile's center from the same Kiosk.

  • Lock all KIOSKs and Log Listings to IP Zone for this Group
This option allows you to restrict kiosk/log listing access based on IP address. You can define IP address zones or simply an "On Campus" IP address in system preferences. The default value of blank will not restrict access based on IP.

  • Allow user to log resources in and out
This allows these staff members to log resources in/out via a “Log Resource” button within the “Other” tab in the navigation bar.

  • Allow user to view what resource the student has logged out
This allows staff members in this profile view resources that students have logged out.

  • Allow consultant to login for work at their main menu
Provides consultant accounts the ability to login for work visits from the dashboard. This will appear as a clock icon in the navigation bar where they can initiate or conclude their work visit without going through the log listing or a kiosk.

  • Hide 'Is Work' for Quick Visits / Visit Entry
If enabled, these users will not be allowed to create quick work visits. Work visits must be recorded by logging in and logging out.

  • Allow consultant to login for work on KIOSK where the user logged in is themself
By default, staff members are not allowed to login for work visits on kiosks that they initiate. If this option is enabled, that restriction is lifted, allowing them to login for work on their own kiosks/log listings.

  • Allow staff to view work visits on schedule
If enabled, users in this group can view work time on the staff schedule, visualized as a red line overlaying availabilities. This can be restricted to only their own work visits, or all.

  • Log In to Work: On/Off Campus Restriction
Both of these options allow you to restrict whether or not this user can start a work visit from their dashboard depending on their IP address. After you designate an on campus IP address in your system preferences, you can set these preferences to one of 4 values:
No Restriction - No additional restrictions regardless of IP.
Only with Appointments - Can only login for work during an appointment or drop-in availability time, with the allowed login window being determined by No sooner than x minutes before appointment starts and No later than x minutes after appointment starts.
Only with Appointments same modality ('Off Campus' only) - Same as above, but only if the appointment or drop-in availability is online.
Appointments/Availability same Modality ('Off Campus' only) - Same to above, additionally including any availabilities even if unbooked.
Not Allowed - Block work visit login entirely for that IP zone.

Admin / Modules


  • Table Access
This primarily determines which Listings these staff members can access. For example, you could entirely prevent a group from accessing the student listing, course listing, etc. Each table can be set to a different access level:
View Listing and Edit provides full access to this listing, along with editing permissions.
View Listing (No Edit) means that these staff can view the Listing page and the records within it, but can't save any changes.
Edit (No Listing) allows staff to edit records, but not browse the Listing page. A common example here would be Course Lists, where Consultants may be able to edit their own Course List, but you don't want them browsing to or editing others.
View Entry (No Listing) will prevent users from accessing the Listing or applying changes to individual records, but they are allowed to view individual records if provided a link.

  • Custom Views
Custom listing views can be shared to groups, allowing staff in this group to select these alternate views when needed.
Normal View will be available to switch to from that listing, but will not be the default.
Default View - will be the default when these staff members open the listing, but they can still switch to other views (or standard).
Only this View will be the only view this group can see for the related listing, they will not be allowed to switch to other views.

  • Custom Searches
Custom Saved Searches can be saved and shared to groups.

  • Allow user to access reports
This enables or disables access to reports. Some reports are restricted to certain User Levels independent of group, click here for more information. Choose the specific reports that users in this group can generate using the menu below.

  • Allow user to access payroll reports
This enables or disables access to payroll reports specifically. The above option also needs to be enabled for a staff member to view these reports. These reports are also only available to users designated as "Profile Admin" or higher.

Module Options

Controls which surveys these accounts have access to.

  • [ SAGE ] Allow user to view referrals on Dashboard
Adds a Referrals tab on the Dashboard providing quick access to referrals assigned to themselves, including information such as the Type, Date created, Date Followed-up, and Date Processed.

  • [ SAGE ] User may view which referrals
This option allows you to choose whether staff members can view all referrals or exclusively referrals they personally created.

  • [ SAGE ] Referral Type Access
This determines which referrals these staff members can access, including editing permission.

  • [ Q2 ] Q2 Module Group Access
This determines which Q2 Configs these staff members can access.

  • [ Text Alerts ] Allow user to view and edit the student field ‘Receive Text Alerts’
This option gives staff in this group the ability to enable or disable text alerts for students from the student’s profile.

  • [ Text Alerts ] Allow user to send SMS messages to students
This option provides staff the ability to send students messages directly, either from the Log Listing or the Student’s Profile under the “Actions” tab.

  • [ Text Alerts ] Allow user to send SMS messages to staff
Just like students, staff can also be sent SMS messages from their profile via the “Actions” tab. This option determines whether or not this option is available for staff in this group.



  • Prevent User from Creating Staff Records
If checked, these staff members will not be able to create additional staff accounts.

  • Prevent User from Editing Staff/Student Passwords
If checked, these users will not be allowed to set new passwords for students/staff.

  • Prevent User Viewing Grades
If checked, these users will be unable to view the grade field in registration records.

  • Override Required Field Validation (SysAdmin only)
If checked, SysAdmins will be allowed to save records without filling out required fields (standard or custom fields). This option can only be enabled in the SysAdmin group.

Add existing group

If you already have a group assigned to another profile (or no profile at all) that you want to provide profile access to, you can use the "Add existing group" utility. This allows us to provide staff members assigned to that group the ability to schedule and manage visits in centers outside of their own profile.

To accomplish this, click the hamburger icon again, and choose “Add Existing Group.” Next, select the group you want to add, which adds it to the list of groups. When clicking on this group (that still primarily exists in another profile), we’re given a restricted set of options, as it’s only displaying options relevant to this secondary profile.

  • Group Name
Changing the name here will also change its name in the primary profile.

  • Profile
This shows the primary profile this group is assigned.

  • Scheduling and Visits access
This is exactly the same as assigning center permissions in standard groups. This controls which centers staff members can view/edit visits and schedules in.

2022-09-21 | View Student Search Availability Count

You can now view how many times a student has searched for an availability without booking an appointment, this appears in the lower-right corner of their profile. This counter updates every 24-hours and resets the moment they book an appointment. You can search for students by this count from the student listing using Students.CustomData/SearchAvailsCounter=


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