User Manual

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Revision as of 17:14, 24 April 2023 by Redrock (talk | contribs)
Introduction to the User Manual

The Trac 4.0 system allows all departments and offices working directly with your students to work collaboratively and track the student activities across tutoring, advising, computer labs, and fitness centers. You may work with several of these areas of student activity, or just a single component. The Trac 4.0 system assists you with handling this information through profiles that are directed at specific areas of the student activity at your college or university. The profiles (AdvisorTrac, FitnessTrac, LabTrac, and TutorTrac) will each operate in a slightly different manner, geared toward the appropriate type of student interaction.

• TutorTrac is directed toward tracking the student activity in the tutoring and learning support departments.
• AdvisorTrac tracks the student activity in the advising and counseling departments.
• FitnessTrac will track the student activity in the college/university fitness or wellness center(s).
• LabTrac is utilized to track the student usage of the computer labs across your college/university.

In addition to the profiles, additional modules may be added to your Trac 4.0 system to add new features and enhance the capabilities of your system. The SAGE Early Warning module will allow your faculty to submit referrals, progress reports, or evaluations for the students in their courses. The SurveyTrac module enables surveys to be created and delivered manually or automatically to the users through the Trac 4.0 application. The Whiteboard module provides an online interface with interactive chat, drawing area, and documents for your consultants to meet with your students.

While each profile and module provides a standard user experience, a majority of the settings within each system is customized to your needs. There are global level settings to your Trac 4.0 application that are shared by all users within all profiles. Each profile also contains its specific profile level settings to affect the user experience within the individual profile. There are group level settings as well to control which users and consultants will have which level of access throughout the profiles and the Trac 4.0 system. And finally, there are individual level settings that do not control access, but allow for some customization of the user experience within the Trac 4.0 application.