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This page highlights some of the recent changes made to the TracCloud platform, and how you can utilize them on your own instance. A list of past changes and a full changelog can be found in the tabs above.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to reach out to us on our helpdesk.

Latest posts

2022-08-09 | Availabilities that aren't booked can now become drop-ins automatically

A new System Preference has been added (Other > Other Options > Preferences > Search Availability Options > Unbooked availabilities become dropins to students on search availability). If this is enabled, any in-person availabilities that remain unbooked by the time your "schedule no sooner than" limit is reached will automatically become drop-ins for students.

As an example, this test system doesn't allow students to book appointments within an hour of the session starting. At more than an hour out, it appears normally.

However, once we pass our 1-hour example threshold, the availability on the staff schedule looks normal, but students will now see this time as an available in-person drop-in session.

2022-07-27 | Default 'Choose Date' Option on Search Availability

You can now set a default "When would you like an appointment?" choice for users who search for availabilities with "Choose a Date & Center" from the dashboard.

This option is found in Other > Other Options > Preferences > Search Availability Options... 8466441.png

...and determines the default value of this option for users who users who use "Choose a Date & Center" in their availability searches.

Search Availability Options

These preferences allow you to modify the behavior of the Search Availability widget on the dashboard. There are 5 sets of settings, as you can have up to 5 Search Availability widgets at once by default. For example, if you had an AdvisorTrac and a TutorTrac profile in the same instance, you may want reason to be a required search criteria for Advising, but only require Subject for Tutoring. These options allow you to offer a separate widget for each profile. If your campus needs more than 5 widgets, this can be added at an additional cost. Reach out to for more information.


Search Availability Widgets

Screenshot: Search Availability Options.

  • Activate primary/secondary/tertiary search availability option
This allows you to enable additional search widgets when needed. The primary option is enabled by default.

  • Search Availability Title
This allows you to modify the name of the Search Availability widget on the dashboard. Also displays within the header of the subsequent search results page.

  • Default Search Option
This determines whether the Schedule an Appointment dashboard utility defaults to “First Available” or “Choose Date.” The latter will prompt staff and students to select a Profile, Center, and Date Range for their search results. Hide Search Option will hide this choice, preventing users from using anything but the default. Require Center can be used in combination with Default: Choose Date and Hide Search Option to always require that students select a center to find availabilities.

  • Show Profile Option to Student
When “Choose Date” Is used when searching for availabilities, the user is asked which Profile and Center they want to search in. This option provides the ability to disable the Profile choice for students.

  • Allow Search Subject/Reasons
Allows you to disable the Subject or Reason search options within the Schedule an Appointment utility.

  • Search Subject/Reason Prompt
Allows you to modify the phrasing of these drop-down fields in the Search Availability box on the dashboard. Search Conjunction determines whether the two fields are separated by an And or an Or.

  • Allow Special Skills
If enabled, students/staff will see the skills and accommodations search field when searching for availabilities. This should be enabled if using this functionality.

  • Linked Special Skills
This allows you to restrict which skills/accommodations are available in this widget. Default is blank (all).

  • Allow user to adjust chosen special skills
If checked, users can specify which skills/accommodations they want to search for. If unchecked, all available special skills will be chosen (as determined by Linked Special Skills).

  • Load Skills from Student
Automatically select student skills/accommodations based on Linked special needs to student lists detailed above.

  • Auto Choose Modality
If a modality is chosen in this field, only availabilities matching that modality will appear in search results. For example, you may have an in-person search availability widget and a separate online search availability widget. Unless this kind of configuration is needed, it's recommended to leave this field blank (i.e., all modalities).

  • Search Availability Instructions
A custom message that displays during the Search Availability process for staff/students. This field supports HTML.

  • Hide Dropins from Students
If enabled, Drop-in-type availabilities will not appear in availability search results for students.

  • Do not stack similar results
By default, TracCloud will stack similar availabilities in search results. This requires that the availabilities have the same meeting type, start time, end time, and center. Clicking on the stack expands the availabilities, where students can choose the consultant they want to work with. Enabling this option disables this functionality, so that availabilities are never stacked.

  • Linked Profiles & Linked Centers
This option allows you to only show availabilities from a particular profile or center (or multiple profiles/centers). The default for both is blank, meaning availabilities from all profiles/centers will be shown. Center choice does not override profile choice, if you select Profile 1 and a center from Profile 2, the Profile 2 center will not appear in search results. Profile 2 must also be linked to the widget, or the linked profiles field can be left blank.

  • For Students on List
This allows you to only display this search widget to this List of Students. Leave blank to disable.

Additional settings can be found beneath these settings. These apply to all search availability widgets.

Search Availability Preferences


  • Additional Instructions
Optional text that appears for those using the 'Choose a Date & Center' option for availability search. "Appointments must be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance" in the example screenshot below.

  • Prompt for choosing which profile/center of services and Title for All Profiles/Centers option
Change the phrasing of these choices within the 'Choose a Date & Center' option.

  • Default search availability date choice
Sets the default date choice within the 'Choose a Date & Center' option.


  • Unbooked availabilities become dropins to students on search availability
If checked, in the event that an in-person availability block is not booked within the allowed limit of your profile scheduling restrictions, the availability block will continue to be shown to students as an in-person drop-in to allow the time slot to still be utilized. You can make exceptions to this rule via permission groups under the "Scheduling" tab.

  • Hide number of slots found when the campus rules 'too soon' message is displayed
When searching for availabilities beyond what your "Schedule no sooner than" preference allows, TracCloud will inform the user/student that there are X number of availabilities on that date, and to come back later. If you'd prefer that TracCloud did not give a total number, this preference can be enabled.

Additional Settings


  • Master List for Search Availabilities Subject
Allows you to restrict Search Availability to a specific list of sections, overriding the Center and Consultant course lists.

  • Name for...
These options allow you to change the phrasing of availabilities types in your Trac System. For example, if your students find 'Multi-person' more clear than 'Group', it can be changed here. Default phrasing will be used if these are left blank.

  • Format to display Search Subject
Allows you to modify the format of subjects within the Search Availability widget. E.g., including or excluding Title, Section, Faculty, etc.

  • Allow Course Lists to be assigned to availabilities
Allows you to choose a course list in the availability subject field as a form of section group. If a course list is selected on a drop-in availability and the student joins with the ad-hoc QR code, the closest matching section from their registrations will be automatically chosen, similar to SI Batch Visits.

  • Allow move appointment to earlier time
This allows you to move appointments to a past availability slot with the "Move" button in appointment records, and how many hours in the past are allowed. The recommended value for this option is 0.

  • Relax Availability Reasons restrictions for Specialties (use Center Reasons only)
By default when creating availabilities and appointments from the staff schedule, the consultant's reason specialties are used to filter the list of available reason choices. Checking this box bypasses that filter, showing all reasons for the center regardless of the consultant's specialties. This does not apply to the search availability dashboard widget(s), where reason specialties will still apply.

Report Unable to Find Appointment


  • Setting for Report Unable to Find Appointment
This adds a utility to the Search for Availability screen allowing staff and students to report that they weren’t able to find an availability that works for them. Button Label can be used to change the student-facing phrasing of this option.
  • Off disables this functionality.
  • Standard provides a standard form where students can write out what they searched for and what they did (or didn’t) find. These reports can later be reviewed and managed by staff with the appropriate permissions.
  • Custom lets you enter a custom URL that students will be taken to after selecting the “Report Unable to Find an Appointment” button.

  • Button Label
Changes the label of the button that students would click when using this utility. Report Unable to Find Appointment by default.

  • Instructions
This text appears within the "Unable to Find Appointment" prompt for students & staff, and can be used for additional instructions or contact methods.

To give users access to these reports, go to Other > Other Options > Groups > [The group you want to update] > Admin/Modules > Table Access > Add 'Outstanding Appt Requests' > Save. An 'Outstanding Appointment Requests' report is also available, more information here.

2022-07-26 | Search for Students who have Searched for Availabilities

There are now two additional search options on the student listing, listed below.

StudentSearchAvailsUnfound.ForDate= will return all students who searched for an availability but did not book an appointment on the specified date.

StudentSearchAvailsFound.ForDate= will return all students who searched for an availability and DID book an appointment on the specified date.


Confirm Bio

Confirm Bio allows students and staff to update their own information, either by following a URL sent to their email address after a KIOSK login, or within a prompt displayed in their browser after signing in. The information they’re allowed to view/edit is up to you. You can also prevent students from starting a visit until their bio has been confirmed, or even add staff bio as an element of search availability.

Each student and staff member has a checkbox in their profile that represents whether or not they have completed the confirm bio prompt. This checkbox can be reset manually or automatically to ensure that users have the most up to date information in their profile, even if the information differs from what is found in your import file. Students and staff can also manually edit their bio at any time via a widget on their dashboard.

Student Confirm Bio Settings


  • Confirm Staff Bio Activation
Toggles this functionality on or off.

  • Reset Student Confirmations on date and Next Date Time for Reset
Provides the option to reset confirmations on a specific date, prompting students to confirm their bio once again.

  • Reset Student Confirmations after days and Reset after ___ days
Provides the option to automatically reset confirmations after a certain number of days.

  • Confirm Bio Instructions
This message appears at the top of the Confirm Bio prompt, typically instructions for the information required or terms to agree to.


  • Chosen Fields to Display to Student
These are the editable fields within the Confirm Bio prompt. Each field can be assigned a status:
Editable - This field can be edited by students, but if this field is imported, the import will override the contents of this field.
Editable - Prevent Override - Allows editing like above, but the import process will not override the data saved here. Once the bio confirmed checkbox has been checked, no further changes will be made to this field by the import process.
View Only - The student can view the current contents of this field within Confirm Bio, but the field cannot be modified.

  • Ask Student to Type Initials when confirming
Students will be prompted to enter their initials before continuing, as a form of e-signature.

  • Ask Confirmation on KIOSK Login
If the student's bio hasn't been confirmed, their Kiosk logins can be interrupted with one of the following options. If an email choice is selected, additional settings will be made available (email subject and body). On the kiosk prompts, a QR code will also be available that students can scan instead of checking their email.
  • Don't Ask on KIOSK disables this functionality; kiosk logins will be unaffected by Confirm Bio status.
  • Show Confirmation Form will display the Confirm Bio form on the screen, prompting the student to fill this out before continuing.
  • Send Link via Email - Allow Sign In will cause the Confirm Bio form to be emailed to student, but the student will still be allowed to login.
  • Send Link via Email - Required before Sign In will cause the Confirm Bio form to be emailed to the student, and will require it to be filled out prior to visit login.

  • Title of Edit BIO button
Allows you to change the label name of the Confirm Bio button on the student dashboard.

  • Title of Confirmation Button
This determines the name of the submit button. E.g., "Save," "I agree," "Submit," etc.

Staff Confirm Bio Settings

The staff side of these settings starts off similarly with our activation rules.


  • Confirm Staff Bio Activation
Toggles this functionality on or off.

  • Reset Staff Confirmations on date and Next Date Time for Reset
Provides the option to reset confirmations on a specific date, prompting staff members to confirm their bio once again.

  • Reset Staff Confirmations after days and Reset after ___ days
Provides the option to automatically reset confirmations after a certain number of days.

  • Confirm Bio Instructions
This message appears at the top of the Confirm Bio prompt, typically instructions for this process.


  • Chosen Fields to Display to Staff
These are the editable fields within the Confirm Bio prompt. Each field can be assigned a status:
Editable - This field can be edited by staff, but if this field is imported, it will override the contents of this field.
Editable - Prevent Override - Allows editing like above, but the import process will not override the data saved here.
View Only - The staff member can view the current contents of this field within Confirm Bio, but the field cannot be modified.

  • Ask Staff to Type Initials when confirming
Staff will be prompted to enter their initials before continuing, as a form of e-signature.

  • Allow Edit Course List Specialties
Provides consultants the ability to edit their linked Course List.

  • Allow Edit Reason Specialties
Provides consultants the ability to edit their own Reason Specialties.

  • Allow Edit Personal BIO Text
Provides consultants the ability to edit their own Staff Bio. This is ties into the Show Staff BIO on Search Availability setting.

  • Allow Upload Photo
Provides consultants the ability to upload a photo to their staff record.

  • Allow Edit Special Needs / Accommodations
Provides consultants the ability to edit their own skills / accommodations. More information.

  • Title of Edit BIO button
Allows you to change the label name of the Confirm Bio button on the staff dashboard.

  • Title of Confirmation Button
This determines the name of the submit button. E.g., "Save," "I agree," "Submit," etc.


  • Chosen Fields to Auto Update Staff Data
In the event that your consultant is linked to a student account (based on the two records having the same username), you can automatically pull a few data points from their student profile into the consultant profile to save time and to ensure they're up to date based on your SIS import. Phone, Name, Email, etc. Manual changes to student accounts also use this auto update utility.

  • Show Staff BIO on Search Availability
This enables Staff Bio to be visible to students when searching for availabilities by clicking on a particular consultant's name from the availability search results.

  • Layout of the Staff BIO
If the above option is enabled, this determines what/how consultant information is displayed. By default, their Name, Photo, and Phone will appear on the left, with the written Staff Bio on the right. This grid can be changed/moved as needed.

2022-06-16 | Search by Location on Schedule

A new System Preference is now available that allows you to search the staff schedule based on location. This is found in Other > Other Options > Preferences > System Preferences > Activate Location Filtering.


Once enabled, you can easily search the schedule by a consultant's assigned location.


Reasons/Services allow your staff and students to provide additional information and reasons for booking an appointment. For example, reasons such as “Counseling,” “Study Plan Help,” or “Exam.” This would let the consultants know what the student needs help with, provide preparation details and information as needed, and gives your staff additional information for reports. Reasons can be managed by going to Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Reasons.


The hamburger icon contains several management options, detailed below.

  • Show Activated
This will display globally activated reasons (left-side checkbox).

  • Activate/Deactivate Found Records
Activate/Deactivate reasons in bulk, based on your last search result.

  • New Reason
Create a new reason.

  • Add Multiple Reasons
Create multiple reasons at once, each on its own line.

Creating Reasons

Click on the hamburger button, then select “New Reason” to be brought to the Reason creation menu.


  • Profile
By default, the profile we started creating this reason in will be selected, however, we can change this value or even choose “Available for All Profiles.”

  • Reason
The name of the reason, this will be what’s selected by students or staff during appointment scheduling and kiosk logins.

  • Category
The category this reason is assigned to. More information on this can be found further into this article.

  • Sort Code
Manually specify how your reasons are sorted during login or appointment search. This can be numeric, or you can simply paste your reason name to sort alphabetically.

  • Log Out Method & Visit Time
There are three Methods available.
  • Auto Logout After Time, which will automatically log the student out of the center when the time specified in Visit Time is reached.
  • Auto Logout Immediately will log the student out immediately after they’re logged in and create a visit record of the length specified in Visit Time.
  • Notify Time Expired, which will send out an email based on the checkboxes used when the time limit is reached. The contents of this email will be determined by your 'Visit Duration Notification' email in your Profile Prefs.

  • Inactive
We never recommend deleting records in TracCloud, as this removes them from reports and related records. In the event that you are no longer utilizing a reason, you’ll want to check the Inactive box instead of deleting it to keep the records available and accurate.

  • Work Reason
Work reasons allow consultants to login to TracCloud and track their work hours. This data will then be available to users with appropriate permissions via payroll reports. For more information on payroll tracking in general, click here.

  • Ignore Section Specialties when Searching Availabilities with this Reason
This functions similarly to the 'Ignore Specialties' options in Centers. If a student is searching for availabilities and selects a Reason with this checkbox enabled, they will see all consultants assigned to this Reason regardless of subject chosen. Typically used for Writing or Coaching-related Reasons.

  • Do NOT SHOW for Students (staff only)
If checked, this Reason will only appear for staff who are booking appointments on behalf of students. Students themselves will not see this Reason.

  • Do NOT SHOW for Appointments
  • Do NOT SHOW for Batch Visits
Don’t show this reason under these specific circumstances.

Assigning Reasons to Centers

There are two ways to assign Reasons to your Centers, first is directly from this tab in your Profile. The checkbox button on the right-side allows you to activate/deactivate reasons for the center selected in the top-left corner, or display all activated reasons for the selected center. This can also be used with “All centers” selected, allowing you to quickly add or remove a reason from all of your centers. 785kj4hg3jk75.png

Reasons can also be assigned from your Center directly. From your Profile, click on the Centers tab followed by the Center you want to update. The very last option on this page is 'Active Reasons,' allowing you to add or Remove reasons for this specific Center.

Reason Categories

Categories allow you to group different reasons together. If you have several reasons available, it can be beneficial to group them into categories that staff and students can select when booking appointments.

These Categories will appear followed by “…”, which when clicked will prompt you to choose a Reason within the category.


As an example, a “Placement Assessment” category that contains different assessment reasons for each course. A “Note-Taker” category, “Make-Up,” etc. If you have multiple reasons that would be better grouped together, putting them in the same category allows for improved organization and an easier appointment booking process for staff and students.

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