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Revision as of 09:56, 4 May 2023


This page highlights some of the recent changes made to the TracCloud platform, and how you can utilize them on your own instance. A list of past changes and a full changelog can be found in the tabs above.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to reach out to us on our helpdesk.

Latest posts

2023-05-04 | Asynchronous Availabilities and Appointments

It's now possible to create asynchronous availabilities for your students. These appointments offer a text chat for students and consultants to communicate with each other asynchronously, along with the existing document upload functionality to share files. After booking, these sessions appear in a new widget on the dashboard showing any in-progress asynchronous sessions. These sessions can be concluded and reopened at any time, as opposed to standard synchronous appointments which have a designated start and end time.

For more information on enabling this feature and how to create these availabilities, click here!

These appear as a purple availability block to differentiate them.

Both students and consultants will see in-progress asynchronous appointments on their dashboard.

The text chat appears as an additional tab in the appointment record.

2023-04-25 | Catching up on the past few weeks of updates

You may have noticed a delay since the last "What's New" article, but that's not because new features haven't been getting added, it's the exact opposite in fact! We're working on updating a large portion of the TracCloud wiki to reflect the new options and capabilities of the system, as well as to provide more in-depth guides where needed. That's still in progress, but this article is to catch up on some of the features that we haven't had the chance to highlight yet. (Asynchronous availabilities are coming soon as well!)

  • 2023-04-14: "Send Link via Email" on Student Confirm Bio settings now shows a QR code for the student to quickly scan on the kiosk

  • 2023-04-12: New report, Student Search Availabilities
View information about what subjects and reasons students are searching for, and whether or not they booked an appointment. More information.

  • 2023-04-07: An "Advanced Prefs" menu has been added in Profile Prefs to better separate some of the less used and not typically recommended options.

Use "Students.CustomData/BIOConfirmed=1" to find students who have confirmed their bio, and "Students.CustomData/BIOConfirmed=#1" to find students who haven't.

  • 2023-04-06: "Visit" steps in Success Plans can now be configured with a minimum duration.

  • 2023-04-02: New Referrals Listing menu.
A new listing menu has been added for SAGE referrals. This can be added to your permission group by going to Other > Other Options > Groups > [The group you want to modify] > Admin/Modules > Table Access, then add Referrals to that list and save.

  • 2023-03-24: Custom views have been added to the Appointments Listing

Review how many non-duplicated hours your consultants were booked for, along with their max hours (if applicable).

In the Number of Days to Export field, you can now enter a value such as "14...5" to export the last 14 days of data up to the last 5 days. Some campuses may require more time to clean up recent records before including them in the export, which was the purpose of this addition.

Depending on when you're reading this, the wiki link above might not have an updated screenshot, but you'll see the new "Remember Student" option right next to "Remember Notes" on the Batch Entry tab. This allows you to repeatedly create visits for the same student account. E.g., a generic student account for prospective students.

  • 2023-03-21: SAML Duel Tenant Support
If your campus requires this, reach out to our helpdesk using the support links at the top of your screen and we'd be happy to help you set it up.

2023-04-11 | New Look for Availability Online or In-Person Settings

An update will be released soon that simplifies the look of online/in-person options within availabilities. This adjustment doesn't require you to make any changes to your existing availabilities, and will be applied automatically and seamlessly when released. This wiki article is just to make sure everyone is aware that these options will look slightly different in the near future.

The purpose of this new look is to accommodate a future third Meeting Type for Asynchronous availabilities. Keep an eye on our Wiki for more information on that at a later date! If you have any questions about this adjustment, don't hesitate to reach out to us with the contact information at the bottom of this article.


This change also necessitates a slight visual adjustment to the appointment entry screen as well, with each selected modality appearing as a radio choice when booking or modifying these records.


This new look is also intended to be more intuitive to use if you're unfamiliar with TracCloud's schedule. "Optional" and "Optional Chosen" are no longer needed, as you can directly chose the Default Type when applicable. To further clarify, the screenshots below compare the old availability types to their new equivalents.

In-person only
New equivalent. The "Default Type" field cannot be modified.

Online only
New equivalent. The "Default Type" field cannot be modified.

New equivalent.

"Optional Chosen"
New equivalent.

2023-03-14 | Notification Menu Improvements

The Notification menu has received an update to make it easier to search, categorize, and hide notifications. The drop-down option at the top of the menu allows you to select the category of notification that you want to filter by (Task, Appointment Request, etc). Additionally, each notification can now be hidden with the eye icon (or you can hide all shown with the button at the bottom). Hidden notifications can be viewed by clicking on the There are X hidden items text.


Appointments Listing

An Appointment represents the reservation of a time slot (availability) between a student and a consultant. The student intends to show up at your center at X date & time, for Y subject, Z reason, etc. If the student attends this appointment, a visit record will be created. If they do not attend, no visit will be created, and the status will be recorded as cancelled or missed as needed. Appointments can additionally contain custom fields that both students and staff can fill out, as well as documents that need to be shared between the two parties.


The Appointments Listing can be viewed by going to Other > Listings > Appointments. Access to this listing can be provided by adding "Appointments" table access to a permission group under 'Admin / Modules'. This listing contains all appointment records that you have permission to view, including the ability to make batch changes, create custom views, or simply search for and few individual appointments. The icon shows if the registration that the appointment was booked for is still active.

Each column of information displayed has a clickable header that will sort the listing accordingly. Clicking once sorts ascending, a second click will sort descending.


Using the Search Bar on this screen, we can easily perform quick searches to find specific appointment records. Right clicking in the search bar (shown below) will provide a list of available appointment fields to search, click any of these to auto-fill the search bar.


Example Searches:

  • Find an appointment by a single value, such as student ID. Specifying 'Students.ID=' actually isn't required for ID or Name searches, but it works well as an example.

  • Search multiple fields at once, separate your searches by a space.
Students.ID=1931 Appointments.Online=1

  • When performing multiple searches where at least one field contains a space, make sure to surround the contents you're searching for with quotation marks.
Students.ID=1931 Reasons.Reason="Paper Writing"

  • Date searches such as this are required to be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

  • You can also search by a date range with ... (quote protected)

Hamburger Menu

Every listing page in the Trac System features a hamburger menu with utilities to search for or interact with your list of records. Some of these options are specific to a certain listing/record-type, others are shared. The following list includes definitions for the hamburger menu options available on this listing, and how they can be utilized.


  • All Appointments, Today, Recent Appointments, etc
These options allow you to quickly search for a specific date range for your appointment records. Recent Appointments is the default, showing the past 6 months of data.

  • Search
This utility will open a pop-up window unique to each Listing it's present on, allowing you to search your records by a number of different fields.

  • Power Search
This option provides a simple but powerful search utility to find the records you need. String together multiple searches, adding or removing results for each. Use Search Symbols to include ranges of data, and Save Searches for later use if needed. The search term 'blankornull' can be used to find all records with a value of nothing ("") or null ().

  • Saved Searches
See Saved Searches for more information.

  • Show these <records>
This utility takes your selection of records, finds the related records, and takes you to that listing with the resulting records. For example, on the Registration listing, you can "Show these Students" to display the student records for the registrations that you were viewing.

  • Find/Merge Duplicates
These utilities can be used to cleanup duplicate records in your Trac System. We highly recommend reaching out to Redrock Support directly for assistance in cleaning up this data.

  • Find by Values
This utility can be used to search one field for multiple values. If you have a spreadsheet containing a list of student IDs, this is an easy way to pull up the same list of students in TracCloud by copying the ID column into this search field.

  • Change Field Values
This utility allows you to make modifications in to your records in bulk. Similar to the Merge Duplicates utility, we highly recommend coordinating with Redrock Support directly on this setting.

  • Selected...
The Selection Tool offers several options to filter and manage your records. More information on this feature can be found in its own dedicated article here.

  • Views
See Views for more information.

  • Create Chart
Based on the data currently being viewed a chart can be generated to visually illustrate the relationships in the data.

  • Print
Allows you to print the contents of the current listing, by extension this also allows you to export the current list as a PDF file.

See Also

  • Custom Fields - Custom fields can be placed in appointment records.

2023-02-09 | Block Students from Booking Appointments Between Two Static Times

It's now possible to prevent students from booking appointments in a specific time range during the day. This applies in addition to the standard "Schedule no later than" rule. The purpose of this is to prevent students from booking very early in morning if your consultants need additional notice in advance.

This option can be found in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Prefs > Scheduling > Time Restrictions > Block student from booking appointments between # and #.


2023-02-09 | Search for Students with Birthdays Today

A new special search criteria has been added to TracCloud allowing you to easily find students who's birthday is today. From the student listing, use the phrase "birthdaytoday" to locate these students. See screenshot below.


2023-01-30 | Allow Students Without an Assigned Advisor to Book With Any Staff

A new option has been added to your centers that allows students who's Assigned Advisor field is blank to book with any available Advisor. This option only has an effect if you're already utilizing Student/Consultant link.

This can be found in Other > Other Options > Profiles > [Your Profile] > Centers > [Your Center] > Students with Null or Blank Values in Linking field can book with anyone.


2023-01-19 | Consultant Sort Code for Kiosk Login/Logout

If your Trac System is configured to ask for consultant name during visit login or logout, the list will be sorted alphabetically by last name, then first name. A new option has been added to staff profiles named 'Sort Code' which allows you to override this. Consultants are first sorted by Sort Code, then by Last/First name.

This can be found in Other > Listings > Staff > [Your Staff Account] > Sort Code on KIOSK Login.


In the example below, Dave has a Sort Code of "A" while everyone else is blank (processed as "M"). Similarly, Dave could be given "Z" instead to push them to the bottom of the list. "1", "AAA", "_" are also valid options.


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